The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 79: Lu Xiaoxiao's Great Encounter

You are a god in space, can't you still deal with more than a thousand demon wolves? "

When asked here, Lu Xiaoxiao suddenly felt that her brain had opened up, and she almost jumped up with joy, and asked again: "By the way, you said that if the space becomes larger, we will take all the monsters in the Shenwu Mountain Range into it." How's the space?"

"Yes, but you have to find a bed to wash and lie down."

"..." Lu Xiaoxiao was silent.

Can you still talk properly? Can't you just say that she is dreaming? It must hurt her heart like this. At this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao felt that Uncle Wuyan and Nangong Jin's paralyzed face really had the same effect!

"Everyone can come in, why can't monsters come in?"

"Whether it's a monster or a human, there are only two conditions for them to enter the space. First, put down all defenses and come in voluntarily. Second, they are beaten to death by you and carried in."

"……"All right. forget about it. With her current strength, as long as she doesn't use insidious tricks, she can't even defeat Tier 3 monsters. It's better to wait for her strength to rise in the future, and then get a few monsters into the space, and then take them to the Colosseum to fight beasts.

She hasn't forgotten the crowded scene of the Colosseum. She wants to get involved in any profitable industry. It's not that she worships money, but that she has already been bent over by the huge debt!

After fighting for three hours, she killed a total of 46 demon wolves. After taking the demon core of the demon wolf, Lu Xiaoxiao embarked on the journey of searching for the fire grass again.

She went straight from the periphery of the Shenwu Mountains to the hinterland without taking any detours. It took less than three hours to pass the place where the first and second-order monsters lived. Flew from noon to late night, and after five hours of sleep, flew from dawn to noon.

You know, she was running at the fastest speed, at least reaching a speed of 50 kilometers per hour, faster than a Maxima. As a result, it took 10 hours to finally reach the vicinity of Agnigrass.


This is already the living area of ​​the fourth-order Warcraft, which can almost be said to be inaccessible. To obtain the magic core of a fourth-level elementary monster, one must be a master of the middle-level or higher of the King of Martial Arts. However, with the continued lack of spiritual energy, there are not many masters above the Martial King level in the entire Antarctic continent.

Therefore, from the fourth level of Warcraft upwards, the possibility of being hunted by people is very small, unless the animal quality is seriously bad, it is possible to be hunted by high-level masters.

However, at the level of monsters, starting from the fourth level of monsters is a watershed. The reproduction of monsters below the fourth level is very fast, and the reproduction of the monsters above the fourth level is very slow, especially the monsters above the sixth level have almost stagnated.

Therefore, even if they are not hunted, the number of monsters above Tier 4 is not too much.

In fact, this is not a problem that cannot be figured out. According to Darwin's theory of evolution, monsters below the fourth level are often hunted down, if not for rapid reproduction, the result can only be extinction. Those who can survive until now and still cannot be killed must be fast-breeding monsters that have evolved on the food chain.

"Barton, you know the fire grass, I want to find the fire grass, and I will leave this matter to you."


Barton got the order, and quickly pouted its upturned buttocks and ran wildly in front, while Lu Xiaoxiao followed behind it.

It is definitely the most correct thing to ask Yao Ling to find herbs.

After walking for an hour without any detours, Lu Xiaoxiao suddenly found that a sea of ​​red flowers appeared as far as she could see. If you look closely, these plants have thin gears growing on them, and the leaves are long and fat, so they look like flowers.

This thing is the main purpose of Lu Xiaoxiao's visit to the Shenwu Mountains this time - fire grass.

He praised Barton without hesitation, and directly praised the little Barton's milky white translucent body pink.

Little Barton shook his almost absent tail, and used his spiritual power to effortlessly send all the fireweeds on the ground into the space in order to establish the appearance of a sensible and good baby in front of Ma Ma.

There are at least thousands of fireweeds in this piece of fire grass. If they were pulled out by hand, they would at least have to be pulled out until tomorrow. But with Barton here, everything related to plants is completely out of the question. So much grass is just a blink of an eye.

"Wuyan, when can I take the Xisui Pill?" Lu Xiaoxiao asked impatiently.

Only by taking the Sui Sui Pill can she wash away the sedative matter in her body, and with the spring of life attached, she will have a better basic physique than everyone else.

"No face!"


"What are you thinking about so preoccupied? I called you twice before agreeing."

"I just wonder why there are so many fireweeds here."

"How to say?"

"The fire attribute required by the fire grass is extremely strong. Such a large piece of fire grass is simply not something that can be grown in a place of fourth-order monsters."

"What do you mean?" Lu Xiaoxiao didn't understand.

"It means that you should be careful, there may be high-level monsters here."

As soon as the words were finished, a fiery red monster flew out from the mountain bag on the back. Wuyan immediately pulled Lu Xiaoxiao into the space with sharp eyes and quick hands.


The next moment, at the place where Lu Xiaoxiao was standing just now, a giant fiery red monster with a height of 15 meters and a length of more than 20 meters let out an angry growl.

This is its territory, and Agniweed is the thing in front of its door, but there will be something desperate to come and steal its things.

This made the fiery red monster very unacceptable, and once again yelled at the sky, as if warning the thief who stole the grass.

"What is this?"

Lu Xiaoxiao stared wide-eyed and looked out from the space. She had never seen such a big monster in her life. Those fiery red eyes were full of violence, and the energy emanating from this hybrid of a lion, tiger and jackal was completely unbearable for a shrimp of Lu Xiaoxiao's level.

As if the ground couldn't bear the heat of the monster's body, the place trampled by it instantly turned into scorched black.

Surprisingly, a small red grass grew slowly in the scorched ground to a certain extent. Although it's just a pointed head protruding from the ground, as long as you look carefully, you can see the embryonic form of the fire grass.

"It turned out to be a red flame beast! No wonder there are so many fire grasses here." Wu Yangan sighed to himself: "Why is there a red flame beast here?"

"What is the Red Flame Beast? What level is it?"

"The red flame beast is a fifth-level peak monster of fire attribute. A fifth-level peak scarlet flame beast like this can even fight against sixth-level elementary monsters of water, wind, and earth attributes."

There was a little excitement in Wuyan's voice.

"Why are you so excited? Isn't it just a fifth-level peak monster? This is the Warcraft Mountain Range, and there are seventh-level monsters!"

Introducing my friend Hua Erbao's new article "Beautiful Wife: Chief Lover for 99 Days"!

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