The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 612: The Balrog Is Miserable

This ghost fire has the strength of the peak of the earth level, and when outsiders enter Yinshan, the strength will automatically be lowered by one level, so as long as the strength is below the peak of the high level of the sky, they will become the high level of the earth. Of course, it is not the opponent of the will-o'-the-wisp.

At this moment, Nangong Yunfeng only hoped that this will-o'-the-wisp would not come out again.

However, just after Nangong Yunfeng made his wish, cold sweat suddenly broke out on his back, a great threat was already behind him, Nangong Yunfeng didn't even have time to turn around, so he mobilized his spiritual energy and collided with the will-o'-the-wisp again.

I thought it would definitely be knocked into the air this time.

Unexpectedly, the will-o'-the-wisp screamed again and flew backwards.

After Nangong Yunfeng turned around, he only had time to see the black sparks exposed when the will-o'-the-wisp disappeared, and nothing else.

Regarding the speed of the will-o'-the-wisp, Nangong Yunfeng also knelt down.

If the other party didn't know why he couldn't get in touch with him, otherwise he would have died twice.

"Damn human! What the hell are you putting on your body?"

Suddenly, a frightening voice appeared in Nangong Yunfeng's mind. The reason why he said it was in his mind was that the voice did not come from the air, but from his soul.

Nangong Yunfeng was startled suddenly, remembering a Yu Yupei given to him by the emperor's uncle before, saying that his body was full of aura, which was the favorite physique of evil things, and after wearing this jade pendant, he would not be threatened by evil things.

It turned out that it was this jade pendant that helped him block the attacks twice just now.

Nangong Yunfeng asked calmly: "Where are you ghost?"

"Ghost?" The ghost fire suddenly laughed loudly: "This deity is not a ghost, this deity is a Balrog!"

Nangong Yunfeng snorted: "Can't people who specialize in drowning other people's lives and even call them drowning be called ghosts?"

"..." There was a thick gasp in the air, and then a voice of gnashing of teeth sounded: "Flame-mo! It's not drowning! This deity is a demon!"

Nangong Yunfeng frowned slightly, and asked, "Can an eunuch also become a demon? You were the eunuch commander before becoming a demon?"


Nangong Yunfeng heard a muffled sound of "噗嗤", but he didn't know what the sound was, turned around, and moved his body a little away from the place where the sound came from.

The Balrog was hidden in the air, his eyes were full of depression, and he had an expression that he wanted to eat people immediately.

This damned stinky human being spewed blood out of anger after only a few words. How good is this seemingly pious boy who is so angry that he will kill others? !

The point is, he doesn't seem to be joking with him, but is talking to him seriously.

However, the more serious the other party is about this kind of thing, the angrier he will be.

Both armies can ridicule each other in battle, which is a tactic. However, he was just angry, the other party was not mocking him at all, but really did not understand the profound meaning of his name.

It's fine if you don't understand it, the point is that he doesn't understand why this kid thinks he's a eunuch? !

He has been trapped here for ten thousand years, he has killed countless people, and no one has ever heard him as an eunuch!

The Balrog immediately became irritable, and shouted angrily: "Yan-mo! Hot Yan! It's not an eunuch's eunuch! Seeing your sanctimonious appearance, didn't your parents teach you to read and write? This deity is such a big ball! Blazing fireball, what kind of stupid pig head do you need to understand the word 'yan' into the word 'eun'? You're so skinny!"

When hearing what happened earlier, Nangong Yunfeng still felt a little apologetic in his heart, even if he was an opponent, he still respected him. However, the etiquette of this Balrog was really not very good, and he even yelled at him directly.

Therefore, Prince Nangong, who originally wanted to apologize, didn't bother to talk to him now.

There are so many eunuchs in his family, and almost all the powerful people in the palace are eunuchs. This person suddenly appeared as a Balrog, and on the premise that the pronunciation is the same, the habitual words that often appear around him must have the upper hand.

Can this blame him?

Seeing that Nangong Yunfeng stopped talking, the Balrog suppressed his arrogance and said: "Boy, you are still the first person who can hurt this deity with a frontal attack. Tell this deity who you are, and after you die, this deity will live in your body." Carve your name on the tombstone!"

Nangong Yunfeng snorted and said, "You can't even get close to me and you want to kill me, don't you think you're funny? Why are all the demons now playing funny games?"

"court death!"

The Balrog was furious, and without saying a word to Nangong Yunfeng, a huge ball of fire appeared from behind Nangong Yunfeng again.

It's just that the color of the fireball this time is no longer red, but directly turns into a sharp ice blue. The moment he appeared, he had already rushed to Nangong Yunfeng.

Nangong Yunfeng only felt his back go cold again, he was still the same as before, he didn't even have a chance to turn around, and the opponent had already attacked.

This time, although Nangong Yunfeng's body didn't feel the slightest threat, a huge horror arose in his mind.

Because the blue fireball actually passed through his body and entered his mind.

He is different from his big brother Lu Yunxiao, he doesn't know how to attack with the soul, after the ice-blue fireball entered his mind, he didn't know how to defend against his consciousness, how to use his consciousness to make corresponding actions resistance.

However, just when Nangong Yunfeng was terrified and even a little panicked, a huge spiritual energy suddenly rushed all over his body, and then it washed over every corner of his body in an instant like a river and sea pouring down.

The moment Nangong Yunfeng felt refreshed, the Balrog let out an extremely shrill scream in his soul.

Then an ice blue flame tried to get out of Nangong Yunfeng's body with a "shua", but got stuck in Nangong Yunfeng's body at the last moment.

A ferocious face appeared in front of the ice-blue flame again, screaming, the angry man desperately seemed to want to break free, but Nangong Yunfeng's body was like a piece of iron sucking the firework behind the Balrog. Absorbing, there is even a faint feeling of wanting to completely devour the flame into the body.

"Zhuzi, dare you!" The Balrog screamed in rage. But at this moment, there was more fear in the angry face of the Balrog.

While the Balrog was desperately trying to break free from cursing, Nangong Yunfeng watched motionlessly for a while and wanted to rush out from the top of his head, struggled to his buttocks, struggled to his abdomen, and struggled to his legs for a while. But the Balrog, who couldn't get out of it, silently and joyfully endured the body's absorption of the ice-blue flame.

At this moment, he felt that his limbs were full to the extreme, and he had never felt this way before.

(Congratulations to the beauties who took the college entrance examination for completing an important step in life, and wish all the beauties a happy Dragon Boat Festival!)

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