No matter if it's space or heaven, no matter how strong the aura is, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to absorb the aura, the aura will slowly penetrate through his pores.

Regardless of whether he drilled the aura by himself or absorbed the aura during his cultivation, due to his limited cultivation, the speed at which he could absorb the aura was also limited.

For example, absorbing a lot of aura, even if the dantian is full, at the moment when the aura explodes, it can only turn into a hair-thin purple primordial silk.

Even though it has been three years since he took the Nine Revolutions Resurrection Pill, and he has had the Ethereal Physique for three years, the Hongmeng silk in his dantian is only a layer of foundation.

Although he knows the masters of the Antarctic continent, no one's dantian can form a Hongmeng silk. But the Hongmeng silk at the bottom seems to be too little.

But the Balrog is different, the Balrog is a strong man at the peak of the sky level, he exists in the form of flames, and when he devours the flames, he is devouring his energy.

Looking at his dantian with two or three layers of primordial silk in an instant, Nangong Yunfeng was overjoyed.

This is just the beginning. If he can absorb all the energy of the Balrog, he can instantly become a high-level powerhouse at the heaven level. Standing in front of Xiaoxiao in the future, he will no longer be a burden to her.

In fact, at the beginning, he wanted to learn Xiaoxiao's "Star Absorbing Dafa", because of his unimpeded absorption of spiritual energy, he was the fastest to learn this kind of exercise for nothing.

However, the emperor's uncle told him that any effort cannot be accomplished overnight. He has an ethereal physique, and absorbs a lot of spiritual energy all the time. If he learns such exercises again, he may soon become a super strong man, but he will never be able to become a peak strong man.

So he gave up.

Now that he has decided to follow Uncle Huang and Xiaoxiao to fight against the temples in the entire Tianyu, he must of course be a peak powerhouse.

Without practicing the "Star Absorbing Dafa", he usually has no way to absorb the energy of others, even if the other party is dead, he can only watch helplessly, but Balrog is different, Balrog got into his body by himself, and Yanmo Like his royal uncle, the demon has no body, so once it gets into his body, he can quickly absorb it without hindrance.

So now he really...doesn't smoke for nothing!

"Ah! Let go! You hateful junior, your demon lord wants to kill you! Kill you——"

However, no matter how the Flame Demon wailed and howled, Prince Nangong was still facing the wind like a tree, standing still.

It wasn't until the Hongmeng silk had already covered the fourth floor in the blink of an eye that the Balrog, with strange red eyes, stretched out his hand to cut off his own tail, and entered the void with a "whoosh".

After digesting the energy that instantly cut off the Balrog in his body, Nangong Yunfeng breathed out comfortably when he saw five layers of primordial silk in his dantian.

At this moment, he admits, it feels good to get something for nothing. No wonder Xiaoxiao sharpened her head and wanted to get something for nothing.

"Damn human! Damn stinky human! I will make you pay the price! Pay the price!"

The Balrog's voice came from the void. This voice sounded like gnashing of teeth, wishing to gnaw Nangong Yunfeng bite by bite.

However, at this moment Nangong Yunfeng was not afraid at all, and said two words: "Come on!"

Balrog: "..."

In the 10,000 years in Yinshan, he has never suffered such a big loss, and has seen such an arrogant human being.

But in the face of Nangong Yunfeng's provocation, he could only knock down his teeth and swallow blood in the end.

He is miserable!

Looking at the wound under his body that was still dripping with sparks, he really didn't dare to attack the dog-like pervert in front of him anymore!

"You wait! You wait for me! I will let you know what hell on earth is."

After the words fell, the Balrog did not speak again, nor did he attack again.

However, a few of the faces of the dead who were black and blue on the hundreds of thousands of tombs suddenly opened their eyes, and flew towards Nangong Yunfeng with a "whoosh".

These people have blue faces and fangs, just like the ghosts in the legend.

Seeing this, Nangong Yunfeng drew out the soft sword at his waist, and slashed across with force, killing these ghosts in an instant.

The ghost let out a scream, and instantly exploded into dust.

The energy in the dust dissipated, fell beside Nangong Yunfeng, and was instantly absorbed by his body.

Although it was only a small amount of energy, Nangong Yunfeng still felt it. Slightly taken aback, my heart jumped up.

At this moment, a terrifying laugh sounded.

"Jie jie jie jie... Entering this lord's domain, no one can leave alive. These ghosts are all masters who entered Yinshan Mountain. Although they died, they condensed thousands of death energy from Yinshan Mountain and turned into fierce ghosts.

I would like to see if you can kill six ghosts, and if you can kill six thousand, sixty thousand, or one hundred and sixty thousand ghosts. There are a total of 430,000 tombs here. You can enjoy the service of these slaves. "

After finishing speaking, the Balrog left with a sound of "whoosh".

When the Balrog was around, Nangong Yunfeng was still embarrassed to absorb the energy of these fools in person, and was still desperately beheading the ghosts with his sword.

As soon as the Balrog left, Nangong Yunfeng immediately stopped, and opened his arms to welcome the devouring ghost.

Groups of ghosts rushed towards Nangong Yunfeng with hideous eyes, and disappeared into his body in an instant.

Countless groups of ghosts rushed over and disappeared into Nangong Yunfeng's body again in an instant.

Groups of ghosts followed one after another, but Nangong Yunfeng's body was like a bottomless black hole, swallowing these ghosts in an instant.

When those ghosts were about to attack Nangong Yunfeng's body, they showed panic and wanted to escape, but Nangong Yunfeng's body seemed to have suction, sucking these ghosts in.

The ghost screamed, and then there was no sound.

For a moment, on the square in the formation, Nangong Yunfeng was seen emitting a faint white halo all over his body. With him as the center, countless bluish-black spots rushed towards him and sank into his body one after another.

These ghosts have already been killed by the Balrog, and even if they turned into ghosts, the energy in their bodies has long been exhausted, so naturally they cannot be compared with the Balrog.

In addition, the energy of these ghosts is too dark, and what his body absorbs is pure energy that has discarded the power of darkness, so the energy absorbed into the body is less than one-thousandth of the ghost's previous energy.

But it is also many times faster than the influx of aura in the air.

The key is, the quantity is large!

In the blink of an eye, Nangong Yunfeng's body was completely submerged by the blue-black light. However, in the innermost part of the darkness, the corners of the lips of a certain black-bellied prince raised slightly.

The consciousness of these bastards has been destroyed by the Balrog, and except for the moment of complete perdition, these ghosts will not refuse to perform tasks except obeying the orders of the Balrog. He only hoped that the Balrog would find out that his ghost had been absorbed by him later, so that he could absorb a lot of energy.

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