Lu Xiaoxiao blinked her eyes, and looked at the Guangming leader with a smile. She looked harmless to humans and animals, which made the Hua family and other people from the four directions opposite couldn't help laughing.

Although Hua Rufeng hated Lu Xiaoxiao, at this moment, he was still in a good mood seeing how the Guangming Vatican was so deflated.

"Hahahaha... Master Guangming, this is the funniest joke I have heard in the past few hundred years! Seventh Princess, can you tell us what the two million troops in Dongling are doing now?"

Lu Xiaoxiao smiled like a little girl next door, very cute and answered every question: "They are conquering the mountains and rivers and driving out the Tartars!"

"Hahahahaha..." Hua Qingtian laughed again, and asked, "Can you tell me the details, what is the expulsion method?"

"How much eyeliner the Guangming Vatican has played in the Tangling Dynasty over the years, and after the Emperor Dongling was killed by the people of the Guangming Vatican, those who immediately defected in the court, these traitors will all be eliminated.

And after finally meeting the leader of the Guangming Church and leading tens of thousands of congregants to leave the old nest of the Holy See of Guangming, the army of Dongling should reciprocate, visit the old nest of the Holy See of Guangming, and patronize the neighbors! In the past few decades, they have scavenged all the good things of the Tanglin Dynasty. "

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the leader of Guangming's face turned black with anger, and the veins in his temples danced happily along with Lu Xiaoxiao's silver bell-like laughter.

People from the Hua family and several other forces also laughed.

"What the Seventh Princess said was that this person should be courteous."

Finally, in the midst of this shameless and extreme humiliation, the Guangming leader couldn't bear it, and shouted angrily——

"Lu Xiaoxiao, you are looking for death! Listen up, all the congregants of the Holy See of Light, from now on, I, the Holy See of Guangming, and Nanzhao will never die!"

"Yes!" Although the congregation in the rear was depressed to the point of myocardial infarction, they still had to obey the leader's words.

"Hey, didn't you fight Nanzhao before? This concubine and Nanzhao have always been sworn enemies, my lord. Oh, so what, I just said it wrong, okay? If the lord wants to fight Nanzhao is on the side, and I, Nanzhao, must open my heart to accept the joining of the Allied Forces of the Holy See of Light!"

Just when everyone thought that the Guangming Cult was mainly going to fight with Lu Xiaoxiao endlessly, Lu Xiaoxiao suddenly changed the subject.

The leader of Guangming, who was already ready to make a move, rushed forward for tens of meters and stopped suddenly. The movement was still the movement when attacking, but he really stopped like this.

Hua Qingtian and the ancestors of several other forces shook their heads.

This Lu Xiaoxiao is really a stick. Is she going to join forces with the Holy See of Light, or is she going to fight to the death with the Holy See of Light? Why didn't they even realize whether this was a joke or the truth?

Whether you want to kill the leader of Guangming or not, you should give me a word!

If you don't talk, how will we know what to do?

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao blinking at him obediently, the leader of Guangming was wrung in his heart by this unreliable Seventh Princess.

"The Seventh Princess really deserves to be called the No. 1 dandy in the Antarctic Continent. Are you planning to join forces with the Holy See of Light, or to fight against us?"

Lu Xiaoxiao thought about it for a while, and then asked the wrong answer: "Is it the number one dandy in the Antarctic continent? When did I upgrade? Wasn't it the number one dandy in the Western Jin Dynasty before?"

The leader of light: "..."

People: "..."

Is now the time to wrestle with this question?

With a stick girl like you, let alone the Antarctic continent, even in Tianyu, your dandyism index can come out on top!

Lu Xiaoxiao was so angry that the leader of Guangming stood in the middle, neither beating nor fighting, and after a long time, he lowered his offensive hand severely, and said angrily, "Seventh Princess!"


Regarding Lu Xiaoxiao's very quick militarized answer, with an extremely correct attitude, the Guangming leader's complexion improved a little, and he asked, "Are you going to join hands with the Guangming Holy See or become an enemy of us?"

" I still need to answer this? Didn't I already say that?" Lu Xiaoxiao was at a loss.

"What did you say? I'm sorry I can't understand the ambiguous words!"

"By the way, you have already ordered that you will not die with us in Nanzhao. Can you still change what you said?"

After listening to Lu Xiaoxiao's words, the leader of Guangming swallowed the boiling blood like swallowing ten thousand flies, and explained through gritted teeth: "But the seventh princess just said that as long as the Holy See of Guangming joins, you will Will you accept me with an open heart?"

"Cough, cough, cough..." Lu Xiaoxiao was choked by the words of the leader of Guangming, and coughed fiercely: "Master... cough cough cough... I know that I am born beautiful and hard to give up, I was born to be a heavenly man The posture is unparalleled, and it is only natural that you admire me.

But I already have a husband and a son, and you are so old, even if I am a fairy flower, but... my taste is still not that heavy! You are too old, or... you want to find a woman, I will find you a new one? We are really not suitable! "

The leader of light: "..."

Everyone: "..."

In the space, Nangong Jin and Wuyan, who had been waiting for a stunning appearance, held their foreheads at the same time. Even the all-powerful and majestic Tu Tu was unsteady at the moment, and staggered, almost throwing Lu Xiaoxiao flying.

"When will Aunt Huang's bad habit of making up random poems be corrected?"

Nangong Yunlang in the distance shook his head, and wailed weakly, looking at Brother Immortal beside him. But at this moment, he saw that his whole mind was devoted to Lu Xiaoxiao, and there was an unconcealable smile and pampering on the corner of his lips.

Nangong Yunlang wailed again and decided not to speak.

"You... you're kidding me!"

The leader of Guangming, who was about to be played bad by Lu Xiaoxiao, gritted his teeth at this moment. At such an advanced age, he was being teased by a little girl. At this moment, he was so angry that he wanted to tear Lu Xiaoxiao apart.

"Go to hell!" With a loud roar, the leader of light rushed forward again.

The distance between him and Lu Xiaoxiao was only 500 meters, but he had only sprinted less than 100 meters. He had just started sprinting and was immediately stopped by Lu Xiaoxiao again, almost in this rhythm.

"Alliance! Alliance! I form an alliance—!"

When Lu Xiaoxiao's voice was almost inaudible, the Guangming leader had already rushed in front of her.

However, it stopped again.

Because he heard the word "alliance" again!

"You're not kidding me? Are you really going to form an alliance with the Holy See of Light?" the leader of the Light asked suspiciously.

This Lu Xiaoxiao is really unreliable, who will tell him where Nangong Jin went?

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