Lu Xiaoxiao thought about it and thought it was right. Anyway, except for the body, the two people share everything else, so it can also eliminate the entanglement in her heart, which is indeed a good way.

"I have a question."

"Tell me." Wuyan pulled Lu Xiaoxiao into her arms again, so that she could feel him and slowly eliminate the barrier in her heart.

"Although it is the same body of souls, after all, your soul body uses Nangong Yu's body. How do you fuse together every time? After the fusion, your own body will appear. Where did Nangong Yu's body go? "

"I put it away. I still don't like using other people's bodies."

"Then... after you merge, can you become Nangong Yu?"

"Yes. It's just that Nangong Yu is a mortal body after all, and my energy is too strong. If I use this body to fuse the soul for a long time, it is easy to break this body. Once it is broken, it will cause a lot of damage to the soul. .”

"I see." Lu Xiaoxiao nodded, and finally clarified the doubts in her heart belatedly.

"I still have a question." Lu Xiaoxiao spoke again like a curious baby.


"You just said that ten thousand years ago you were attacked by 11 people. Those people are very powerful, so you blew yourself up. Your self-destruction is what they said ten thousand years ago, dividing the continent into Antarctica and Tianyu The big bang, right?"


"!!!" A self-destruction, or a self-destruction that hides all the body in her Yuanling and escapes, can almost completely destroy an entire planet. How powerful does it have to be?

"Gong Lichen said that seven evil dragons came to Antarctica to attack you, but you said there were 11 people. Are these 11 evil dragons? Where did the other four go?"

"It should have died from the explosion. I have lived in Tianyu for such a long time and there is no news of the four dragons. They should be dead."

"Then you say... Tutu will be one of them?"

Now there are seven so-called gods in the three major holy courts of Tianyu, but there are eleven in Wuyan's mouth. Tutu is also at the level of a beast, and even once he recovers, he will never be restricted by space. Lu Xiaoxiao is worried, what if Tu Tu is one of these eleven people. Once Tu Tu regains his memory, how will she get along with this lovely brother?

"Tu Tu is seriously injured now, so I can't see his strength, but if he recovers, his strength should be equal to that of the seven dragons. But I don't think it should be among the eleven."

"Do you remember who those who attacked you are, and do you have any grievances with you?"

Wuyan shook his head: "No matter what grievances there were before, anyway, the grievances have been planted now. I will definitely make them pay for the mistakes they made back then."

So many souls have been miserably burned, as the main god, he absolutely cannot tolerate it.

"Yeah." Lu Xiaoxiao also nodded: "I'll accompany you. We can definitely do it."

Wuyan rubbed Lu Xiaoxiao's head, nodded and said, "En."

Although it was only a brief "hmm", Wuyan's heart was incomparably surging at the moment.

This trip to Tianyu is extremely dangerous, and she also knows that what they will face in the future is not only to rescue his former partners-those trapped in ghosts. What they will face is a few masters, or to be more precise, a few gods, that he was unable to match with human strength when he was the main god.

A tiny person to fight against a high god, and there are still 7! The difficulties they will face are completely unimaginable. But she is still willing to follow.

Although this woman was sometimes a little funny, a little lazy, and a little unreliable, he remembered her love for him.

"By the way, I have another question. You said that the Yuan Ling with me was casting blessings on me at that time. What did you bless me? In other words, the blessings given to me by the Lord God back then will still be counted even after ten thousand years right?"

Wuyan couldn't help laughing at Lu Xiaoxiao's question.

"why are you laughing?"

"It's nothing. My blessing just explains why you say that you are the beautiful girl who saved the galaxy in your previous life."

"Tell me, what have you blessed me with?"

Seeing Wuyan showing a boundless and elegant smile, while squinting Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes, it made her even more curious.

"The content of my blessing is: I hope you have an unforgettable reincarnation in the Antarctic continent, I hope you are happy every day, I hope you can have the best luck, and finally, I hope you can find your love in this continent , and stay with the one you love forever. After you find true love, fly to heaven with him."

"!!!" It turned out that although she was an orphan, she lived a happy life because Nangong Jin blessed her! It turned out that she didn't save the Milky Way, she was able to have such good luck because she was blessed by the Lord God.

Lu Xiaoxiao glanced at Nangong Jin, wishing that she could find her love and stay with the one she loves forever. Then, as the main god, will he be the one who stays with her forever?

"It turns out that we were really not a couple in the past. You bless me like this, which clearly shows that you didn't have any feelings for me before. By the way, can the Lord God's blessing involve the Lord God himself?" Lu Xiaoxiao looked anxiously. Looking at Wuyan.

If it doesn't work, it's invalid. Will Wuyan separate from her after she gathers all the energy and completely merges with Nangong Jin?

She... can't bear to wow!

Wuyan smiled slightly, hugged Lu Xiaoxiao's arm a little harder, and said something that reassured Lu Xiaoxiao: "Don't worry, the blessing technique is a kind of spell similar to a spell. Even more powerful people block it and cut off the blessing, otherwise as long as you like it, the Lord God himself will be involved."

And in the blessing technique, there was another blessing he didn't tell Lu Xiaoxiao, that is, he hoped that she would forget the feeling that made her sad.

The memory he recovered was limited, and he couldn't remember what kind of sad feelings Lu Xiaoxiao had experienced before, and he didn't know whether the feelings had anything to do with him.

But it doesn't matter whether it's related or not, the last relationship has become a thing of the past for her and for him.

No matter how much she fell in love with someone else, since the explosion ten thousand years ago, their lives have been closely integrated, and he absolutely does not allow anyone to make her idea or cause her any harm .

If he was the one who caused her harm, then no matter what his reasons were before, he would never allow himself to cause any harm to her from the moment their lives merged with each other ten thousand years ago.

In a word, she is his! Ming Media is marrying! Sixteen carried a big sedan chair!

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