It's a pity that this dragon's strength has dropped to the human level due to serious injuries at this moment, and it is still at the beginning level. Hehehe... Although its dragon scales are hard, I can't kill it, but it can't stop my determination to kill you and avenge thousands of descendants of my Hua family! "

When Hua Qingtian was talking, Lu Xiaoxiao kept looking at him mockingly. However, Hua Qingtian, who has not seen people's winks for more than 2,000 years, how does he know this.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao kept silent, he thought she was scared. So he said to the masters of the five forces below: "Everyone, do you dare to come up and stand with the old man now? Are you afraid of a woman at the peak of the Supreme and a black dragon who has been seriously injured and only a mere human-level beginner?"

The Shenzun of Shenwumen was the first to respond to the call, laughed, and flew into the air with Venerable Yun, three other supreme beginners and a supreme middle-level master from Shenwumen.

"Patriarch Hua was joking. Nangong Jin killed Venerable Feng and Venerable Lei of my Shenwu Sect. How can this enmity be just forgotten? With Patriarch Hua, a human-level mid-level expert sitting in charge, Could this deity still be afraid of a mere junior? Although I don't have many masters in Shenwumen, but since I have formed an alliance with the Hua family, I won't be like some people who want to fall on both sides!

However, I feel that there is no such cheap neutrality in this world. You have killed the soldiers of Nanzhao and Western Jin Dynasty before, and you have already formed a grudge with each other. Do you still expect others to forgive you? Don't steal the chicken at that time and lose the rice, and you won't be able to get good from both ends! "

The Divine Martial Sect God Venerable who was already on the Hua family's side would of course use all means to bring in the other four families. That way they have a much better chance of winning.

But the masters of the other four families below are waiting for Lu Xiaoxiao to speak at this moment. As long as Lu Xiaoxiao is willing to ignore the past, then they are definitely willing to join forces with Lu Xiaoxiao to destroy the Hua family.

After all, Lu Xiaoxiao is much easier to deal with than this villain Hua Qingtian! Wouldn't it be the best thing to form an alliance with Lu Xiaoxiao and use Lu Xiaoxiao's power to eliminate them, or to maximize the strength of the Hua family?

However, after Shen Zun's voice fell for a long time, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't speak. The masters of the four major forces could only stop thinking in their hearts.

The heads of the Yin family and the Ye family were the first to fly up with the elders of the highest level of their clan, and landed at the lower part of the Hua family. The positions where they stood already explained everything——

Only the Hua family follow suit!

Seeing that the Yin family and the Ye family had already chosen to stand in line, Sanctuary also fell next to Shenwumen in the next moment. The remaining Guangming Holy See has been vacillating from side to side.

Finally, the teaching of the Bright Holy See took the initiative.

He was already standing in the middle, and now he has risen into the air, but he is still standing in the middle.

After a long time, he even opened his mouth and said to Lu Xiaoxiao: "Princess Seven, there has never been any enmity between my Guangming Holy See and Nanzhao. Before that, my Guangming Holy See was coerced by others, so I had no choice but to hurt Nanzhao soldiers. But when our sect attacked He specially instructed his disciples not to hurt Nanzhao soldiers lightly.

You can ask your soldiers, who was attacked by the Holy See of Light! Although we are in the company of the Hua family, this is also forced. That's why our people have been lagging behind just now, and those who killed were all soldiers from the Western Jin Dynasty. Please also ask the seventh princess to see that we have never been enemies with Nanzhao, can we settle our previous grievances? "

Hua Qingtian's complexion was very ugly at the words of the leader of Guangming.

"I really didn't expect the leader of Guangming to be such a shameless person." The ancestor of the Yin family said angrily.

"If he had teeth, he wouldn't be fooled by his beauty, gave birth to a daughter and sent him to Nanzhao to be a noble concubine." The patriarch of the Ye family also sneered.

"The leader of the Guangming really played a good hand. As the leader of the Guangming, he let his capable generals occupy the Tangling Dynasty, and let his daughter go to Nanzhao to be a noble concubine."

"So what? After all kinds of calculations, the bamboo basket is still empty in the end! Even if you become a noble concubine, you will not be killed by the Nanzhao emperor! By the way, Master Guangming, why didn't your Dongling army of 2 million join you this time?" Why don't you get up and join the Seventh Princess? If you really want to submit to the Seventh Princess, you should give Dongling's 2 million troops!"

Shenwumen and Sanctuary sang together, completely damaging the leader of Guangming from the inside out.

"Seventh Princess, don't listen to their nonsense. Tangling only has more than 1 million troops, but they have all gone to the northern kingdom to wipe out the remaining Tangling rebels. If the rebels can be made to surrender, then Tangling can have 2 million troops. By then It must be handed over to the Seventh Princess. However, if the opponent refuses to surrender, the 1.5 million army will lose hundreds of thousands. But the Seventh Princess can rest assured that no matter how many troops are left in Dongling, the leader is willing to share it with Nanzhao."

The words of the leader of light made the other forces look very unhappy.

If Dong Ling's army really joins in again, then Lu Xiaoxiao's side will have 6 million troops. This is equivalent to reorganizing all the troops of the three dynasties on the Antarctic continent.

With an army of 6 million and the Holy See of Light, he is still the supreme peak, and there is also a black dragon at the human level. The point is, although this black dragon is not as good as the ancestor of the Hua family, the ancestor of the Hua family can't hurt it at all.

Even if Lu Xiaoxiao fails, this black dragon can still protect the 6 million troops of the three dynasties.

And with the black dragon, the defensive barriers of their families will immediately disappear.

At that time, the 6 million army will definitely be able to chase them down to the sky without a way into the ground.

Could it be that these hundreds of people were able to kill 6 million soldiers under the nose of Lu Xiaoxiao, the supreme peak master?

This kind of thing is completely idiotic if you look at the number of Warcraft in the periphery, if there are tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands.

So this is exactly where the leader of the light is cunning, and it is also where they envy the leader of the light.

Relying on Lu Xiaoxiao is better than relying on the Hua family. Especially if Lu Xiaoxiao is dead...he can still pull the alliance relationship with the black dragon. At that time, won't he have the final say on the Holy See?

However, the calculation of the leader of the light is obviously overturned.

I saw Lu Xiaoxiao, who had been watching these clowns talking, but never said a word, suddenly laughed.

The already perfect beauty showed a smile again, especially at the moment she was still stepping on the dragon's head like a queen, this demeanor directly fascinated everyone's eyes.

"The leader of Guangming is worrying too much. Tangling's 2 million troops have gathered together now."

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao's smile, the Guangming leader's eyebrows suddenly twitched, and he forced a smile: "Oh? How did the Seventh Princess know?"

"Because the crown prince of Dongling, Dongfang Ming, and the king of the Northern Kingdom, Gong Lichen, are both my friends. Although the leader of Guangming sent someone to stir up civil strife in the northern palace, the internal thieves betrayed Dongfang Ming and the hiding place of his 400,000 troops. , But fortunately, this concubine arrived in time, and the people who killed you took over the 1.5 million army. Gong Lichen also killed Hua Rufeng and the others, and reorganized the palace of the Northern Kingdom. Master Guangming, you guessed it... Dong Ling What are those 2 million troops doing now?"

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