This speed was too fast, almost as fast as Wuyan's speed in the space. Lu Xiaoxiao was not good at learning, and the giant tree suddenly accelerated, there was no way to dodge it, and she directly greeted her.

She thought she would be knocked into the air by this giant tree, but at that moment Lu Xiaoxiao even wondered if, as the main god, she would be knocked to death by the tree she raised.

But when the silver light rushed into her bosom, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't even stagger, she just felt that there was something soft and cute like rubber in her bosom.

She was about to take it out to have a look, but it was so flexible that it slipped into her clothes along her sleeves.

Lu Xiaoxiao frowned, and quickly reached out to try to grab it, but every time she caught it, the other party's body shrank, turning into a streamline and going to another place.

"No face!"

Although Lu Xiaoxiao wasn't afraid, there was something crawling around in her clothes that made her itchy to death, so she could only laugh, pat, and call for help to Wuyan.

"Little thing, what is this in my hand?" Wuyan raised her hand, holding a glass of life spring water in her hand, standing not far from Lu Xiaoxiao, facing the wind.

A palm-sized milky-white head popped out from Lu Xiaoxiao's sleeve, looking at Wuyan cautiously and vigilantly. After seeing clearly what was in his hand, with a "whoosh", a silver streamer rushed over, then turned around 360 degrees, and returned to Lu Xiaoxiao's arms again.

Stretching out her arms to hold this little thing, Lu Xiaoxiao finally saw clearly the elf transformed from a giant tree in her arms.

From head to tail, the whole body of this elf is only no more than 15 centimeters in length. There are two pointed ears on top of the round head. A pair of big eyes occupied one-third of the entire face, the nose protruded like a little cherry, and the mouth seemed not much bigger than the nose. The tail behind it is shorter than a rabbit, and its almost negligible little tail flaps and flaps. It looks very agile and cute.

Seeing the appearance of this little thing, Lu Xiaoxiao thought of Dudu, and her heart softened instantly.

But the next moment, the cup of life spring water that was held in its arms and was bigger than its face was swallowed by it in one gulp. Swallowed it together with the glass in her space.

"Sigh", the little thing hiccupped and patted his round stomach, feeling very comfortable.

Seeing it swallow the cup, Lu Xiaoxiao was afraid that it would burp if it suffered from indigestion, so she quickly lifted it up to let it breathe. Unexpectedly, when he pulled hard with his hand, it directly lengthened its neck.

The little thing's body also made a "chirp" sound, and then retracted the stretched neck. Then he faced Lu Xiaoxiao, showing a flattering smile.

This smile instantly amused Lu Xiaoxiao. A mouthful of neat white teeth, almost indistinguishable from that of a human being, is neatly arranged and matches the pet's appearance.

Thinking of the long neck that was stretched by her just now, Lu Xiaoxiao directly grabbed the little thing's ear with one hand, and grabbed its tail with the other hand and pulled it hard.

There was another "chirp" sound, and the little thing's body was stretched instantly. The little thing pursed his mouth, and before he had time to protest, Lu Xiaoxiao clapped his hands again, and directly flattened the long tape-like thing.

This time, the little thing's face, body, and tail were all patted into a disc, with two big eyes sticking to it and turning around, and it took a lot of effort to stretch out its four short legs.

Before returning to a round shape, Lu Xiaoxiao's demon grasped it again, flattened and rounded it, made various elongated shapes, and even tied it directly.

Every time he was abused, the little thing's body would make chirping, chirping, chirping sounds, like a blow-up doll, full of joy.

Finally, the little thing couldn't be abused, turned into a puddle of juice and fell to the ground, and then grew into a tender green grass on the ground, which turned into the same shape as thousands of grasses in space, making Lu Xiaoxiao unable to find it. arrive.

"What the hell is this? How did it become a little doll?"

Anyway, this thing is in her space, so there is no need to worry about whether it will appear or not. Enough of the abuse, Lu Xiaoxiao raised her head and asked Wuyan.

Wuyan stretched out his hand and grabbed it, the little thing was immediately uprooted and fell into Wuyan's hands. After protesting for a while, he could only succumb to the other party's coercion.

Caressing the smooth body of the little thing, Wuyan replied: "This is the medicine spirit."

"Medicine spirit? What is medicine spirit? It is a herb with spiritual energy?"

Wuyan shook his head: "It has evolved from a spiritual herb to a living being. It's like human beings cultivating immortals. Once they break through the limit of human cultivation, the human body will become an immortal body. Humans are no longer humans, but immortals."

Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes twitched: "Can people really become immortals?"

"Of course, when your level breaks through the peak of level seven, you will be able to become a fairy body."

"..." Lu Xiaoxiao was speechless for a while.

Well, she is just an extremely ordinary person now, becoming a fairy is still too far away for her. Wouldn't it be thousands of years before breaking through to the seventh-level peak?

The only pity is that she can't become a fairy right now, otherwise she will immediately conjure 140 million taels of gold, and then smash her head and face to that dead face of Nangong Jin, and then leave with a divorce certificate in her arms.

Thinking of Nangong Jin, Lu Xiaoxiao's stomach cramped. It's really a scumbag to ask her for a sky-high divorce fee after a divorce with a dead face.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoxiao was wandering into the void again, Wuyan said: "I really didn't expect that this Mingxi grass could turn into a medicine spirit. With the medicine spirit, it is much more convenient and faster to plant plants in the space. It not only It can help take care of the medicinal herbs, and can also grow medicinal herbs that can exert the greatest medicinal properties according to the pharmacology of the medicinal herbs. The most important thing is that the medicinal spirit has a powerful ripening function. With the fertile soil in the space and the spring of life, you will just sell it in the future. You can also repay the huge sum of money in a short time. Moreover, the root of this medicinal spirit is Mingxi Grass, and you can still experience the pleasure of throwing beans into soldiers in the future, at least from now on. Don’t worry about the elixir to repair the injury.”

When it comes to money, Wuyan successfully recruited Lu Xiaoxiao's spirit back. A certain woman's eyes lit up again: "That's a good relationship! I'll go to the market to buy some herbs right away, and then you will pour a bucket of life spring water on each herb, so that I can have a lot of medicine spirits."

Thinking of Yao Ling's method of quickly ripening the herbs, Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes almost burst out with gold ingots.

Lu Xiaoxiao's thoughts caused Wuyan to be speechless, and even made Xiao Yaoling go crazy.

"Put away your thoughts of getting something for nothing. Your space is already against the sky, so stop thinking about what you have and what you don't have."

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