The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 455 Embracing the Bloody Man

Nangong Jin nodded, and together with Lu Xiaoxiao and Wuyan, controlled the space and left quickly.

Wuyan's energy at this moment has risen to a new height that Lu Xiaoxiao can't understand. The space that was originally like a slow car is fleeing at a speed of more than 600 kilometers per hour under Wuyan's control...

The old ancestor was still standing with his hands behind his back, waiting for Lu Xiaoxiao's reply.

After waiting for a quarter of an hour, no one spoke, the ancestor said: "Seventh Princess, my patience has a limit."


After another quarter of an hour: "Lu Xiaoxiao, I will give you another cup of tea. If you don't give me an answer, I will just do what I just said."

After a cup of tea time, no one paid any attention.

"Seventh Princess, what is your decision?"

It's time for another cup of tea...

"Lu Xiaoxiao!"

After another cup of tea, the ancestor finally realized something that made him extremely ashamed and indignant.

He and his descendants are still here eagerly waiting for the answer, but Lu Xiaoxiao, that shameless and unreasonable woman, has already left at some point!

"Lu Xiaoxiao, do you think I'm a fool?"

After realizing that waiting for such a long time was in vain, the ancestor felt a sense of being fucked by the sun.


"Your Highness, don't hesitate any longer! This subordinate will immediately send five thousand fine cavalry to quietly break out of the encirclement with you."

"Your Highness, if we keep the green hills, we are not afraid of running out of firewood. As long as we still have lives, there is hope for us after all."

"Your Highness, I beg you to take care of your own safety, Dong Ling depends on you!"

"Your Highness, it is the bounden duty of soldiers to die on the battlefield, and I will lead them to uphold their final duty. Whether you can send His Highness out depends on your luck. Don't hesitate any longer, this is our last chance."

In the camp, several generals had already bowed to the ground, and the last one to speak was Chen Ruiguang, Generalissimo of Zhenbei.

"The defeat of the army is a foregone conclusion. Instead of staying here and living and dying with everyone, His Royal Highness should try his best to escape, regroup the troops, and try to avenge us one day."

On the steps, Dongling Prince Dongfang Ming held the chairs on both sides tightly with both hands, and finally broke the guards with a "snap".

With the help of Lu Xiaoxiao, he got in touch with Gong Lichen, and Gong Lichen took him all the way to the border where the Northern Kingdom and Dongling met safely, and successfully brought his uncle's 400,000 troops stationed at the border to the border. A safe place in the heart of the Northland.

Originally, he thought that he could bring the 400,000 troops and join hands with the Northern Army to take back the regime of Tang Ling from the Guangming Holy See. But the sudden change caught them off guard.

The 400,000 troops in my uncle's hands were hidden here by Lichen, the king of the Northern Kingdom. Not many people knew that the 400,000 troops were hiding here. Who revealed their location? Who betrayed them? Why did the million-strong army of the Tangling court suddenly approach the city and surround them with lightning speed?

It is agreed that there will be troops from the Northland guarding in front of them, and they will be safe here. But the battle ahead hasn't started yet, so why are they already surrounded in the rear?

Now that Gong Lichen has gone back to the Northern King's Palace to deal with matters, he and his uncle are left to fight alone here with the 400,000 Dongling Town North Guards. He didn't figure out what happened inside the Northern King's Palace until his death. ? Who betrayed them? The 400,000 army has been completely out of food for two days, does Gong Lichen know? Now that he went back to the Northern Palace with one hand like this, would he be in danger?

"His Royal Highness, the Northern Kingdom is a big one, most of which are desperadoes, and management is more difficult than the three dynasties. It is not difficult to see that the interior of the Northern Palace is not so harmonious. But it is a matter of the Northern Kingdom. Now we are too busy to take care of ourselves. Don't worry about the affairs of the northern kingdom anymore. The king of the northern kingdom has done us a favor by saving us from the fire and water. Now our army has been betrayed by villains and surrounded by millions of troops. It can only be said that our luck is bad. Your Highness, listen to what uncle said, let's go!"

"Your Highness, let's go!" All the generals asked again.

Now that Dongfang Ming's strength has reached Wuzong, it is not impossible to escape from the battle between the armies. But Dongfang Ming shook his head and said: "Father died, mother and queen passed away, and nearly 2 million troops were controlled by the Holy See of Guangming. Now I have only you in this palace. Even if I am ordered to leave today, I will rely on my own strength in the future." It will be difficult to shake the Holy See of Light again."

"But you have a friend like Princess Seven!"

Generalissimo Chen Ruiguang's words caused Dongfang Ming's expression to move slightly, and he felt a slight pain in his heart when he thought that that smart woman was not his beloved after all.

"I owe her a lot, and I can't pay it off in this life. How can I ask her to help me restore the country when I owe her so much? It's because I don't have the ability to secure the position of Prince Dongling, and it's the same. I am not capable of stabilizing the situation in Tangling. The change of dynasty is inevitable. Who said that the people of Tangling under the control of the Holy See of Guangming will live a life worse than death?

You don't need to persuade me any more, the matter has come to this point, and there is no way to recover, even if the 5,000 people who rushed out with me today survive, I will definitely take them away. But you also know that the vast ice field outside stretches as far as the eye can see, and there is not even a place to hide. Don't you know what the result of these five thousand people rushing out with me will be?

So instead of running away, it is better to fight them to the death. The Guangming Holy See will definitely create civil strife in Nanzhao. Instead of letting these millions of people face off against the Seventh Emperor's army, why don't we try our best to weaken the strength of these millions of people first? What does Uncle think? "

Chen Ruiguang stared at Dongfang Ming for a long while, finally he couldn't hold back this nephew, and sighed deeply, which was regarded as acquiescing.

Dongfang Ming smiled slightly: "So, let's study the battle plan. Half an hour will pass soon, and they will attack the city soon."

"Why don't you want to take this opportunity to take the million-dollar army under your command?"

A light and pleasant voice sounded from outside the tent, and everyone in the tent was slightly taken aback, wondering where this woman came from in this icy and snowy place.

Only Dongfang Ming's heart suddenly contracted when he heard this voice, and he was so excited that he almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"May I come in?"

Before Lu Xiaoxiao finished speaking, the curtain door of the camp had already been opened by Dongfang Ming with great excitement.

She thought that by opening the curtain door, she would be able to see the beautiful face he thought about day and night, but who knew that their meeting and getting along were always so bloody.

When Dongfang Ming opened the curtain door excitedly and wanted to give him an unexpected hug to relieve the pain of lovesickness, regardless of any etiquette, what he embraced was a bloody man.

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