Time flies, time flies, and three years pass by.

In the center of the space filled with purple air, bright sunlight, and abundant spiritual energy, this is where the spiritual spring of life is located, as well as the tree of life and the center stone.

After three full years of nourishment, the tree of life is no longer as withered and gray as before. Both the roots and branches are full of vitality.

Dozens of fruit of the tree of life that could only be transformed in the Antarctic continent for a hundred years have begun to hang out between the verdant and huge leaves.

When the fruit matures and falls to the ground, a new generation of elves will be born again, adding fresh blood inheritance to this race that has been extinct for thousands of years.

Under the tree of life, an elf king with pointed ears who is known as the kindest and most beautiful of all races is praying devoutly for those elves who have not landed yet.

A series of incomprehensible blessings floated from the mouth of Lichen, the elven king's palace, forming blessings and falling on the green fruits one by one. Every time he received the blessing from the elven king, the tender green round fruits would flash a touch of light. white halo.

The combination of white light and green light makes the whole tree of life and the people under the tree look very beautiful.

In this infinitely beautiful beauty, like a fairyland on earth, there are hoarse howls from time to time, quite damaging the scenery. However, Gong Lichen had already been immune to this kind of violating cry.

He was not at all surprised that a woman who was so shameless and shameless did such a dirty thing while her son was not at home.

Poor Xiao Zi, a child who is not yet three years old, is being abused by this woman like this, it really makes people speechless and trembling!

There was a blowout when the earth core stone from the Antarctic continent was planted next to the spring of life. After that blowout, the spring of life in the well was upgraded to a spring of life. Nangong Jin dug a huge spring of life from the blowout. artificial lakes to bloom.

At the corner of this beautiful silvery lake, there is a specially built bathing place the size of an adult swimming pool, and the owner of this sunny bathing place is Xiao Zi who is screaming fiercely at the moment.

This is its private and exclusive swimming pool. You need to use a pool of life spring water to take a bath. No one has such treatment, including Lu Xiaoxiao's dear son - Nangong Luli.

Well, let me first explain the origin of Nangong Luli's name.

Nangong Luli, also known as Dudu, originally Lu Xiaoxiao wanted Dudu to follow her surname desperately. Lu Xiaoli, what a cute name!

However, under Nangong Jin's all kinds of trickery, abduction, inducement and lobbying, and under the gentle and smiling gaze of the faceless uncle who made Lu Xiaoxiao's heart tremble, finally Lu Xiaoli successfully added the word Nangong in front of it. So Dudu not only takes his father's surname, but also his mother's surname. In the end, his name became Nangong Luli.

Today, little Nangong Luli was dragged to the palace by his father Nangong Jin, so Lu Xiaoxiao took advantage of the kid's absence and threw her little friend Xiaozi directly into this swimming pool.

The swimming pool is big and deep. When Xiao Zi was thrown into it, it sank directly to the bottom due to its super density.

Fortunately, its original body is a spirit stone, so it is not afraid of water at all. So sink to the bottom.

However, Xiaozi, who was sinking to the bottom, could only hide in the east and west. The bottom of the water does not make it safe, because the female devil possesses water profound power. After it sank to the bottom, the female devil also chased it down, rubbing and rubbing against it.

Since it was born, it has been forced to take a bath every day. Its body has long been clean without even a piece of dead skin. How can there be dirt! So if the female devil rubs it like this, it will get impatient, okay?

The most annoying thing in this life is to take a bath. The female devil told it that it is a loser and can do nothing but eat. The only contribution it can make to mankind in this life is to take a bath.

It also feels that it is a foodie, and that it should contribute to human beings. But it was clearly agreed to only take two baths a day, how could it be forced to make more contributions just because Dudu was not around? It's so hungry, it really wants to eat chicken!

Xiaozi was hungry, and fought with Lu Xiaoxiao at the bottom of the water in grief and anger. From time to time, she would make all kinds of strange screams and laughter because of the strong rubbing by the other party, and after the end, it turned into screams and howls of pigs.

A pool of clear life spring water changed from silvery white to purple immediately after Xiao Zi fell into it, and the liquid water also began to condense quickly because of Xiao Zi's churning at the bottom of the water. The puddle of spring water has turned into a large purple solid.

Xiao Zi flexibly shuttled and avoided in the bottom solid body, but Lu Xiaoxiao, who also possessed the earth profound power, was not hindered by the purple solid at the moment, and followed Xiao Zi to shuttle flexibly inside.

Xiaozi is waxy, fat, and a good piece of Lingshi has been fed by Dudu like a fat duck that has been blown up. How can she escape the pursuit of the female devil Lu Xiaoxiao?

In this chasing and being chased, the solid purple in the swimming pool became harder and harder, and even began to emit a dazzling light.

Howling, Xiao Zi jumped her head out of the "water surface" that had become hard and solid, and wanted to take the opportunity to escape to eat chicken, but the next moment, before her fat, round body had time to rush out, she was once again caught by a Mozhuo was caught in it.

"Good little Zi, just for a while! After taking a bath, Mama will give you two chickens."

"Jiujiu! (Liar!)" Xiaozi was filled with grief and indignation. She regarded it as a treasure when it was useful, and ignored it when it was useless, and even bullied it and despised her for being fat. Mi never thought that she would remember to find chicken for it.

Every time I trick it into making various wishes and promises when taking a bath, and tell it to lose weight ferociously after the bath.

It has already seen through this female devil!

"Really, Mama won't lie to you this time. I will really give you two chickens when I go out! Mama guarantees it with her personality!"

"Chirp?" Xiao Zi looked at Lu Xiaoxiao suspiciously, thinking about the credibility of her words, and whether Ma Ma's personality was worth two chickens.

Gong Lichen in the distance twitched his brows fiercely when he heard the sound of "Jiu Jiu Jiu" next to him, but in the end he couldn't hold back the sourness in his heart, and was forced to end his blessings to the new generation of clansmen, and looked aside Two chicks just hatched from the coop.

Although chicks are ordinary poultry, they always have an instinctive like and dislike for beautiful things. Gong Lichen, as the elven king who symbolized the truth, kindness and beauty of the Antarctic continent back then, had a great attraction for these two little chicks.

"Choo Choo Choo!"


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