Xiaoshuang knew at a glance that the water was the life-defying spring water that she and Bifan drank before, carefully took the package away, and then said to Bifan: "Bifan, when I'm not here, you have to listen to Miss, you can't drink it. You can do whatever you want, after all, we are in Nanzhao now, we don't have a backer, so don't cause trouble for Miss."

"Don't worry, I am now a master of the fourth level of King Wu, so it is no problem to protect Miss. As long as others don't think wrongly about Miss, I will definitely not take the initiative to provoke people."

Xiaoshuang rolled her eyes, knowing that what she said was in vain. Both Bi Fan and Miss are the kind of people who can't stand it, she really doesn't know what it will be like when she returns after leaving.

"Xiaoshuang, you can leave at ease, I have my own discretion in things here. Hurry up and go back."


After the three master and servant finished speaking, Lu Xiaoxiao put Xiaoshuang into the space, and then walked out of the palace in a big stab.

The hidden guards of the Seventh Prince's Mansion look at each other, now that Feichen and Feihua are dead, no one is watching the Seventh Princess, and now she is going out, should they report it or report it?

They have gotten used to the other two obedient and well-behaved wives who never caused trouble, but now the guards feel a headache when they see this princess who has confronted the prince several times within a few days of her marriage.

After hearing the report from the dark guard, Nangong Jin frowned: This woman is always mysterious and secretive. What is she going out to do after dinner at this time?

Just as Nangong Jin was guessing and guessing, Lu Xiaoxiao came back with a big stab. Then he closed the door and never went out again.

"Come in!"

As soon as she entered the room, she heard Wuyan's somewhat excited call, and Lu Xiaoxiao hurried into the space to stand side by side with him.

Following Wuyan's gaze, Lu Xiaoxiao realized that a towering giant tree suddenly appeared in front of her. Under the tree was a field with a large piece of grass growing in the field.

This giant tree is 100 meters high, and spreads out from the trunk with a diameter of 20 meters. With its wide and thick leaves, the width is more than 50 meters.

"What is this? Why does it look so familiar?" Lu Xiaoxiao looked at this towering ancient tree dully, completely unable to remember where she had seen this kind of tree before.

Wuyan was also a little dazed at the moment.

"This is the Mingxi grass that was given away by the auction house today."

"Huh?" Lu Xiaoxiao was startled, her eyes widened.

She said why this thing looked so familiar but she couldn't remember where she had seen it before. The thing called emotion turned out to be a mutated Mingxi grass? !

"A medicinal herb that is as long as an arm, how on earth do you destroy it, how do you pull out the seedlings to encourage it, so that you can feed it like this?" Lu Xiaoxiao's world view was completely overturned. Looking at this towering giant tree, she felt a little horrified in her heart.

Such a big Mingxi Grass, let alone humans, even gods will be stuffed to death if eaten. And it has mutated like this, do you still dare to eat it?

"I think this piece of land is the most fertile in the current space, and it's not bad for planting medicinal herbs, so I reclaimed it and planted Mingxi grass in it. Unexpectedly, just after the medicinal herb was planted, it took this fertile land All the aura within a 100-meter radius of the land was sucked dry. In order to restore the fertility of this land, I used hundreds of buckets of life spring water to irrigate it. Unexpectedly, it absorbed all the water. After that, it began to Grow up. After half an hour, it finally stopped moving now."

Lu Xiaoxiao stretched out her hand, touched the 20-meter-thick tree trunk and asked, "Master Wuyan, are you sure this thing is Mingxi Grass?"

"Gluck cluck..."

Suddenly, the whole big tree swayed violently, letting out a series of eerie laughter, and even the ground trembled, which startled Lu Xiaoxiao, and quickly took her hands away.

"What's the situation?" Lu Xiaoxiao nervously looked at Wuyan.

But Wuyan was facing this weird big tree at the moment. If he had eyes on his chaotic face, he would definitely find that Wuyan's eyes were bright and like torches.

The next moment, Wuyan stretched out his hand and scratched violently at the tree trunk again.

"Hehehehe..." Dashu let out a series of loud laughter again.

"It...it's actually laughing!" At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao's world view was subverted and shocked. Coming to the Antarctic continent is enough to subvert her world view, and now the tree in her space is still smiling. Is she entering the world of fairies? !

Soon, the interaction between Wuyan and this giant tree completely overturned Lu Xiaoxiao's worldview.

The faceless hand touched the trunk without stopping, and kept scratching at the giant tree. The tree kept laughing and laughing until the flowers and branches trembled, and the seeds on the tree fell to the ground, instantly rising under the feet Countless strains of Mingxi grass came out.

It was only then that Lu Xiaoxiao saw that the green grass she was trampling on was Mingxi Grass that could only be bought at the auction house for ten thousand taels of silver.

Ow! Just when Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up, and she howled in her heart, "It's gone", suddenly the mud flew up, the ground trembled, and Lu Xiaoxiao lost her footing and fell to the ground.

The moment she fell, her body was lifted up by something underground.

Shocked, Lu Xiaoxiao quickly raised her hand with one hand, and quickly used the wind element to fly away from this place of right and wrong.

Then she saw Wuyan Fei flying in mid-air, chasing a towering tree that ran away from Yazi and flying towards the distance!

Can you imagine a towering giant tree with a height of 100 meters, a trunk of 20 meters, and a width of branches and leaves as long as 50 meters?

That can only be described as shocking and weeping ghosts and gods!

No matter how tall a giant tree is, it has a huge rhizome corresponding to its height and width. Can she say that the rhizomes of this mutated Mingxi grass have the height and width of the tree itself?

The tree, which was already so tall that it could only be looked up at, rose up from the ground and ran away screaming, the visual impact was absolutely shocking.

The 200-meter-high behemoth with its rhizomes runs, laughs and screams while being chased by Wuyan.

Can you imagine what kind of situation this is?

If there were no eye sockets, Lu Xiaoxiao's eyeballs would have fallen to the ground by now.

Because the giant trees are too big, have too many roots, and run too fast, it feels like they have run to the end of the world in a blink of an eye. Then, run back again.

The soil of the space, the hillside, was turned upside down by this one soul and a big tree.

Until Lu Xiaoxiao felt that the whole space was about to be destroyed by the two of them, and was about to growl to make them stop, she saw the big tree blowing towards her directly at the speed of the wind.

Such a big tree, not to mention being hit by it, even if it was swept by its branches and leaves, she would die. Lu Xiaoxiao was startled, and when she was about to dodge, she saw the giant tree in front of her suddenly turn into a silver streamer and shoot directly at her.

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