The Almighty Princess is Going To Climb the Wall

Chapter 913 Escalation of the Situation

"Yo, you know how to cry when you can't say it, what a crybaby."

"Yeah, wasn't it pretty aggressive just now?"

"Sister Qingqing knows to speak up for Lu Li, she is still a good friend of Lu Li, and she actually demolished Lu Li's platform."

"Yeah, what a fool."


Hearing the harsh words of his classmates, Xiaowen burst into tears with anger, and then looked at Chai Qingqing's eyes full of provocation, and was so angry that he didn't know what to do for a while.

A private school for children under the age of six can draw out so many grievances and hatreds every day, Mr. Zou thinks it is enough.

"Okay, don't say any more. Lu Li, since Duan Geng doubts you, and Jia Wen around you also doubts you, then you should write another poem."

"Why should I compose a new one? Why can't you just grade it? Just because they questioned me, I have to do it again. Now I question it. You asked Duan Geng to compose a new one? His bad poems are actually You can also get 90 points, Master Zou, do you really know how to teach?"

Although he had already decided to treat each child differently after finding out the situation, but Dudu's clothes were really not very good, and his attitude was too provocative, Master Zou's temper suddenly came up.

At this moment, he was sure that Lu Li was just a lucky poor student. It happened that the second elder was in trouble and it was inconvenient to deal with him, so he escaped yesterday.

But such a student, even if the Second Elder spared him, he would not.

"Lu Li! What's your attitude? Is this the attitude you should have towards your master? Are you born with a mother but not raised?"

The Master's words were exciting, he thought that if Dudu had any background, he would definitely say it at this moment.

However, Master Zou was disappointed again.

Dudu, that's a swollen-hearted guy, Mr. Zou's words made him take it into his heart, but on the surface Dudu didn't show any signs of expression, but his expression became gloomy in an instant.

"My godmother loves elder brother Xiaoli the most. Why do you say that elder brother Xiaoli was born by a mother but not raised by a mother?"

"Hehe, if you don't know how to respect teachers, I want to see how his parents educated him. You, anyway, today's poem is not counted. If you want to get grades, okay, make me a new one right away." When the poem comes out, I will give you a score."

Unexpectedly, Mr. Zou's voice just fell, Dudu didn't even think about it, and said, "Yun Xiang's clothes are beautiful, and the spring breeze blows the sill of Revlon. If I don't see you in the mountains and jade heads, I will meet you in Yaotai."

The master's face changed when he heard it. Although his face was filled with unstoppable disgust, his eyes were full of astonishment.

"You, you, you... you have the ability, you write down the poem you just recited!"

"Write and write."

Shocked by the whole class, Dudu wrote a wonderful poem that Mr. Zou had never heard or seen in his life.

"This is definitely not his poem! He is only a little over three years old, how could he write such a poem that he can't even understand? And there is no sign of a girl in this poem at all."

"It's because your own level is too low and you are too stupid. If you don't speak up, others will think you are a fool, so you should stop talking in the future." Dudu attacked mercilessly.

After seeing this poem written by Dudu, Chai Qingqing's liking for Dudu has almost reached the level of admiration. So she directly led the other students in the class to applaud Dudu.

Xiaowen originally wanted to applaud along with her, and she also thought the poem was good and praised. But seeing that it was Chai Qingqing who took the lead in applauding, she didn't want to applaud anymore.

Dudu glanced at Xiaowen from the corner of his eye, seeing that she didn't applaud him like Duan Geng, Dudu was also very angry, he felt that he and Xiaowen were in vain.

After all, they are all children, even if Dudu is usually black-bellied, he treats Xiaowen very sincerely. On weekdays, he is willing to leave to Xiaowen what he is reluctant to part with, so he still feels sad when Xiaowen is like this.

"Master Zou, you should rate me now!"

Master Zou studied the poem for a while, then raised his head to look at Dudu with a look of surprise and disbelief.

"Lu Li, it's not that the master is partial. Tell the truth to the master, where did you plagiarize these two poems? Don't tell me that you wrote them yourself. If such a good poem hadn't experienced love and How can someone who still has deep feelings do it?"

Dudu thought about the bet between himself and Duan Geng, and felt depressed. If Mr. Zou didn't give him a score, wouldn't he be going to take advantage of Duan Geng's crotch?

He doesn't want it!

"Master, how can it be like this? You just said clearly that if I write another poem, you will believe it and give me a score. Now that I have written a poem, are you going to be stupid again?"

"Why am I stupid? How could you, a three-year-old brat, write such a poem? You must have plagiarized the poem!"

"Okay, then tell me who I plagiarized?" These poems were recited by my mother to cultivate his sentiments when he was young, and they were all brought here from another dimension by my mother. So Dudu asked confidently.

"Master, is it really okay for you to treat them differently? Everyone only composes one poem, and everyone has their own points. Lu Li is so good at composing poems, why do you keep making things difficult for him?"

Xiaowen was about to speak for Dudu, but Chai Qingqing had already spoken first.

"It's really not that I made things difficult for him. A child can never compose such a poem."

"Hehe, master, you clearly have poor skills, so why blame me for being good at writing poems? If you think I plagiarized, then you can show evidence of my plagiarism. If you can't find evidence, give me a grade immediately. Lian Duangeng Such a bad poem can get 90 points, so I can’t justify getting 1000 points, right?!”

"The total score is only 100, where did you get 1000 points?"

Master Zou glanced at Dudu, and he felt that Dudu was 100% plagiarism. How dare you say that his level is not high... Really!

"Lu Li, I'll come up with a new question, if you have the ability, come up with another one for me!"

"Hehe, Mr. Zou is really funny. He can get 90 points for only one bad poem, but I have to write three poems to get points. Do you think you can justify this?"

"Are you the master or am I the master? Yes, people can only use one song, but if your moral character is not correct, you have to make three poems."

The master thinks that he particularly hates Dudu, he is good-looking, can practice martial arts, and has such a good literary talent. Such a person, even if he is wearing coarse clothes now, will definitely take off one day, and his future is limitless.

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