The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 627: The Birth of Little Fire

The villagers in Yinshan, including the village head and the town head, knelt down and confessed under the shock of this perverted thunder.

Everyone is terrified in their hearts, not knowing who is going through the thunder disaster in this Yin mountain.

But no matter who it is, it will definitely not survive.

With such a thick lightning, even a god would be knocked out of his wits, let alone a human being.

Thinking of landing on Lu Xiaoxiao and his party, the mayor felt ashamed, so he could only prostrate on the ground and pray for Lu Xiaoxiao and his party, five people and one cat.

Yinshan attracted the first light in more than 10,000 years, and this light lasted for an hour without interruption.

An hour later, the eyeball above the black cloud was obviously much smaller, the eyelids were dragging, and it looked like it was about to be exhausted from exhaustion, and the bright eyeballs became dim.

Last time I heard that there is a tribulation passer in this plane who doesn't give face, and this time I met a tribulation passer who doesn't give face to him. As the messenger of thunder tribulation, I have to destroy this kind of person who doesn't respect the world no matter what. Otherwise, even if he ascended, he would be a scumbag, no, a godsucker.

An hour of indiscriminate bombing drained his divine power, but...

When her eyes that had shrunk saw that not even a single blade of grass had been chopped off at the place he hit just now, Lu Xiaoxiao was still waving at him and saying "Hi", and said "Hi" in the clouds. "Boom" sound disappeared.

Calm was restored between heaven and earth.

"Uh...why is there no movement?" Lu Xiaoxiao looked at Nangong Yunfeng.

Nangong Yunfeng's brows twitched faintly, and he said, "Maybe you got mad at me."

Fu Xiaobai was still in a dream, with dazed eyes, nodded his head in agreement.

"This Lei Jie's temper is really weird, and he is not professional at all."

Nangong Yunfeng and Fu Xiaobai glanced at Lu Xiaoxiao, and turned their words into silence.

If it is not a friend, they would like to ask, which eye of yours is not professional?

Your big piercing eyes have been tossed like this by you, and you still say that people are not professional?

It's really hard to be a public official!


Lu Xiaoxiao snorted, and the two of them were about to ask her what was wrong, when they saw her sit cross-legged, and the white light around her body began to expand.


After half an hour, Lu Xiaoxiao opened her eyes.

"Xiaoxiao, what's the matter? Why did you advance again?" Nangong Yunfeng asked.

Lu Xiaoxiao said with a chuckle: "Because it was the first time to introduce so many thunder calamities in the space, and unlocked many seals in the space. After the seal was untied, I met a small fire. She was desperate to get into my consciousness, so I entered it." I'm already at the second level of the prefecture level now."

"Great!" Fu Xiaobai was originally an honest person, but just now he surpassed his young master, and he felt guilty all the time. Seeing that Young Master has surpassed him now, Fu Xiaobai is really happy from the bottom of his heart.

"What kind of small fire can make you go from the peak of the mysterious level to the second level of the earth level? It's the original fire?" Nangong Yunfeng asked with interest.

"Little fire!" Lu Xiaoxiao yelled, and a small red thing that was burning with small flames came out of Lu Xiaoxiao's palm.

"So cute!" The two big men couldn't help but say in unison after seeing Xiao Huo'er.

The body of this little thing is only the size of Lu Xiaoxiao's palm, and its height is no more than one centimeter. It is a round little thing. It has no body, and a small round face occupies the whole body.

"Huhuhu~" Xiao Huo'er heard the praise from the two, and laughed happily, making a slight whirring sound. Especially seeing that two handsome men were praising her, two little red bumps appeared on Xiao Huo'er's Xiao Yuan's face.

Big round eyes, a small and exquisite nose, a pouty mouth smaller than a cherry, paired with two cute shy reds. The whole thing is just too cute.

Even Lu Xiaoxiao, who often abuses cute things, loves Xiao Huo'er very much.

Look at the maternal brilliance on her face at this moment, and then think about when Xiao Zi and Button were born, she grabbed these two little things and rubbed them violently. Xiao Huo'er's cuteness is not like those two fat Comparable!

"Xiao Huo'er likes you two very much! She said you two look good-looking." When Xiao Huo'er saw her as soon as she was born, she regarded her as a mother, and then flew into her consciousness, and She makes a connection.

So Xiao Huo'er doesn't need to guess at all what he thinks or says, he is not like those two idiots who are fat and fat, one who only knows "Guji Guji" forever, and the other who only knows "Jijiujiu" forever!

She wants to talk about these two, one is the medicine spirit, the other is the stone spirit, such a tall creature, it looks like a hen with eggs bursting and a newly hatched chick all day long.

In addition, I don't know if it was the kind that was shocked when I was born, and my brain is so stupid that I don't want to complain, and I was abducted every minute.

Take a look at Xiao Huo'er, you can see that he is a smart and sensible boy. Lu Xiaoxiao liked it very much when she saw it.


The three of them watched Xiao Huo'er for a long time before Lu Xiaoxiao thought of one thing.

"What?" Nangong Yunfeng asked.

"Why did I advance to the prefecture level but there was no thunder disaster?"

Nangong Yunfeng: "..."

Fu Xiaobai: "..."

You want to let others come to make Lei Jie pit like this. It doesn't look like a fool to see people's rolling eyes!

So sure enough, Lu Xiaoxiao advanced to the prefecture level, but she didn't receive the Thunder Tribulation she had dreamed of.

It's not that the Thunder Tribulation was not ushered in, but the Thunder Tribulation Messenger was directly tired, and saw that this was where he had advanced again, so he blocked it directly. Don't go there to survive the catastrophe for the advanced ones.

"I wipe, a lot of graves."

Thanks to the help of Wuyan's energy, and she broke through to the second level of the prefecture level, she can finally fly regardless of the pressure of Yinshan. No one came to help her cross the tribulation, so Lu Xiaoxiao had no choice but to take her friends and slowly fly away from here according to the solutions to various formations in the "Secret Records of the Universe" that she had memorized.

Before Nangong Yunfeng told her that the Balrog had killed 430,000 masters, she didn't feel it, but now looking at the ghostly tombstones, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that the Balrog deserved to die.

This Balrog is simply perverted, he kills as soon as he kills, and even puts the faces of the dead on tombstones after making so many graves, it's really funny.

"What's over there?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked looking at the red light in the distance.

Nangong Yunfeng and Fu Xiaobai looked at each other and asked, "What's there?"

"You can't see the red one?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked strangely.

After seeing the two shaking their heads, Lu Xiaoxiao decided to go over to have a look.

Coming to the place of red light, here is still a cemetery, among 430,000 cemeteries, but the tombstone of this cemetery does not have the same dead faces as other tombstones.

"Why is this tombstone glowing red?" Lu Xiaoxiao murmured to herself.

"Red light? Where is the red light?" Nangong Yunfeng asked suspiciously.

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