The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 463 Take Your Claws Away!

"Get your paws off!"

A certain person in the space finally couldn't help it anymore, withdrew all his good sixth sense towards Gong Lichen, flashed out of the space, and grabbed him with a "snap" before the other party had time to react The housewife's paw was slapped away.

It really is a bird of a feather.

And it's worse than a stupid dragon!

Although the stupid dragon has a wicked heart, he has never been brave. Most importantly, stupid dragons are stupid! For his wife, at most, it is just that the older sister is older and the younger sister is weaker, and then quietly behind his back, speak ill of him in front of his older sister. However, he never did anything to leave the cabinet, and he didn't even dare to say that he liked it.

The most out of the court was when she foolishly misunderstood Lu Xiaoxiao's intentions, and she was so ashamed that her dark skin was colored pink, no matter whether it was a human figure or a dragon shape, the whole thing was so earthy that people couldn't complain.

Although the stupid dragon is stupid and vicious, it is much better than this coquettish butterfly!

Nangong Jin suddenly appeared, and even hit him, so startled that Gong Lichen quickly took his paw away.

Looking at Nangong Jin in surprise, his lips parted slightly, unable to speak for a long time.

Seeing that Gong Lichen's entire gaze was fixed on Nangong Jin, Lu Xiaoxiao thought he was surprised at why Nangong Jin appeared suddenly, so she kindly explained: "I'll tell you later where he appeared from. Tell me what's going on with you here?"

After finishing speaking, Gong Lichen still stared at Nangong Jin with staring eyes, and the situation in his eyes was changing.

"What are you looking at? Xiaoxiao is the concubine of this king. This king said that if I haven't given her a divorce letter for a day, you have to wait by the side, and you can't overstep."

"The problem with the salt transportation in the northern country is your fault?" Gong Lichen withdrew his attention from Nangong Jin, and asked about the matter of letting him return to the northern country.

"That's right." Nangong Jin admitted generously: "Although the salt transportation to the North Kingdom was interrupted for a while, fortunately, the King of the North Kingdom appeared in the North Kingdom in time, so the salt transportation issue could be easily resolved."

The corners of Gong Lichen's eyes twitched wildly for a while, he thought that he was shameless enough, but he didn't expect that there was someone more shameless than him in this world.

You made a move to harm someone, so at least you should pretend. Isn't it a relationship between looking up and seeing down? So happy to admit, really nice?

"Hehe, yes. If it wasn't for Uncle Seven Emperors who disrupted the salt transport in the Northern Kingdom, I wouldn't have returned to the Northern Kingdom so soon. I wouldn't have quelled the chaos in the Northern Kingdom so easily."

I don't know why, it's not like he hasn't seen Nangong Jin before. He didn't feel the slightest throbbing when he met Nangong Jin so many times before, but this time, Gong Lichen felt that there was something more about Nangong Jin.

This kind of thing seemed to be something he was eager to find, but couldn't find it for a long time.

So instead of arguing with Nangong Jin by a strange coincidence, he... thanked him.

Now it was Lu Xiaoxiao's turn to twitch. If it wasn't for Nangong Jin's presence, she really wanted to touch Gong Lichen to see if she had a high fever in such a cold day.

"Ahem..." Lu Xiaoxiao coughed dryly twice, turned Gong Lichen's eyes fixed on Nangong Jin back, and asked, "Well, what's going on with you now?"

"I basically didn't put my mind on governing the North Kingdom, so the North Kingdom has always been managed by the two brothers I recognized. This time, while I was away, the third child colluded with the Holy See of Guangming, seriously injured the second child, and attempted to control The forces living in the northern kingdom. But I came back and killed their dreams in the cradle."

"What about the quadruplets? They love you so much, how could they be willing to betray you?"

"They are the third child, and they dared to harm you behind my back, so they can only end up like this."

Lu Xiaoxiao: "..."

"But you have to go with me. Let's set off immediately. Dongfang Ming is in danger! Also, I finally know the relationship between Concubine Yugui of Nanzhao and the Holy See of Guangming. It turns out that she is the illegitimate daughter of the leader of the Holy See of Guangming, so Nangong Yunhao, the king of Qin in your country, is actually the grandson of the leader.

You also know that the Guangming Vatican is similar to a temple. In order to practice, no one from the leader to the believers can get married, so Concubine Yu is the only daughter of the leader. "

Lu Xiaoxiao: "!!!"

Looking at Nangong Jin: "Why aren't you surprised? You already knew?"

Nangong Jin raised her eyebrows slightly.

"How did you know? Why didn't you tell me?" He just accepted such a big gossip without discussing it, how ungossip and honest he is!

"I met the leader on the day of Concubine Yugui's birthday." Nangong Jin replied.

"So what if I met the leader? I didn't know Concubine Yugui was his daughter."

"They look so similar, and you didn't tell me later that Concubine Yugui had colluded with the Holy See of Guangming. She should have laid the Gu? So I thought you must know."

"……"All right. Lu Xiaoxiao was speechless. In her husband's eyes, is she really a woman with such a big brain?

"Then what should we do now? Will something go wrong in Nanzhao?"

"Nanzhao, Brother Huang will make his own decision, and with Ling Han and Yunfeng still present, there will be no problem. Whether she is the daughter of the leader has no influence on this matter."

Lu Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows.

But that's it!

Regardless of whether Concubine Yugui is the daughter of the leader, or whether King Qin is the grandson of the leader, they have already arranged everything in Nanzhao.

"But..." Lu Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of a question and asked: "Will the emperor finally support Nangong Yunhao to the throne because of the relationship between Concubine Yugui and the Guangming Holy See? If he turns his back on the battlefield, wouldn't we set ourselves on fire?" camp?"

"No." Nangong Jin denied.

"How do you know it won't?"

"Based on what I know about the emperor, not only will he not support King Qin, but he will completely eradicate him."

"Why?" Lu Xiaoxiao was puzzled.

"Don't you think he is a person who loves Jiangshan very much?"

"...Think! But what does this have to do with whether he kills King Qin? If you love Jiangshan, you should support King Qin even more!"

"He cherishes the land left to him by the late emperor very much, so he absolutely does not allow any force to get involved. If the throne is handed over to the King of Qin, the Nanzhao Dynasty will have a powerful relative that cannot be controlled. How is this different from seeking death?"

"……"All right. She forgot that the royal family was the most ruthless since ancient times.

"Have you heard what I told you about Dongfang Ming? The third child has cut off their food, and now it is estimated that the Dongling army has surrounded them all." Gong Lichen couldn't help but stop gossiping here of two people.

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