The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 80 The Scarlet Flame Beast Was Abuse

"Naturally, the fifth-level peak monsters are nothing, but the fifth-level peak monsters with fire attributes are more useful to you than the seventh-level monsters."

"What do you mean?" Lu Xiaoxiao became excited when she heard it.

"The magic core of the Red Flame Beast has a very strong fire attribute, and you have also seen that the fire grass is born from it. The most important herb of the marrow washing pill I refined for you is the fire grass. You can swallow the magic core of the Red Flame Beast with the Xisui Pill. According to your affinity for the fire attribute in your body, the fireballs you send out in the future will be more than 20 times more powerful than the current ones. Not only the number of fireballs, but also Even the temperature will increase countless times, and the most important thing is that your fire attribute level will also increase accordingly."

"That is to say, as long as I swallow the magic core of the Red Flame Beast, I will become much stronger?" Although she is very persistent and hardworking in her cultivation, compared with this kind of ability to improve her strength without hard work , she definitely raised her arms and legs in favor of the plan of getting something for nothing.

"This should be."

"Then what are you waiting for, I'll go out and kill it immediately."

As soon as Lu Xiaoxiao moved, she was grabbed by the collar by Wuyan.

"You don't want to die? If you go out like this, you can be instantly killed. Only Nangong Jin and the subordinate beside him can hunt and kill such a monster."

Lu Xiaoxiao swallowed her saliva: "You mean, it's more than a hundred times stronger than me?"


Lu Xiaoxiao was silent, and asked after a long time: "Then how can I kill it?"

Wuyan was silent for a while and said: "Just pretend I didn't say anything. After taking the marrow washing pill, your physique will improve. As long as you work hard, your profound strength will improve very quickly."

Lu Xiaoxiao was depressed.

If she didn't say that she could become stronger by eating the magic core of the red flame beast at the beginning, she would forget it. But now knowing that something to improve her strength is in front of her eyes, as long as she eats it, she can become stronger, how can Lu Xiaoxiao give up calmly?

The thing to improve strength is in front of him, but he can only watch helplessly. Lu Xiaoxiao felt that her intestines were almost knotted with depression.

"Yes!" After a cup of tea, Lu Xiaoxiao's eyes suddenly lit up.

"What?" Seeing Lu Xiaoxiao's treacherous smile, Wuyan asked curiously.

"I'm going to do this..."

After hearing Lu Xiaoxiao's battle plan, her faceless face began to twitch faintly.

Think of a way, just do it.

Since the space has no movement function, Lu Xiaoxiao can only approach the Red Flame Beast cautiously. The closer it is to its hole, the hotter the air will be.

If it weren't for her being a person with an extreme affinity for the fire element, let alone killing the Red Flame Beast at such a high temperature, she would probably be roasted into jerky before she got close to it.

However, at this moment, Lu Xiaoxiao's whole body was running with the profound power of the fire element. When she came into contact with this almost scalding temperature, not only did she not feel the slightest discomfort, but all the cells in her body were opened.

At this moment, she felt that all her pores were absorbing the rich fire element comfortably, and even her spirit became better.

This cave is very big, it looks like an inconspicuous mountain bag from the back, but from the front, the mountain bag is a huge cave extending underground, big enough for such a huge monster to stretch, run, and even fly freely inside. .

Even though Lu Xiaoxiao had tried very hard to hide her figure, the moment she reached the entrance of the cave, she was still spotted by the red flame beast.


For this stupid human being who does not know how to live or die, the Red Flame Beast instantly became angry under the extreme contempt.

Ant-like low-level humans dared to come to its cave, so tired of living!

"What's it called? Idiot, I'm going to beat you today!"

Standing at the entrance of the cave, Lu Xiaoxiao pointed at the red flame beast's nose from a long distance away, and yelled loudly inside.

Looking at Lu Xiaoxiao's posture, the Scarlet Flame Beast was instantly amused by her, and let out bursts of deep and terrifying laughter.

Although the fifth-level peak monsters are not as capable of speaking human language as the sixth-level monsters, they can fully understand human language, and their IQ is no different from that of humans.

Since it occupied this territory, no monster within a radius of a hundred miles dared to approach it. The ordinary days have passed for too long, and suddenly a funny human being who does not know how to live or die, and she is also a woman, the Red Flame Beast instantly became interested.

Standing up slowly from the ground, he looked down at the woman in front of him who was not enough for him to step on, his eyes were full of mischief.

Like an ant declaring war on an elephant, this human woman can only be played to death by it.

However, just when the Scarlet Flame Beast was thinking of killing Lu Xiaoxiao, the thing Lu Xiaoxiao was carrying on his shoulder suddenly made a dull sound.

A thing that was not as big as its claws flew towards this side at an extremely fast speed. Although the speed was astonishingly fast, the Scarlet Flame Beast, which had already risen to a fifth-level peak monster, could still see clearly with the naked eye. towards.

The Red Flame Beast stared at the small object flying towards it, with a naive mockery in its eyes, stretched out its flaming claws, and slapped it with a single palm.

It wants to let the human woman see what she shoots, and it can shoot back to her at a faster speed.

However, just as the Red Flame Beast slapped the thing that was not as big as its palm, it suddenly exploded, making a loud noise.

Accompanied by the loud noise, there was a huge flame and a huge shock wave.

It was originally a fire-attribute monster, and it was not afraid of the flames emitted by this thing after it exploded, but the powerful shock wave was rare.

Shocked, the Scarlet Flame Beast quickly used all its profound energy to stop this wave of energy explosion.

Although the Red Flame Beast resisted the explosion for the first time, its skin also felt tingling from the strong impact. Because after the thing exploded, almost all the fragments hit its skin.

"Aw—" the Red Flame Beast was furious.

It couldn't remember how long it had been since he was injured last time. In short, he hadn't been injured in these hundreds of years. And this human woman actually hurt it today!

Absolutely unforgivable.

However, when the Red Flame Beast was howling angrily, Lu Xiaoxiao, who saw that the attack was useful, shot six or seven shells at it one after another.

This is an advanced rocket, and its explosion range is as high as thousands of square meters. Just one rocket can easily level a thousand-square-meter villa.

Although the shells are limited and they will be gone when they are used up, but she believes that after her profound strength becomes stronger, these things will be useless, so why not wait now?

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