The worshiping elders shook their heads one after another.

"Although it is under 10,000 meters, as long as you pay attention, it is impossible to hide any movement of the Hua family from you. Hua Puyu is only at the level of Wu Zong. What ability does he have to hide from you and poison the well?"

The worshiping elders looked at each other, kowtowed and said: "I also ask the ancestors to show me."

"We have been fooled! Hua Puyu's muddy mess is just a pawn used by others to deal with the Hua family."

"Who is so bold that he dares to bully us?" The Sixth Elder was shocked.

"Of course it's Nanzhao Seventh Princess Lu Xiaoxiao. Right Seventh Princess?"

What the old ancestor said shocked all the elders of the Hua family, and they spread their spiritual sense to search everywhere, but they didn't even find out.

"You don't need to waste your energy in vain. The Seventh Princess has a divine weapon, and even Shattered Void can't dig her out. How can you see her?"

Shocked by the elders of the Hua family, Lu Xiaoxiao, who was happily eavesdropping on information in the space, curled her lips, and after a long while muttered, "Aren't you stupid!"

"The old man admires the magical weapon of the Seventh Princess very much, but the Seventh Princess, you can receive all the people you care about into your magical weapon, and the old man really has nothing to do with you. But with your martial arts and the martial arts of that ghost, But you can't stop the old man's wish for many years.

Now that the conspiracy has become a conspiracy, the old man might as well open the skylight and speak out. Even if the remaining four major families and three sects in the Antarctic continent add up, they are powerless to resist the Hua family. Even if you have an army in Nanzhao, the masters of my Hua family can also deal with them.

Kill the generals of the army, if they are not obedient, we don't mind spending a year and a half to kill these soldiers. How powerful we are, I believe the seventh princess has also heard.

So you'd better stop antagonizing the Hua family and hand over Xiang'er obediently. I can let this matter go by, and there is still room for you and me to meet each other. "

"Hehe, this old man is still thinking of killing millions of soldiers. Why doesn't he die?"

Lu Xiaoxiao was completely amused by the words of the patriarch of the Hua family, as soon as she grabbed it, a pile of sandbags hung in front of her.

"Lu Xiaoxiao, what are you going to do, you bitch?" Hua Yixiang looked at Lu Xiaoxiao defensively with her frightened eyes open. I have to admit that she was really scared of her.

It was the first time since Hua Yixiang grew up that she was afraid of someone from the bottom of her heart.

Because this person is really meaner and perverted than her.

Hua Yixiang could not arouse Lu Xiaoxiao's interest at all, so she pulled Hua Yixiang's hand out mercilessly, without giving Hua Yixiang any room to react or beg for mercy, and directly cut her little finger with the wind blade. down.

Then, amidst the opponent's screams, he tore off a corner of the opponent's dress, and tied a beautiful and complicated bowknot on the severed little finger.

The ancestor of the Hua family was about to continue the conversation with Lu Xiaoxiao, when suddenly, less than three meters away from him, something flew out of nowhere.

The old ancestor is worthy of being a human-level middle-level master. When everyone just reacted, he had already frozen the large direction in which the thing was thrown before it landed.

While grabbing the thrown thing, he shouted "Shatter the Void!"

There was a crash.

A large piece of thick space was shattered in front of the ancestor like glass.

However, to the disappointment of the old ancestor, Lu Xiaoxiao's space artifact is indeed too miraculous, even with all his strength, he couldn't grab Lu Xiaoxiao out of that known space.

With a dark face, he looked at the thing Lu Xiaoxiao threw to him.

Seeing this, the old ancestor was furious, and no longer cared about his own identity, he cursed at the void: "Lu Xiaoxiao, you bastard, shameless boy! If you dare to touch a single hair of Xiang'er again! , I will lift up your Lu family’s ancestral grave!”

"Cut! I've been on guard against you for a long time. If you can find the Lu family's ancestral grave, I will let you dig it!"

Although he was in a hurry at the time, in order to prevent the prison from being robbed and the Emperor of Western Jin being furious and destroying the Lu family's ancestral grave, Lu Xiaoxiao had already collected the ancestral tablet into space as soon as he saved his family. He also went to the backyard of the Lu Mansion specifically to transfer the buried ancestors to the underground of the space. Even the ice coffin where her parents were frozen had been taken into the space by her immediately.

Since you want to disappear completely, you have to disappear completely.

Except for the secret room of the Lu Mansion, which she didn't know how to enter, as long as she knew about it, there was nothing left.

Just when Lu Xiaoxiao was proud, the ancestor of the Hua family said to everyone in the Hua family: "The third part of the Beidou Qiankun Sword has been found, it used to kill Venerable Feng and Venerable Lei of the Shenwumen, and the ghost who punished the archbishop of the Holy See of Guangming. It is the sword master of the Beidou Qiankun Sword, and now he has colluded with Lu Xiaoxiao in an attempt to provoke the catastrophe of the entire Antarctic continent.

Immediately go and notify Sanctuary, Shenwumen, and Guangming Vatican, and tell them that the evil Lu Xiaoxiao gave birth to is the child of that ghost. And that ghost and mythical man is Nangong Jin, the famous Nanzhao Seventh Emperor Uncle. "

The Sixth Elder was stunned, and said in shock, "Nangong Jin is a ghost?"

The old ancestor sneered: "Whether Nangong Jin is a ghost or not is not important at all, the important thing is that Nangong Jin's heart is not on Xiang'er at all. All the things that happened in Nanzhao back then all show that the person Nangong Jin likes is Lu Xiaoxiao.

Since he is so ungodly and happens to have a bad relationship with Emperor Nanzhao, why don't we use their relationship to mess up Nanzhao? At that time, Nangong Jin will become a thorn in the side of Emperor Nanzhao and other forces in the Antarctic continent, and our Hua family will benefit from it. "

When the ancestor was talking, the sixth elder worshiped him all the time.

The old ancestor sneered and said: "You don't have to wink, I know that Lu Xiaoxiao is listening. I just want to let him know that my Hua family depends on strength to win the world. If she has the ability, she will go and resolve my troubles." Yangmou, unite several great families, the Holy See and the major dynasties to fight against the Hua family!"

When Lu Xiaoxiao heard about it, she quickly took a pen and paper and drew a few ghosts on a piece of paper, then crumpled the paper up and threw it out.

Nangong Jin raised her eyebrows slightly, walked up to the ancestor of the Hua family and took a look, there were a few large characters written on it——

Does it have to be like this?

"Hahahaha..." The old ancestor laughed after reading what Lu Xiaoxiao wrote: "I don't have to be like this. You hand over Xiang'er, and you come out and surrender yourself, so I don't care about it anymore."

"Hehe, old man, you really think you're a fool. Jin, we're leaving, there are still 20 days before we have to call back and forth."

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