

"The last time I was in the dungeon at the North Pole, when you looked at the tree of life, I wanted to ask you, do you remember anything?"

Nangong Jin glanced at Lu Xiaoxiao who cared about him, and nodded.

Lu Xiaoxiao didn't speak, she waited for Nangong Jin to tell him what she remembered.

"I am the main god of this plane, and the entire Antarctic continent was created by me."

"!!!" Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Nangong Jin for a long time, and asked, "How did you create the Antarctic continent?"

"Just like our space, the Antarctic continent was also born in this way. My dantian was very powerful. Through cultivation, I can condense incomparably majestic zhenqi in my dantian, and then I use this inexhaustible zhenqi to Condensate, concentrate, refine and upgrade it into grandmist, grandmist is the essence of purple true qi, and these primordial purple qi with extremely strong aura is the root of life, the primordial purple qi that I produce every day gathers together, In less than ten years, a chaos can be formed in the dantian.

The primordial purple energy gathers for a long time, and the chaos continues to grow. After the fission, it will be divided into upper and lower poles. The upper part is the sky, and the lower part is the earth, forming a majestic space in my body. After further fission, stars and atmosphere will be produced in the space. The more primordial energy condenses, the more abundant the aura of the space will be, and the less the condensed primordial energy, the less spatial aura will be correspondingly.

After the Primordial Purple Qi is extremely abundant and the space is fully developed, it will fission again to form an independent individual that can still circulate infinitely after leaving my body. At that time, I will exile this space and let it leave my body to become A plane in this vast universe. The Antarctic continent is one of the planes separated from my body. "

"……"one! ! !

"Then, do you remember what happened before, and why did we go to Earth?"

Nangong Jin was silent for a moment, and said: "It's similar to what Gong Lichen told you at the beginning. I took your Yuanling to the Antarctic continent to perform a blessing technique for you, so that you can enter reincarnation. Who knows that when you are praying, I was suddenly attacked by the enemy. Although the mana of those people was not as good as mine, it was not much different. But there were 11 of them, and I was alone.

When they attacked me at the same time, I had no choice but to blew myself up. Only in this way can I seriously injure the opponent to the greatest extent, otherwise I have no chance of winning if I fight alone.

Because of my strength, even if I turn into dust after self-detonation, I can slowly gather the Yuan Ling together in a short period of time, so once I self-detonate, even if there is only one of them left, I will definitely not let me reunite the Yuan Ling Opportunity, I will definitely do everything possible to find my wandering Yuanling, absorb it for their use, and completely strangle me in this plane.

Fortunately, they didn't know that I was still holding your Yuanling in my hand. During the explosion, I took advantage of the principle of the explosion to inject all my soul into your Yuanling, and then sealed the soul in my body. In the sword, so as not to cause the soul to be scattered and lost.

At that time, I was already quite weak, and if I injected most of my soul into your primordial spirit, I would have no strength to escape from this plane. In times of crisis, you can only divide the Beidou Qiankun Sword into seven parts, inject one part into your Yuan Ling, and use the power of the remaining six parts to open the space plane, and take the opportunity to send your Yuan Ling into the turbulent flow of time and space .

In this way, even if they find me later, they can only hurt my soul, but my power will not be used by them. Furthermore, the Beidou Qiankun Sword is the most precious treasure in the world, and if I store a piece of it in your Yuanling, they will never want to find the whole sword again.

While those people were avoiding the explosion, I made a map, and also divided the map into seven parts and scattered them all over the Antarctic continent, so that when the time is right, I can use this map to find the necessary things for soul fusion.

As for my soul, almost all of it is loaded into the Big Dipper Qiankun Sword. Only I can find them through the traction of my soul. Anyone else, even if they find the Big Dipper Qiankun Sword, will think it is just a piece of scrap iron. Unless those 11 people personally go to every corner to look for it. But this is impossible, because my self-destruction will definitely also injure them. After all these years, they should all be recuperating. "

Lu Xiaoxiao: "..." The amount of information is huge! so complicated! I'm so dizzy!

Seeing that Nangong Jin had indeed finished speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao said, "I have a few questions."

"En." Nangong Jin nodded, expressing that she knew everything without saying anything.

"The first question, you said that you took my Yuan Ling to the Antarctic continent to pray for me, so that I could enter reincarnation. That is to say..." Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at Nangong Jin: "In fact, the two of us have nothing to do with each other. It's not a relationship, I'm just a soul of your Antarctic continent, and you, as the main god, just want me to reincarnate. Is that what you mean?"

Nangong Jin shook her head: "No."

"Where is it wrong? It is clearly! We actually don't have that kind of relationship at all." Lu Xiaoxiao curled her lips, feeling a little inferior because of the huge gap between herself and Nangong Jin ten thousand years ago.

"You are not the soul of the Antarctic continent."

"Then where is my soul?" Lu Xiaoxiao was curious.

"I haven't remembered these things yet. In the fragment of memory I recovered, I took your Yuan Ling to the Antarctic Continent to pray for blessings, and wanted to put your Yuan Ling in my plane.

A complete person is divided into three souls and seven souls and a human body, both of which are indispensable. But once the strength reaches a certain level and becomes a fairy, he can abandon his physical body and appear as a soul. The thing that can connect the body of the soul is called Yuanling, which is the Antarctic ice soul you are looking for with me now, that is the name of my Yuanling. "

Lu Xiaoxiao rubbed herself up suddenly, and said in surprise: "What do you mean? You mean that I am also a person with Yuanling, so I am also... an immortal?"

"Yes. You are also a fairy, but for some reason you abandoned your soul, leaving only a lonely Yuanling. Once the Yuanling is separated from the fairy body, which is your soul, it cannot exist alone in human form. If you want to give you life again, you must escape into reincarnation and let your new physical body practice magic again. At the moment of feathering, that is, breaking through the peak of the seventh level of the mysterious rank, you can leave your mortal body and become a fairy again .”

"!!!" Lu Xiaoxiao was shocked.

They thought they were a couple who fell in love ten thousand years ago, but were killed by their enemies later. In desperation, Nangong Jin used his own life to protect her, let them go to the earth, and then guarded her forever.

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