Scum! ! !

In the entire Tianyu, if you dare to call them two scumbags, there is only this fat cat!

However, with the mid-level strength of the sky level, it can fight against the top masters above the peak of the sky level. If it is true, as it said, when it recovers from its injury, wouldn't it mean that no one can hurt it except the leader of the temple? up?

"Old man, are you really not worried about your apprentice at all?"

"Hehe, my apprentice has an ethereal physique, and the aura in his body is inexhaustible. And I feel that he still has something to ward off evil spirits. Even if there is something sneaky inside, he can't help him. What should I worry about? Anyway, I don't care about other things. No matter how you are, my apprentice will definitely come out safely."

"Hmph! Selfish!"

Facing Master Cat's slander, Ling Mubai curled his lips: "Being a good person will not end well!"


Nangong Yunfeng slowly flew away from the ground and came to an altitude of more than 30 meters to look around.

He remembered that they were standing in front of a big mountain just now, and that mountain probably collapsed suddenly because of Xiaoxiao's manipulation. But even if it collapsed, there should be a piece of rock under his feet, but at this moment, he is standing in an open space.

There are tombstones all around the open space. Nothing is written on the tombstones, only portraits with blue and black complexions hang on the tombstones.

The portrait on the tombstone is like Tian Yu's ID card, it is condensed with the airway. And the people on these tombstones were all imprinted by Qi Dao after they died, so they all looked like dead people.

Looking around, there are tombstones all over the mountains and plains. Visually, there must be at least more than 100,000 dead people.

Now everyone around him is gone, and he is the only one left. According to Cai Xiaoxiao's secret voice transmission, he should have been drawn into the formation by something.

Yan Jiuqing and his master are highly skilled in martial arts, so the evil ghosts here must not dare to touch them. But where did Xiaoxiao and Fu Xiaobai go?

Looking at the formation, the ghosts and snake gods in this formation have already separated the three of them into three places, ready to share and eat them!

Suddenly, at the end of the distance, a thing that seemed to be a legendary will-o'-the-wisp rushed towards him from the horizon as far as the eye could see at a speed that was invisible to the naked eye, and Nangong Yunfeng's expression changed drastically.

I don't know who is controlling this will-o'-the-wisp thing. The speed is too fast. Even if it is flying towards this side, it has already produced "rumbling" friction in the air before it can attack the target. The sound was like thunder and lightning, and it was simply not something a warrior at the top of the Xuan level like him could resist.

When the will-o'-the-wisp was still a hundred meters away from him, Nangong Yunfeng felt the fiery temperature emanating from the flame.

With such a temperature, even if this thing doesn't kill him, it will definitely burn him to death here.

At this moment, he suddenly understood why people who entered Yinshan always entered but never exited.

Could it be that I will become like those people in the tomb in the blink of an eye, and become one of these more than 100,000 tombs?

He doesn't want it!

Even if he died, he would definitely not turn into a corpse, and then his dead face would be printed on the tombstone.

Dodging can never keep up with the speed of this fireball, even if you dodge this time, you won't be able to dodge the next time.

So Nangong Yunfeng simply used all the strength in his body to meet this fireball that looked like a will-o'-the-wisp.

He has an ethereal physique, and his body can absorb an absolute capacity of aura. Once he explodes, he doesn't need any time to inflate his meridians, and he can explode instantly.

Once this evil will-o'-the-wisp touches him, and once he loses to him and is about to die, he immediately throws himself up and explodes. Even if he dies at that time, he must be on the back of this back.

Nangong Yunfeng felt that every pore of his body had fully communicated with the aura, and when he blew himself up, he would detonate all the aura around the space.

Once all the spiritual energy in this sky explodes, it will definitely form a black hole and swallow this will-o'-the-wisp.

Because he could almost feel the absolute rejection of the will-o'-the-wisp and aura.

He is sure that the natural enemy of will-o'-the-wisps is aura!

The will-o'-the-wisp arrived in the blink of an eye, and as the distance approached, Nangong Yunfeng's eyes suddenly widened. this fire...

She was smiling at him!

In the horrible grin, there was contempt and sarcasm towards him.

Nangong Yunfeng exerted his strength angrily, and raised the technique of "Rongsheng Jue" to the extreme.

"Rongsheng Jue" was a private order given to him by the emperor's uncle. Because he didn't like killing people and didn't like being an enemy, he specially asked him to practice it.

The Rong Sheng Jue has been cultivated to the extreme, it can melt all the opponent's attacks on him, whether it is internal strength, profound art, poison art or divine soul attack, his Rong Sheng Jue can dissolve them one by one, and counterattack back with the same strength.

In layman's terms, "Rongsheng Jue" is "reflection"!

For example, he is just a human-level master, but meets a heaven-level master who wants to kill him. As long as he can cultivate the "Rongsheng Jue" to the top level, then when this heaven-level master attacks him, "Rongsheng Jue" will kill him. Not only can it defuse the damage caused to him by the heavenly masters, but it can also reflect the same power on the body of the heavenly masters.

Once "Fusion of Life" is completed, either don't treat him as an enemy, and once you become his enemy, then you will hit yourself.

It's a pity that his skill is low, and he has only reached the peak of level five in "Rongshengjue". It is obvious at first glance that this ghost fire is a product of a high-level earth level, and it is not something a warrior of his level can compete with.


Finally, during Nangong Yunfeng's final sigh, the ghost fire collided with him, making a muffled sound.


One hundredth of a second ago, the will-o'-the-wisp still had a ferocious smile on its face.

But in the blink of an eye, the ferocious smile had already switched to a face of shock, disbelief, anger and horror.

The screams hadn't stopped yet, the will-o'-the-wisps disappeared, and everything was as it was before, as if there had never been a strange attack before.

Nangong Yunfeng frowned slightly looking at his hands.

Just now he has mobilized all the spiritual energy in his body and the outside world, but he has not transformed this spiritual energy into the "Integration of Life" to attack, why did the will-o'-the-wisp disappear?

Did he confront the will-o'-the-wisp just now, or did the will-o'-the-wisp meet something else?

Nangong Yunfeng was deeply surprised, but he still let out a deep breath after being able to escape.

The moment he came into contact with the will-o'-the-wisp just now, the powerful murderous aura released by the other party made him think that he was bound to die.

Although he didn't know what made him escape, he sincerely hoped that the powerful will-o'-the-wisp would never appear again.

It's no wonder that unless the people who come in are heaven-level or above, they can't get out. It turned out to be the ghost of this will-o'-the-wisp.

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