The Earth Spirit Milk can indeed increase your strength from the first level to the seventh level or even the peak, but because your meridian has not been polished for a long time, it has not been widened enough. This is like you need to drink water, but I gave you the sea, do you know what will happen to you? "

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded awkwardly: "I will be drowned!"

Nangong Jin rubbed her head and praised: "Smart!"

Lu Xiaoxiao: "..." Can we not treat her like a child in kindergarten?

"So I can only hold this baby and look at it, absorb its aura, practice hard, and make my skills grow quickly?"

"No." Nangong Jin said: "There is such a large piece of earth core stone wrapped around the outside of the earth spirit milk. After taking the earth core stone to the space and peeling off the clay outside, we can scrape some of the earth core stone. When the stone powder comes down, drink this thing with soaked water, as long as the size of a fingernail, it can probably make your strength reach the peak of the Supreme."


Supreme peak! ! ! !

her? ? ?

After hearing Nangong Jin's words, Lu Xiaoxiao habitually looked at Wuyan, waiting for his next blow. But Wuyan didn't speak.

"So... can I eat?" Lu Xiaoxiao was full of thoughts, but asked weakly.

Nangong Jin: "..."

She stared at Wuyan, blaming him with her eyes. When he was not in the space, what did this spiritual body with negative EQ and negative feelings do to his beloved woman?

"Yes, you can eat whatever you want!" Wu Yan felt a little guilty after being stared at by Nangong Jin.

After they fit together once, not only Nangong Jin, the soul body, can feel his consciousness in space, even not too far away from him, but he can also feel some of his feelings in a place closer to the soul body.

After having this kind of feeling, coupled with the blame from the soul body, Wuyan developed a feeling called guilt towards Lu Xiaoxiao.

Only then did he realize that it was really his fault that he had hit Lu Xiaoxiao countless times.

But for Lu Xiaoxiao, she has long been used to being abused by the faceless uncle, and she can't feel the guilt from the heart of a certain uncle at this moment.

She doesn't need to apologize either.

After hearing a certain uncle say "Eat whatever you want", the whole person went crazy!

"Then my eldest brother, second brother, and third brother can they eat?"

"Yes." Wuyan nodded.

"Where's my grandpa?"

Her family is the most important thing in her life to her. She doesn't think about Dudu and Nangong Jin at all. Now she is most worried about her grandpa.

Grandpa is old, but he is only at the first level of King Wu. If her strength can't be improved, and she can't quickly reach the level of Wu Zong, she will have to bear the pain of her grandfather dying in front of her in a few years.

She couldn't bear such pain. Absolutely not!

Therefore, she must do her best, and no matter what, she must find a way to prolong her life for grandpa within three years.

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao's expectant eyes, Wuyan softened her heart and said, "It's a little troublesome, but it can be done. Leave this to me."

"Long live Wuyan!" Lu Xiaoxiao was so happy, she jumped onto Wuyan's body, put her arms around his neck, and kissed his handsome cheek three times.

After the kiss was over, Lu Xiaoxiao was startled when she saw Wu Yanxiao looking at her, and quickly turned to look at Nangong Jin.

She was so happy that she forgot about this arrogant prince.

Kissing Wuyan but not kissing him, I don't know if I will be angry.

However, when Lu Xiaoxiao turned her head to look at Nangong Jin, she saw a strange scene again.

The corners of Nangong Jin's lips were slightly raised, and the deep eyes looked as if she had kissed him just now. I can't see the feeling of jealousy at all, but I still look like I'm enjoying it.


Lu Xiaoxiao shuddered.

Faced with this weird situation, she couldn't accept it!

Coughing in embarrassment, he jumped off Wuyan's body, and quickly changed the subject: "Then what are we waiting for? Hurry up and get this earth center stone into the space!"

"Yeah." Nangong Jin nodded hoarsely, and turned around to leave the space.

Lu Xiaoxiao quietly shielded the space, and asked Wuyan with a drawn face: "I kiss you, does he feel it?"

However, it was Nan Gongjin from outside the space who answered her: "He is a soul, carrying energy. I am a soul. If you kiss him, he doesn't feel it, only I do. Unless I am very close to him and convey my feelings Just give him that."

Lu Xiaoxiao: "..."

Thinking that if one day I can't help but want to give Wuyan to XXOO, then will it be Wuyan or Nangong Jin who will feel it?

Thinking that Nangong Jin had no one to help him xx, and then he just xx directly with a look of enjoyment. With this kind of weird scene, does he count as having xx with her, or is it considered as flirting with himself?


When will this weird and painful day end? ? ?

Just when Lu Xiaoxiao was going crazy, her thoughts were transmitted to Nangong Jin's consciousness without any omission. Nangong Jin, who was about to cut it, shook her hand and almost cut off the spiritual root.

On the back that Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't see, Nangong Jin's entire face turned dark.

Antarctic Ice Soul!

He must find the Antarctic ice soul in the shortest possible time!

"Get the stone in directly and then cut the clay underneath." After Nangong Jin didn't come in for a while, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't wait.

"The aura of the earth core stone grows from the center of the earth, and it complements the center of the earth. If you want to remove it completely without destroying it, you must transplant all the rhizomes under it safely."

Stones can also grow roots, Lu Xiaoxiao is also drunk!

Looking at the rhizome thrown out by Nangong Jin little by little, Lu Xiaoxiao's three views were subverted again.

Although Wuyan cannot leave the space, his consciousness can be shared with Nangong Jin accurately, and he can feel the fluctuation of energy, so Nangong Jin is fast and accurate when cutting the rhizome of the core stone.

The upper white strip rhizome was cut by him in less than half an hour.

The next moment, Wuyan brought Lu Xiaoxiao to the wellhead of the spring of life, and with a wave of his hand, a hole was opened not far from the spring of life.

Suddenly, a big stone fell down and was gently lowered into the hole.

In an instant, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that the quality of the entire land under the space she was standing in had changed.


But how tough it became, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't tell.

The spring of life on the side seemed to be stimulated by something, and suddenly spewed out.

Seeing this, Wuyan quickly directed the gushing spring of life into the sky, and immediately created a huge pool the size of a lake a few hundred meters away from the mouth of the spring of life.

Although the spring of life in her place is inexhaustible, it is a pity that such a precious thing is allowed to flow out so much.

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