The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 624: The Undead Ancestor Who Blasts From His Butt 2

Yan Jiuqing felt that she was also drunk.

The master reminded him thousands of times to protect Lu Xiaoxiao. He originally thought that protecting Lu Xiaoxiao with his strength above the peak of the heavenly level was as simple as asking him to embroider every day.

But now I know that he doesn't know how to embroider flowers at all, let alone him, even if a master like Ling Mubai and a beast like Master Mao are added, they will still embroider flowers, oh no, it's to protect people Task done so poorly.

Seeing Ling Mubai bickering with Master Mao, Yan Jiuqing was very disappointed.

He didn't understand where this loss came from.

In fact, he was not too worried about Lu Xiaoxiao's safety, because he knew that there was a powerful person in her space.

So where did this loss come from...

One person and one cat were bickering, and the other person was full of thoughts. In this way, the two people and one cat arrived at the most deadly place in Yinshan Mountain.

This is not the top of a certain mountain range, nor is it a valley, but on a huge mountainside.

"Little pig, are you sure this is the most deadly place in the entire Yinshan Mountain?" Yan Jiuqing asked.

He has been to this area many times, but he has never clearly distinguished the place where the death energy is the strongest. So this is the first time he has come to this mountainside.

"That's right." Yan Jiuqing is a friend of the elder sister's head, so Master Mao is quite polite to him.


"Really? You're a cat, not a dog. Are you sure your nose smelled the right place? Why do I think this place is so unreliable? Can you please turn into a dog? Carefully Wen Wen is here first?"

Ling Mubai's words made Master Mao furious again.

"Damn it! You bastard! Did you have hemorrhoids? Did you bleed like a river? You have so much hemorrhoids, wrap it up with aunt's towel! I am a divine beast, and a divine beast was born How about some spirit?"

Ling Mubai choked...

What is an aunt towel?

I don't know, but it's definitely not a good thing.

She curled her lips and said, "My old man thinks that you should wrap your mouth with an aunt's towel, lest your mouth be so vicious."

Master Cat: "..."

Well, if this stinky old man doesn't let him, the fighting power of his mouth is really quite strong.

As far as Jiuqing was concerned, when the two quarreled, he had already gone around looking for suspicious places.

Seeing this, Master Mao and Ling Mubai stopped making noise and searched carefully.

"Hey, Smelly Mouth Cat, since you can find this place, tell us where the deadliest place is!"

It's rare, this time Master Cat didn't argue with Ling Mubai, saying: "This halfway up the mountain is the heaviest, not the heaviest."

"Then it's not easy, let's blast this place directly!"

This time, Ling Mubai's words won the approval of everyone and the cat.

So two demigod top masters above the peak of the sky level, together with a middle-level god beast cat of the sky level, began to bombard the mountain range.

The dust was flying, and a few seconds later, the mountain was still a mountain, but it was not a mountain that grew naturally, but a mountain that was piled up by rocks, sand and vegetation. Or a tall slope.

The two and one cat cooperated in a rare way, using internal force to lift the entire broken mountain and let it float in the air. Then carefully examine the underside of the mountain.

However, there is nothing but flat land under this mountain range.

Unwilling to give up, Master Cat turned into a ray of white light and went straight into the ground.

With a loud "bang", the ground exploded, revealing a deep pit as deep as 100 meters below.

However, apart from Mr. Mao, there is not even a single earthworm in this deep pit.

Master Mao still didn't give up, and continued to dig down. Before a cup of tea, a huge hole with a depth of one kilometer and a radius of one mile was dug out just now.

"Stop digging, there's nothing underneath." Finally, Yan Jiuqing revealed a fact that no one wanted to see.

Master Cat finally gave up and flew out dragging his head.

Then there was a loud "boom", and Yan Jiuqing and Ling Mubai piled back the entire broken mountain range that had been lifted up.

The dust was flying, but no one could suppress the flying dust with two people and one cat.

Master Cat suddenly frowned, and flew around the flying dust in a big circle, and another big circle.

Seeing this, Yan Jiuqing asked, "What's wrong?"

"Strange..." Master Cat muttered, and flew around the location three more times.

"Smelly mouth cat, what are you wondering about?"

Master Cat shook the dust off the white fur, and said, "We have blasted this place, but the dead air here is still the heaviest!"

Ling Mubai and Yan Jiuqing looked at each other, and saw the doubt in each other's eyes.

"Smelly mouth cat, are you reading that right?"

It was rare for Master Mao not to argue with Ling Mubai, and said firmly: "Absolutely not!"

"Brother Yan, what do you think is the situation? We have blasted this mountain like this, and the ground has been dug up, but it is still full of lifelessness. Why? Please help?"

Yan Jiuqing was silent for a moment and said: "Maybe this is the central area of ​​Yinshan Mountain, and all kinds of dead energy gather here. Otherwise, if this is the most central formation eye of Yinshan Great Formation, we bombarded this place, how could it happen?" Destroy the large formation, so that the dead energy will not change at all."

"So you mean that although this place is the place with the strongest death energy, it is only formed naturally and has nothing to do with this mountain?"

Yan Jiuqing nodded: "It should be like this."

"I don't believe it!" Master Cat sang the opposite tune.

"Why don't you believe it?"

"Intuition! And there must be something unclean in this Yin Mountain, and this thing's skill must be lower than ours, otherwise this thing wouldn't just sweep away the eldest sister and the others and leave the three of us outside alone. "

Master Cat's words silenced the two of them.

That's right, even if this mountain is fine, there must be something wrong with the things in this mountain.

"Then why don't we blow up all the mountains in the nearby place full of dead energy." Ling Mubai said another stupid way, but he didn't expect to be directly approved by another person and a cat.

As a result, two high-level masters above the peak of the sky level and a beast soldier split into three groups, taking the smashed mountain as the center of the circle, and then spread outward.

Search one by one, and bang one by one.

They decided that as long as Lu Xiaoxiao and his party didn't come out, they would spend a while blasting all the mountains here to pieces. At that time, they will have to see how the spirits inside can hide.

An hour later, both of them were tired, and they returned to the mountain in the central area, looked at each other, and were dejected.


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