"The Beidou Qiankun Sword has a sword spirit, and I will ask the sword spirit to make you a peerless sword." Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao was not sharpening, Nangong Jin added: "At least you won't be able to sharpen such clay with the sword I made for you." Feeling exhausted."

Sure enough, Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up: "Really?"

"Can I still lie to you? Go back quickly."

"Okay." Lu Xiaoxiao nodded obediently and flashed back to the space. She can't help him a little bit, so don't make trouble.

What happened after that, Lu Xiaoxiao was directly and severely shocked.

I saw Nangong Jin split the Big Dipper Qiankun Sword in his hand into two, one for the left hand and the other for the right. Although there were only two pieces in total, they became shorter after they were separated, but the golden light that shone slightly and was like paper cuts. The flying clay all tells the magic of Beidou Qiankun Sword.

Nangong Jin stood in the air, harnessing the profound wind power and rushed towards it quickly. Wherever he passed, the clay that was stronger than ten thousand years of cold iron was chopped off one after another.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Nangong Jin's speed slowed down.

"What's wrong?"

"Here we are." Wuyan replied.

Lu Xiaoxiao immediately left the space and came to where the baby was.

Although the front was still covered with clay, at this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao could already feel the aura that could almost stimulate the soul.

Standing far away around this baby is a little breathless to be stimulated by the spiritual energy. If this thing is really taken into its own space, how many people will benefit from it!

"How can there be such ample aura?"


Nangong Jin and Wuyan stared at Clay without saying a word.

Holding the Beidou Qiankun Sword, Nangong Jin cut the front, back, left, and right clay at an extremely fast and precise speed. One was wrapped in clay, and the inside was milky white. It was about seven meters high, three meters wide, and five meters long. One of the stones finally revealed itself.

Seeing the shock on Wuyan and Nangong Jin's faces, Lu Xiaoxiao knew that this was definitely a good thing.

There are so many good things in the space, so the so-called treasures outside have always been looked down upon. If he can show such a shocked expression, then this baby is really a baby.

"What the hell is this?"

"Earth's center stone." Wuyan glanced at Lu Xiaoxiao, the corners of her lips raised unconsciously.

"Xiaoxiao really deserves to be the woman who saved the Milky Way in her previous life. You can touch such a treasure. And it's so easy." Nangong Jin couldn't help but sigh.

"..." Lu Xiaoxiao looked at the two men who didn't know whether they were hurting her or praising her, and asked, "What is this thing? Is it powerful?"

"Have you heard of the aura of heaven and earth?" Wuyan felt that he should supplement Lu Xiaoxiao's knowledge in this area.

"I've heard of it." Lu Xiaoxiao nodded, then her eyes widened suddenly: "Couldn't this thing be a thing that produces the aura of heaven and earth? That's too heaven-defying! If we move it away, the whole world will be destroyed." Doesn’t the Antarctic Continent plus the Sky Territory have no aura?”

"A plane must be composed of the aura of the sky and the earth. The reason why the aura of the Antarctic continent is so scarce is that the aura in the air was no longer surrounded by the atmosphere because of the big explosion ten thousand years ago. If it weren't for Tianyu's great power to wrap the entire periphery of the plane with a huge barrier, otherwise, without waiting until now, Tianyu's aura would have been exhausted long ago.

Although the aura of the earth is not as good as that of the sky, the earth also has a spirit, and the earth spirit milk is the treasure that specially produces the aura of the earth. It was also because of the explosion that the earth spirit milk was damaged, otherwise such a large plane would not have only such a small amount of earth spirit milk. "

"Didn't you say that this is the center of the earth stone? Why did it become earth spirit milk again?" Lu Xiaoxiao was puzzled.

Nangong Jin explained: "Inside the core stone is the earth spirit milk. Such a piece of earth core stone, the earth spirit milk inside is probably only 50 cm in size."

"So small?" Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes twitched, and her cheeks began to hurt.

Wuyan couldn't help but tapped Lu Xiaoxiao's forehead lightly: "Just such a small earth spirit milk can support 100,000 people in the Hua family underground at a distance of 50,000 meters. Did you know that only one drop of earth spirit milk can What kind of achievements have you made?"

"I don't know." Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed with eagerness to learn. This sentence is what she likes to hear the most, because it means that she can level up again for nothing.

"As long as you eat a drop of Earth Spirit Milk, your strength will immediately rise from level one to level six to level seven. I don't know if you can reach the peak, but there will definitely be no problem at level seven."

Now Lu Xiaoxiao was waiting for her eyes to come out.

What is she saying? What are you talking about?

She said that it is impossible for someone as talented and lucky as her to reach the peak of the seventh level after practicing for three thousand years.

Now it's only been 3 months since she crossed over, and her strength can directly soar from level 1 to level 6 to level 7! What is this concept?

This concept means that she can step into Wuzong with one foot, and after eating a drop of earth spirit milk, she can directly enter the heavenly level across 42 levels including Wuzong, Wusheng, Supreme, Human, Xuan, and Earth! ! ! !

Heavenly, my dear!

Straight across 42 levels! ! !

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's take it to space now, and then each of us will eat a drop. The ancestor of the Hua family is still a bird? Just smash the human-level scum into pieces!"

At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao's emotions were unprecedentedly high. At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao was righteous.

Because she couldn't wait to torture the entire Hua family to death.

"Couldn't you not be so secretive? You know that after you say these words, she will think wildly, but you insist on making her very happy before you pour cold water on her!"

Although it is his own spirit body, Nangong Jin, who is a soul body, really can't get used to it.

Although he and Wuyan didn't fit together at the moment, in the space, he and Wuyan's spirits were integrated, so Wuyan and his thinking could completely share.

Wuyan could finish the sentence at once, but he just couldn't. Doesn't he understand that it's a bad feeling to be so happy that you can enter the clouds and be photographed fiercely?

After hearing Nangong Jin's words, Wuyan felt that what he said was right. It's just because he doesn't have the feeling of flying into the sky, so he can't understand Lu Xiaoxiao's feeling of flying into the sky and riding a roller coaster.

"What do you mean?"

No matter how stupid Lu Xiaoxiao was, she could still hear the mystery. Nangong Jin's words just now must have given her a huge blow immediately afterwards.

Only then did Nangong Jin carefully explain: "No effort can be accomplished overnight, it needs to accumulate over time to grow.

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