The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 464 Nangong Jin's Something Wrong

"Don't worry, I happened to pass by him when I came. I killed three martial sages, and Dongfang Ming took advantage of the situation to recover the 1.5 million army."

It wasn't until this moment that Gong Lichen realized it, and pointed at Lu Xiaoxiao with wide eyes: " you reached the peak of the Supreme Being?"

Lu Xiaoxiao raised her eyebrows proudly about her growth without labor, and said, "Let's go, take me to see the tree of life."

Gong Lichen shuddered suddenly, and only then remembered that Lu Xiaoxiao had promised him.

She once said that she would come to help him water the tree of life in a month, so that the tree of life would be revived again!

She's here in less than a month.

"You... came here to fulfill your promise?"

"You have waited ten thousand years for your wish, how can I have the heart to let you suffer again?"

"..." Gong Lichen stared at Lu Xiaoxiao, his pure eyes were full of gratitude.

He wanted to thank, but then remembered what Lu Xiaoxiao said that friends don't need to thank each other. So being moved and excited, he could only nod heavily, then said "Wait for me, I'll give you an order" and flew into the palace.

In the lifeless palace, no one dared to breathe heavily. This intense killing has already frightened everyone's courage.

Knowing that their king is powerful, but no one knows that their king is actually a master of the supreme peak.

The Guangming Holy See came this time with two supreme mid-level masters. Since the time when the three kings occupied the palace, everyone has heard clearly that they are going to tear the king into pieces.

Unexpectedly, after the king came back, they attacked the king in the palace, and they died at the hands of the king after only a few moves back and forth.

Everyone will never forget the fear and frustration of these two supreme intermediary masters before they died.

They pointed at the king and said in horror: "Supreme...Peak!" Then they died.

What followed was a frantic killing and massacre.

As a result, everyone's legs are weak when they see the king now.

However, just when everyone was about to go crazy due to depression, the king suddenly recovered. Switch back to the state of smiling all day long, order people to move the corpses outside the palace and throw them away, and then order them to prepare a palace banquet for the guests tonight.

The king left, and the servants in the palace immediately cheered.

Finally, I don't have to face the bloodthirsty and cold king anymore.

Long live the distinguished guests!


Gong Lichen took Lu Xiaoxiao and Nangong Jin all the way to fly towards the extreme north. Seeing Nangong Jin who was not at all inferior in speed, Gong Lichen asked curiously: "Uncle Seventh Emperor, what level are you now?"

"Above the supreme peak."

As for Big Red Flower, because he took the opportunity to touch his wife's hand, Nangong Jin didn't like it anymore, and spoke concisely.

"..." He also knew that he was above the Supreme Peak.

But there are so many levels above the supreme peak, such as above the peak, human level, mysterious level, earth level, and heavenly level. These are all above the supreme peak. Doesn't his answer mean he didn't answer?

But seeing that Nangong Jin didn't want to talk to him, Gong Lichen didn't dare to provoke him to be unhappy, so he flew to Lu Xiaoxiao in desperation, and asked as he flew, "Xiaoxiao, what level is Uncle Seventh Emperor now?"

"Can't you see?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked with raised eyebrows.

Gong Lichen shook his head.

Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Gong Lichen, and suddenly asked: "Hey, why do I think you are so weird today?"

Gong Lichen was puzzled: "What's wrong?"

"Why do you care so much about our prince? It's never been like this before!"

When Gong Lichen heard this, she suddenly panicked for no reason, and she was also puzzled.

That's right, why is he so concerned about his rival?

"I'm just curious about his skill."

"Aren't you very talented in energy speculation? Why can't you see her?"

"I don't know, so I'm asking you?" As an elf, he is the most sensitive to energy perception. Even if it is a person whose strength is much higher than his, he can accurately perceive the opponent's strength, regardless of How the other party hides.

But he found that he couldn't see through Nangong Jin's strength at all. Once he wanted to find out something about him, the opponent's body was like a cloud of fog that completely fogged his detection. Can't see clearly.

"As he said, above the supreme peak." Lu Xiaoxiao replied with a smile.

After getting the third piece of Beidou Qiankun Sword, Nangong Jin specifically asked her not to reveal his strength, which she promised.

Nangong Jin was very satisfied with Lu Xiaoxiao's answer, and the corners of her lips raised slightly.

It was already noon when we reached the Far North. The temperature here has also dropped from minus 55 degrees to minus 70 degrees, which is completely unsuitable for human survival. Here, it is true that there is no human habitation.

Gong Lichen found the exact location of the Tree of Life on the vast ice field, and brought Lu Xiaoxiao and Nangong Jin down slowly.

"Where's the tree?" Lu Xiaoxiao looked around, not even a single hair.

"It's 10,000 meters deep underground."

"..." It's Wanmi again!

"Uncle Seventh Emperor doesn't have earth profound strength, why don't you just wait for us up there?" Otherwise, he would have to dig the soil with Nangong Jin down, and it would be a long time before he reached his destination.

Nangong Jin glanced at Gong Lichen, and fled down first.

"He... he also has profound strength?"

Lu Xiaoxiao smiled slightly and said, "Let's go."

Although she heard Gong Lichen say that the tree of life was huge last time, when she came to the dungeon and saw the giant tree that had completely withered, she still couldn't help being shocked.

What kind of tree can grow so big?

Not only Lu Xiaoxiao was shocked, but even Nangong Jin was a little moved. Floating above the tree of life, staring at the giant tree without even a single green leaf, his expression was extremely profound.

Lu Xiaoxiao flew to Nangong Jin's side, held his hand, and asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

Nangong Jin's eyes darkened slightly, and she shook her head: "I don't know. It's just that I feel a little sad to see this tree withered like this."

It's okay if Nangong Jin didn't say anything, but after talking about it, Lu Xiaoxiao also found that she also felt a sense of desolation when facing the tree of life.

"This is the tree of life, which represents life and will give birth to life. It is normal for its withering to affect people's mood."

"How many years will it take for this tree of life to grow so big?"

Looking at the trees that were bigger than a city in front of her, besides being shocked, Lu Xiaoxiao was also curious.

Gong Lichen shook his head, and gently touched the withered branches of the tree of life with his hands. When it touched Gong Lichen's finger, the branch gave off a light green light, and immediately grew a few green and beautiful leaves.

But as soon as Gong Lichen's hand was taken away, the green leaves withered and fell off in an instant, turned into dust and disappeared completely before touching the ground.

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