Where did the Balrog see any smoke bombs? He directly used his own strength to break through the smoke bombs. As a result, a thick choking smoke instantly enveloped him.

In the big bang thousands of years ago, he no longer had a physical body and could only exist in the form of energy. So what the Balrog hates most now is the smoke.

This will mess up the energy in his body.

Although these smoke can be excreted from the body, it will be really uncomfortable if something enters the body!

The Balrog was furious and was about to attack back, but the red flames started to turn black inexplicably.

"Ah——what did you do to me? You...you dare to poison me!" the Balrog yelled, dodging into the void.

In the first round, it turned out that Fu Xiaobai, whose skill was much lower than Balrog's, won.

"The Balrog...is nothing more than that." After the first round of confrontation, Fu Xiaobai calmed down a little.

He could feel that the Balrog was just an energy body, and from the contact just now, he even felt the fire poison on the Balrog.

The energy of this fire poison is very powerful, even a master of the same level must avoid the energy of this fire poison.

But he doesn't have to.

He is born with a poisonous body, and he specializes in absorbing any poison that is severe.

In that meeting just now, Fu Xiaobai had already confirmed that God would not forget him, this Balrog was his big meal just like this dark poisonous cave!

The Balrog hid in the void and quickly dispersed the smoke and poisonous gas from his body. Squinting his eyes and looking at Fu Xiaobai who was standing there with nothing to do, the Balrog was furious: "Boy, you didn't get hurt by my fire poison?"

Hearing the voice from behind, Fu Xiaobai turned around.

When turning around, the Balrog suddenly found that Fu Xiaobai was wearing black gold silk gloves on his hands.

Although he didn't know what the black gold thread was, but he even had precious self-defense in his hands, no wonder his body was not injured by his fire poison.

"It turned out to be wearing a baby."

Fu Xiaobai: "..." What is he wearing? Why doesn't he know?

"Boy, do you think I can do nothing about you if you wear a treasure?"

Fu Xiaobai: "..."

"This gentleman will let you know that even if you are wearing the golden cicada clothes, you will die if you commit crimes in this gentleman's hands today!"

What is Jinchanyi?

Fu Xiaobai was still thinking about this problem, and the Balrog had rushed over at a faster speed again.

The Balrog's speed is extremely fast, and once it launches an attack, unless it mobilizes a large amount of energy in its body as quickly as before, it cannot escape the attack of such a master at all.

Only now did his body turn into black smoke and nothingness, and Fu Xiaobai's body hadn't recovered yet.

Now that he felt that the Balrog was attacking again, he couldn't dodge it again, and this time, he didn't intend to dodge.

Because at the moment when the Balrog rushed towards his body, Fu Xiaobai felt a huge, irresistible attraction.

So Fu Xiaobai remained motionless, and opened his heart to welcome the arrival of the Balrog.

With a muffled bang, Fu Xiaobai was directly sent flying, and then fell heavily to the ground.

But the one who screamed in the next moment was not Fu Xiaobai, but the Balrog.

I saw Balrog's fiery red spherical body firmly pressing against Fu Xiaobai's nipples at this moment, Fu Xiaobai was lying down, and Balrog was 90 degrees vertical on his chest.

While the Balrog screamed, the flames surged in an attempt to kill Fu Xiaobai.

However, the soaring flames enveloped Fu Xiaobai, but Fu Xiaobai's body was always surrounded by black mist. The flames were absorbed by the black mist, and instantly turned into a denser black mist.

"Uh..." Fu Xiaobai groaned uncontrollably as he lay on the ground.

It's not a low moan of pain, but an extremely comfortable hum when absorbing energy from others for nothing.

He felt that the fire poison on the Balrog was very appetizing to him, but he didn't expect the fire poison on the Balrog to be so mellow and strong! This is the most poisonous and purest energy toxin he has absorbed so far.

Compared with Fu Xiaobai's comfort, the Balrog at this moment was directly frightened to pieces.

When he met Nangong Yunfeng before, he was scared to death, because Nangong Yunfeng not only has a magic weapon, but also has a very special physique, which can eliminate his fire poison and directly absorb his energy. If he hadn't run fast, he would have been sucked by Nangong Yunfeng to the point where there was not even a scum left.

But compared to Nangong Yunfeng, the Flame Demon is more afraid of this Fu Xiaobai.

Fu Xiaobai, like Nangong Yunfeng, has a special physique, but Fu Xiaobai's physique is more special to him than Nangong Yunfeng.

Because he can absorb his fire poison without hindrance.

You know, the reason why he is so powerful, the reason why he has turned into an energy body and can kill those masters below the high level of the sky, is largely because of his unique fire poison.

Simply put, fire poison is his soul.

To put it bluntly, as long as the fire poison is not extinguished, even if his body is destroyed, he will not die. Even if all of his energy was absorbed by Nangong Yunfeng just now, he can still exist in the form of a fire soul, and then he can slowly cultivate and regenerate by absorbing the energy of others.

But at this moment, his fire poison was being absorbed without any hindrance by this mere black-level rookie in front of him.

This is the rhythm that will kill him completely!

"Let go of me! Let me go! Ah—let me go—"

The Balrog screamed, but how could Fu Xiaobai let him go at this moment? The whole body is like a huge magnet, which firmly attracts the Balrog, and then quickly transforms the opponent's poison into his own. No matter how much the Balrog yelled, Fu Xiaobai just refused to let go.

He had never encountered such a powerful poison.

In the past, as long as it was the poison he liked, the young master would immediately help him transplant that poisonous vegetation into the space. With Barton around, he would stop unless he had absorbed a certain drug so much that he didn't want to take it anymore, and it had no effect at all.

Sometimes, he can even absorb an entire mountain range of poisonous weeds in one breath.

He thought he had absorbed the poison to the extreme.

However, today, at this moment, he realized that toxins also have souls.

Just like this Balrog.

At the moment he absorbed his fire poison, he felt that this fire poison had a soul.

And this kind of soul can cause great harm to others, but for a person like him who has carefully studied the "Miracle of Ten Thousand Poisons", this kind of poison with spiritual consciousness is a truly rare and great tonic. .

Although he is honest, he is a fool to let him go.

At this moment, tens of thousands of grass and mud horses roared past the Balrog's heart.

Trapped here for thousands of years, he has had bad luck, but never had such bad luck.

The Balrog shouted loudly in his heart, then cut off his soul with a palm, and fled into the void with tears in his eyes.

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