The little Tangling Dynasty could no longer keep his heart that had followed Lu Xiaoxiao away.

His life was not in the Tangling Dynasty, but in the Heavenly Territory that he never even dared to think about.

Dongfang Ming did not accept Dongfang Yan's Zen position, which was under Lu Xiaoxiao's guess, but when he told Lu Xiaoxiao, he would accompany them to Tianyu, to find the Big Dipper Qiankun Sword, and to defeat those who had hurt When Nangong Jin's people helped them rescue their friend from the ghost, Lu Xiaoxiao was still taken aback.

But it was just a surprise.

Because almost after Dongfang Ming finished his thoughts, someone had already agreed.

Tianyu is an extremely dangerous place, there are many masters, they really need the help of friends.

The situation is the same as that of Dongfang Ming. After the war, Emperor Hongde chatted with Nangong Jin for a long time, but he didn't know what the two brothers said. Anyway, the second day after the chat ended, Emperor Hongde announced his abdication and passed the throne to the crown prince Nangong Yun Feng, and he is ready to be the Supreme Emperor.

However, it is only natural for the emperor to pass on the throne and the crown prince to succeed to the throne, but Emperor Hongde has already announced the news in front of the civil and military officials of the court, and the ministers have already knelt down to pay homage to the new emperor, but Nangong Yunfeng was stunned for a long time Then he said sarcastically:

"This palace... I never thought about becoming an emperor! Father, why didn't you discuss this matter with your son earlier?"

Emperor Hongde: "..."

Ministers: "..."

I have seen all kinds of methods of forcing the palace to usurp the throne, snatching the throne, successfully succeeding to the throne, changing the dynasty through war, and the succession of the Zen throne, but the ministers have never heard of giving the throne to the son without consulting, but the son does not want it. Blame Dad for not saying hello to him first.

It's not right for the ministers to kneel on the ground to worship, it's not good if they don't pay homage, it's not good to persuade them, and it's not good if they don't persuade them.

After all, the emperor is still in front of them, and they are too embarrassed to beg for nothing to let the new emperor succeed. Isn't this beating the old emperor's face?

Therefore, on the day when the Seventh Uncle of the Nanzhao Dynasty did not go to court, a succession oolong incident that had never occurred in history occurred.

After the morning court, Emperor Hongde called the prince to the imperial study with a dark face, and a few hours later the prince came out as if nothing had happened, Wei Wang Nangong Yunye, You Wang Nangong Yunlang and Lu Wang Nangong Yunqing were called in.

In the early morning of the second day, the Seventh Uncle was not absent. Emperor Hongde once again announced his abdication and passed the throne to Wei Wang Nangong Yunye. He appointed Youwang Nangong Yunlang and Lu Wang Nangong Yunqing as princes to assist Nangong Yunye together. .

After experiencing Jin Wang Nangong Yunding and Qin Wang Nangong Yunhao, Lu Wang Nangong Yunqing also understood a lot at once, calmed down, and vowed to help the sixth brother with peace of mind.

"You made Nangong Xing abdicate?"

In the space, Lu Xiaoxiao was lying on the clean grass, breathing a strong aura, half-closed her eyes, enjoying the leisurely afternoon.

Nangong Jin came to sit down next to Lu Xiaoxiao, and originally planned to hug the lady into her arms, but because of her resistance to his body, she finally gave up.

Ever since he knew that Wuyan's body was his real body, except when he and Wuyan merged and they were very affectionate, at other times Lu Xiaoxiao never had any skin-to-skin contact with him other than holding hands. .

This is Nangong Jin who has suffered a lot of enthusiasm.

Sighing, he put these depressing things aside, shook his head and said, "No, I never thought of letting him abdicate."

"Then he was so keen on the throne, why did he suddenly abdicate?" Seeing Nangong Jin's disappointment, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that she had done a bad job and ignored his feelings, so she reached out her hand to interlock Nangong Jin's fingers.

With the lady holding hands, Nangong Jin finally felt that she no longer looked like a stray dog ​​that was despised by others.

But at this moment, Wuyan also came over and sat down on the other side of Lu Xiaoxiao.

So, Lu Xiaoxiao took away the hand that was intertwined with Nangong Jin, and reached out to hold her family Wuyan.

Anyway, aren't the two of them spiritually and emotionally connected? Then Nangong Jin must have felt her holding Wuyan's hand.

Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao pulling Wuyan instead of herself, Nangong Jin didn't like it at all.

It was him anyway.

Lu Xiaoxiao held Wuyan, and Nangong Jin could even feel the warmth of her hand.

It's an amazing feeling, but it's not nice at all.

There is a huge gap between this kind of feeling and direct personal experience.

"Ask you something!"

Lu Xiaoxiao held Wuyan who was lying on the lawn enjoying the sun, and turned to look at Nangong Jin. For a moment, he felt spurned.

For the same person, why is the treatment of the soul so far worse than that of the soul?

"I really didn't ask him to abdicate. He just asked me about Wenyao."

"Then did you tell him that your subordinate Wen Yao is the late emperor?"

"How is it possible? I just told him that the first emperor did not die but went to Tianyu."

Lu Xiaoxiao nodded: "Yunfeng came to see me today, and he said he would go to Tianyu with us. Do you agree?"

Nangong Jin glanced at Lu Xiaoxiao with a pure face: "You even agree with Dongfang Ming, can you disagree with him?"

"But don't you have thoughts about Yunfeng? And I feel so guilty every time I make him so sad and lost. Maybe... it's best for him to stay on the Antarctic continent. They don't say time Is it the best medicine to treat psychological trauma? If we haven’t seen each other for a long time, one day he will get out of this shadow.”

Nangong Jin shook her head: "You don't know him. If you really put him on the Antarctic continent and don't let him follow, he will probably live in the shadow of this relationship for the rest of his life."

"I let him follow and watch me every day, so he won't?" Lu Xiaoxiao wondered, what kind of logic is this?

"I don't know if he can get out of this relationship with you, but only by letting him be by your side, and then slowly changing his emotions in the company, can he really get out of this shadow.

I know Yunfeng quite well. He is very similar to your elder brother. He looks easy-going on the outside, but he is actually a very persistent person. If you leave him in the Antarctic Continent and become the emperor of the Nanzhao Kingdom, he will not be able to get out of your hurdle in the next few thousand years. "

"That's it. Well then, I'll call him back tomorrow."

After all, Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Nangong Jin and asked with a smile: "He is the most different friend in my heart, so you won't be jealous?"

Nangong Jin gave her a white look: "I'm so good-looking, how can I be jealous of him! Would you give up a man who has been with you for a hundred lives and choose someone else heartlessly?"

Lu Xiaoxiao: "..." Do you dare not take this matter as a threat?

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