Lu Xiaoxiao looked up at the two people beside her and asked, "Didn't you notice the red light shining under the cemetery?"

Seeing the two of them looking at each other and shaking their heads, Lu Xiaoxiao thought to herself, could it be that she has pink eye disease?

The pink eye disease will not just see the red light here.

"There is something under this tombstone." Lu Xiaoxiao was almost sure. As for why she was so sure, she didn't know.

"I'll go down and lift the contents out."

Just as Lu Xiaoxiao was about to move, she was stopped by Nangong Yunfeng.

"Let me do it."

"It's okay, I have earth profound strength, so it's more convenient."


"Wuyan passed the energy to me before I fell into a coma. I should have the strength of the sky now, and I am not afraid of anything in it."

"Women should not meddle in this before the man is dead. This is not a question of power."

Lu Xiaoxiao: "..."

It was rare to see the breezy Prince Nangong so domineering, Lu Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say for a while, so she could only shut up obediently.

It seems that under the influence of Jin's ears and eyes, the spring-like Prince Nangong is subtly changing from a gentle and elegant son to a decisive and cold domineering president.

The wordless and faceless tombstone was uncovered, and there was a bright red coffin underneath, which made Lu Xiaoxiao swallow her saliva.

Seeing that Nangong Yunfeng and Fu Xiaobai were about to lift the coffin up with internal force, Lu Xiaoxiao immediately told them to be careful.

Because in the TV and novels she watched, the red coffin seemed to mean a ghost!

"Let me open it. In the past, when the mercenary business was not good, we would also receive the task of robbing graves. Some coffins were filled with poisonous gas and poison. Once the coffin was opened, breathing these poisonous gas and poison would be irreversible."

Nangong Yunfeng nodded.

It is indeed the most appropriate for Fu Xiaobai to open the coffin.

Nangong Yunfeng led Lu Xiaoxiao back a little, while Fu Xiaobai set up a barrier with his own qi, in case there was really poisonous gas inside, it could prevent the poisonous gas from leaking out.

"Yunfeng, if we open the coffin and find a ghost bride wearing a phoenix coronet and xiapei inside, shall we run away immediately?" Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes were fixed on the coffin. If it weren't for the red light here that has always attracted her, she would never touch these dirty things.

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's words, Nangong Yunfeng wanted to laugh.

"You can even throw the Balrog to death like a cake, why are you afraid of ghosts?"

Lu Xiaoxiao's face froze, and she didn't want to talk anymore.

Seeing that a woman who was not afraid of nothing was afraid of ghosts, Nangong Yunfeng's lips curled into a beautiful smile.

"If it's really a ghost, I'll suck her energy completely, otherwise she will have the strength to chase you."

Lu Xiaoxiao let out a breath.

Well, in fact, she can also use the star-absorbing method to suck the ghost to the bone.

There was a loud "boom", and the red coffin exploded from inside under the internal force of Fu Xiaobai. The red mist instantly filled the barrier, making it difficult for people to see clearly what happened in the barrier, and even more so. It is not clear what is in the coffin.

"Smile, are you okay?"

"My lord, I'm fine, don't worry. These red mist are indeed highly poisonous." While speaking, the red mist quickly decreased and dissipated, and the words fell, and these highly poisonous red mist had all penetrated into Fu Xiaobai's body.

Lu Xiaoxiao fixed her eyes on the inside of the red coffin, and couldn't help but burst out, "Damn!"

Because there are no ghosts wearing phoenix coronets and xiapei in the big red coffin, and there is not even a person in the big red coffin. Because there is another big red coffin inside, but it is only one size smaller than the big red coffin on the outside.

Seeing this, Fu Xiaobai couldn't help opening the second red coffin. As soon as he exerted force, the coffin exploded from inside again, and a large puff of green smoke, which was thicker than before, spread out again, instantly filling the barrier.

These colored smog can be known almost without asking, it must be a great tonic for Xiaobai in her family. Sure enough, the green smoke disappeared quickly, and Fu Xiaobai inhaled all of it into his body.

Seeing Fu Xiaobai not only not being poisoned, but getting more and more radiant, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help cursing that the Balrog was abnormal.

Because after the second coffin was opened, as expected, a coffin smaller than the previous two was revealed inside.

This is the territory of the Balrog, and only the Balrog can be so wicked.

After that, after Fu Xiaobai opened the third coffin, yellow smoke emitted from it.

I don't know where the Balrog came from so much rainbow-like smoke. In short, after almost using up all the colors of the rainbow, the tenth and eleventh coffins were finally revealed.

Let alone Lu Xiaoxiao this time, even Nangong Yunfeng and Fu Xiaobai wanted to scold their mothers.

Cheating father is not this kind of cheating method!

Flying all the way to dig the tomb, opened the coffin nine times, and finally saw the tenth and eleventh coffins in parallel.

If the two palm-sized coffins were opened and there was still nothing inside, she would definitely...

I wanted to say that the Balrog would definitely be dragged out of the soil to whip the corpse, but after thinking about it, there was nothing left of the Balrog now, if they opened it up and it was empty, they would have to leave in despair.

When Fu Xiaobai opened one of the palm-sized boxes, no, it should be the coffin, a puff of white smoke came out of it.

This time the smoke was not as much as the previous few times, but after being inhaled by Fu Xiaobai, Lu Xiaoxiao saw some joy on his face.

"Is there anything inside?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked.

"Yes." Fu Xiaobai took Xiaohong's coffin out of the barrier and said: "There is something white inside, I don't know what it is, but it is full of dead and poisonous gas."

When Lu Xiaoxiao came to Xiaohong's coffin, she didn't reach out to take it, but looked at Nangong Yunfeng and asked, "Can you see what this is?"

Nangong Yunfeng looked carefully and then shook his head.

While the two were talking, Fu Xiaobai opened the second little red coffin. The moment it was opened, the red glow spread out around the coffin. Except for Lu Xiaoxiao and the other three, all the things touched by the red glow It broke in two.

"Is this a needle or a sword?"

Seeing the contents in the second coffin, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn't help reaching out to get it, but was stopped by Fu Xiaobai.

"Young master, these two things are highly poisonous."

"..." Lu Xiaoxiao withdrew her hand resentfully, just about to say, since they are all highly poisonous things, you should put them away.

Unexpectedly, before she had time to speak, the dancing stars in the space, that is, Xiao Wu, the magical weapon that Jin gave her, flew out directly.

The red needle lying in the coffin suddenly exploded the moment Xiao Wu flew out.

Really fried hair.

I thought that the red needle suddenly exploded with a small flame, and these hairy flames really looked like fried hair.

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