The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 614: The Upgraded Version

However, the Balrog couldn't hear Nangong Yunfeng's voice.

It was the first time in thousands of years that Nangong Yunfeng hurt her essence.

The Balrog is very angry at this moment! Very angry!

So he's going to take the other two punching bags.

The three people he got into the big formation this time are all Xuan-level masters. Not to mention that the person at the peak of the Xuan level has a magic weapon, his physique is still very strange, so he can only give up.

But for the remaining two, Balrog would of course choose the most powerful one to attack. Yinshan has not been visited by outsiders for too long, and he urgently needs energy to replenish himself.

After Fu Xiaobai was sucked into the formation, his whole spirit instantly lifted.

Because the poisonous gas and marsh gas spread throughout the entire space, as if they couldn't dissipate. For a poisonous person like him, it was like entering heaven.

Fu Xiaobai quickly mobilized all the cells in his body and inhaled all kinds of toxins here.

The toxins in the space are almost all obtained and planted from the various mountain ranges in the Antarctic continent, and there are not many poisonous weeds in the space.

In Tianyu, the reason why Yinshan got its name is because the anger, swamp gas, and dead energy are particularly serious here. And these unbearable qi, which others want to avoid, happened to be a big meal for him.

Entering such a weird place inexplicably, although Fu Xiaobai was happy, he also spread his spiritual sense completely, in case any master attacked him by taking advantage of his unpreparedness.

"Jie Jie..."

Suddenly, a terrifying voice sounded from all directions. Fu Xiaobai frowned, and shouted: "Who is playing tricks here?"

After the words fell, the terrifying laughter sounded again. After laughing for a while, he said, "Human? I am not a human being."

"It turned out to be a lonely ghost."


Feeling the uncutness of the black-robed man who hid his entire face in front of him, the Balrog was depressed.

Why are young people nowadays unwilling to listen to others?

"I am not a lonely ghost, I am a demon!"

Fu Xiaobai wondered: "What's the difference between a devil and a ghost? Isn't a devil also a kind of lonely ghost? At worst, you are not a lonely ghost, but you are also a kind of wild ghost. Is it worth showing off to be a ghost now? "

The Balrog was furious, and growled darkly: "Ignorant child! How can there be no difference between a devil and a ghost? Did your parents teach you culture? How dare you compare me, a majestic Balrog, with a ghost!"

Has the times changed and people's memories have changed?

Thinking about how powerful their demon race was in the Antarctic continent back then, not to mention his Balrog standing in front of these juniors, just casually mentioning his name would scare people into discoloration.

Over the years, fewer and fewer people know him.

Now it's been hard to get three people in, one of them has never heard of him, so let's not talk about it, this one is even better, and he is even classified as a ghost family.

Fuck! !

"You are really strange, devils and devils. Devils and ghosts are always together. If a devil is not a ghost, why is it called a devil? So it's useless if you don't admit it."

Balrog: "..."

At this moment, the Balrog's heart felt cold, and his whole body became ill instantly.

"Who the hell invented this word? Which uneducated person invented this word? How could a devil be a ghost? The devil in your family is a ghost!" the Balrog roared with red eyes.

For 10,000 years, he has never asked how the people and demons who came in were doing. Because he originally wanted to ask, but among those who broke into the formation, he found that apart from the older people who knew about the existence of demons, many younger people had never heard of demons at all.

Now it has been several years since no one broke into the big formation, finally three people broke in, it's fine if they haven't heard of him, Balrog, this made him even more sad, he even compared demons with ghosts.

The Balrog roared harshly, Fu Xiaobai frowned slightly.

From the other party's words, he could feel the other party's strength. This kind of strength is not something that he can compete with at a mysterious level.

The young master told him that unless he is a master above the high level of heaven, there will be no entry and exit here. Therefore, he was almost certain that the moment Ling Mubai lifted the underground rock just now, not only he was sucked into the formation, but also Young Master and Prince Nangong.

And they should have been separated into three different places.

"Are you the mastermind who killed people in this big formation?" Fu Xiaobai asked.

"That's right, it's this lord. Those who entered the Yin Mountain, I took their lives. Jie about you boy, you should know how powerful I am Balrog by now!"

Fu Xiao was silent for a moment, then seriously replied: "General."

"Huh?" The Balrog instantly became unhappy with Fu Xiaobai's answer. How can it be ordinary?

"Boy, the demon lord has killed more than 430,000 people. Among these people, there are weak martial saints and strong heavenly ones. How dare you call it mediocre?"

"Hmph." Fu Xiaobai sneered: "It's just average, don't you think you're very powerful? You only killed 430,000 people in 10,000 years. I don't know how you killed these people, but I do know , My companions and I have a group of five people plus a cat. You dare not provoke two of them, and you dare not provoke that cat.

You saw the opportunity to bring in the three of us at the mysterious level. To you, the three of us are clearly scumbags, but you dare not face such a scumbag opponent at the same time. Although your strength is indeed very strong, your courage is very small. You purposely make weird noises to scare people, but it's just to cheer yourself up. "

Balrog: "..."

Fu Xiaobai's words hit his mind, which made Balrog feel very ashamed. His complexion changed and he said, "It's not up to you, a yellow-mouthed kid, to teach me what I want to do. You just need to know that the three of you will all die after you come in."

In the past ten thousand years, he has seen all kinds of people who begged him before death, fainted from fright, and tried to compete with him and wanted to kill him, and he had also seen people who clearly couldn't beat him and still scolded him...

But he has never seen someone who can despise him so thoroughly when he is about to die.

He had already suffered a loss from that white-clothed man just now, was injured, and his energy was damaged. But that person was carrying a holy treasure, and his physique was extremely special, and he could even devour his energy, so he couldn't afford to provoke him and could afford to hide it, so he endured it.

But the black-robed man in front of him, although he looked weird, was just a rookie at the Xuan level, why would he dare to look down on him?

So under the anger, a group of red flames, which looked strange in this dark night, suddenly appeared from the void and directly hit Fu Xiaobai's back.

Fu Xiaobai threw the smoke bomb that the young master gave him that he had prepared long ago towards the Balrog, and he turned into a puff of black smoke and drifted away.

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