The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 625 The ancestor of the undead blasted out of the butt 3

Looking at the dozens of mountains around them that had been blasted into rubble by them, although the mountains were all shattered, the death energy in their area not only did not decrease, but became more intense.

Master Mao was floating in the air, looking at the rocks in a radius of tens of miles, not to mention how depressed he was.

Seeing Ling Mubai sitting on a black stone, the stone was smooth and flat, Master Cat also sat down on it.

The stone is not big at all, Ling Mubai sat on it by himself and already took up two-thirds of the stone. Master Mao stepped down, because the buttocks were too fat, and the force of sitting on it was too heavy, directly pushed Ling Mu Bai Ke fell to the ground, oh no, it should be on other gravel.

It just so happened that the gravel was blasted into a sharp cone, and Ling Mubai's buttocks sat on it.

There was a miserable howl, and Ling Mubai, who had never had a chrysanthemum exploded in his life, was crushed by a sharp stone.

Ling Mubai soared into the sky, and danced in the air for a while before reaching out to pull out the pants that had been inserted into the butthole by the sharp stone.

With a quick touch, I found that there was a hole poked out of the trousers, and my fingers were still wet.

I took my finger to the front and saw that it was blood!

So Ling Mubai was sad and angry: "Smelly mouth cat, you you return my innocence!"

Sitting on the black stone, Master Cat didn't know what Ling Mubai was going crazy at all, he thought that he touched his buttocks when he sat down just now. So he's going to make it pay off.

Ever been arguing to make the cat innocent after being touched on the butt by a cat?

Master Cat has seen it. But the result of seeing it is that Master Cat doesn't even know that someone's ass is bleeding, and he retorts: "What a mess! You stupid bitch should be raped to death by these mountains!"


Fuck! !

Fuck! ! !

Ling Mubai was furious, this stinky cat's mouth is really the most stinky in the world! He didn't mess with it, it broke his ass, and even cursed him to be blown to death.


In a rage, Ling Mubai rushed down from the air, sat on the black stone with a "boom", and directly sent Master Cat flying.

Master Mao was already in a bad mood, and Ling Mubai was really annoying because of his inertia, so he also turned into a white light in a rage, and sat down on the black stone with a "whoosh".

Ling Mubai knew it had this trick long ago, so his dantian sank, using all his internal strength to fight against the impact force of master cat's dive.

There was a muffled "dong", but Ling Mubai was not bounced away.

So without saying a word, one person and one cat put all their strength on the buttocks, and then grinded and grinded on the black stone, hoping to use their own internal strength to push the other party out.

Just as the man and the cat stared at each other and fought each other, Heishi made a "dong dong dong" sound during their fight, and then a strange scene happened under their buttocks.

The black stone that was ignored by them, which was still intact due to the indiscriminate bombardment by a master above the peak of heaven and a divine beast, was soaked in Ling Mubai's blood at this moment, sending out black ripples one after another.

As the ripples gradually expanded, the dead air in this place began to multiply rapidly.

Too lazy to be with an old urchin and a stinky cat, Yan Jiuqing, who was still meditating alone on the other side even during the break, walked up to them when he felt something was wrong.

"Do you think there is something wrong?"

After Yan Jiuqing finished speaking, one person and one cat still focused all their internal energy on their buttocks to confront each other, and ignored Yan Jiuqing at all.

The black stone has been sending out more and more intense fluctuations, but the two people who are facing each other think that it is the strength of the other party, so they will not give in or say anything, and the strength is even stronger.

"What's sitting under your buttocks?" Yan Jiuqing yelled loudly after noticing the strong dead air emanating from the undulating black lines on the stone.

Only then did one person and one cat stop attacking on their buttocks, and looked down——


With a violent explosion, Ling Mubai and Master Mao were directly blown out, and the black stone was also blown into pieces by the bombardment of these two stupid asses.

After Ling Mubai and Master Mao were blown away, they didn't land on the ground, but flew back from a distance immediately after stabilizing their bodies.

At this moment, Yan Jiuqing was looking at the black ripples on the ground in surprise.

"What... what is this?" Master Cat asked.

"Another...another dimension!" Ling Mubai replied foolishly.

At this time, they thought about the collision just now. The stones beside the gravel mountain had already been smashed and blown away by them, but the black stone remained firm.

Now that the black stone exploded, the death energy in this area increased geometrically in an instant, and the black mist rose into the sky, and the world that was originally covered by black clouds instantly became darker.

In the very center of this black ripple, there is a circular wave opening.

"This should be the intersection, let's go in." Ling Mubai said.

Yan Jiuqing nodded, and came to the entrance with Ling Mubai.

The suction at this entrance is extremely strong, and the two of them can only use their internal strength to ensure that they will not be sucked in by this huge suction.

Turning around to look at Master Cat behind him, Ling Mubai asked: "Smelly mouth cat, aren't you eager for the savior? Why don't you go in?"

Master Mao changed his face, suppressed the inexplicable fear that rose in his heart and said, "Who said I won't go in, Master? I'm just curious, and I just want to look outside again."

After all, in order to prove his bravery, Master Cat flew in with a "whoosh".

The space filled with dead air inside the black ripples already had a strong suction, but Master Cat still flew in, but the shadow of the cat disappeared instantly after entering the darkness.

"Little pig!" Yan Jiuqing yelled, but no one agreed to him, so he said to Ling Mubai, "Be careful, you guys are a bit weird."

Ling Mubai also had a rare straight face, and nodded.

Then the two slowly slid into the black space.

What they didn't know was that after they entered this black space, they had already been blown to pieces, and the black stones that were broken into residues began to vibrate one after another on the mountain, the ground, and in the mounds of soil.

Suddenly, with a "whoosh", the black stones that had clearly exploded into residues suddenly merged together and became a complete black stone again.

The black stone is small and inconspicuous, but the surface is smooth, and there are strips of black texture on the stone.

This black stone is exactly the same as it was before it was blown up, without any damage at all.

The black stone suspended in the air for a long time strangely, then flew to the surface of the gravel, shed its brilliance, and became an ordinary stone that couldn't be more ordinary.

After a few seconds, the black stone suddenly flew up again, and then got into the broken rocks below, submerged in thousands of dust, and disappeared.

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