The Amber Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 87: Death shadow i

Overlooking from above, the entire city is immersed in the silent darkness. In Beicheng, there are still shadowy cavemen in action, but the central area of ​​the old city is dead and looking south, a team is moving along The streets of light moved fast.

"Hurry up! Don't give them a chance to react!" Matissa took the lead, like a rushing silver flame, which swept across the street, and the cavemen patrol stopped in the middle of the road. After a bit of dodging, the flame of soul brought by the spear in the hand of the little silver elven princess was drawn into it and burned into fly ash; the elegant and tall unicorn galloped on the street and flew up and down with the flames of its four hoofs, It was fleeting, leaving only a little bit of fluorescence behind it.

Behind her was the White Lion Guard in a storm formation, and then the Knights of the Summer Solstice. "Follow up, the Knights of the Empire!" Bronfield, the deputy head of the Knights of the Summer Solstice, also roared, "Go to open a way for our allies to protect the left and right wings, and don't let those who come from underground The rats have a chance! "The Cruz knights took back their equipment two days ago. Brando invited them to fight for the empire. As the knights of the empire, they naturally had an obligation, although they knew that they were still hostages. Identity, but at the moment Georgendan talents are the enemy of the empire, compared with the distance between the Eruin and the Cruz, the advantage is shown.

There is a gap only when there is contrast.

After the knights opened the road, it was the team that made the regiment bloated. Except for a few noblemen from Rongma who could keep up with the speed of progress, other prideful people were almost served by their servants. Pushing, dragging, or lifting forward, there are some particularly fat guys who have dragged their tongues long and look like a dying old dog, but no one dares to complain for a while in this season, now No one urged them to move forward, but what is left behind is self-evident.

The members of the envoys of Eruin rode on horses. These were genuine war horses. Once Brando was reluctant to waste Medisa's [Cavalry Preparation] card on these nobles, and on the other hand, he also summoned the Spirit Horse. At that time, the momentum was too great, it was difficult to pay attention, and the gain was not worth the loss-but after all, the number of mounts was limited. Romain immediately took a total of three people at the moment. She hugged Duke Goran-Elsen's little Qianjin, and brought a behind Qiyala, fortunately, the weight of the three people may not be able to catch up with the meat ball of Efram. These pure Cruz horses are not difficult to pick them up.

"Afram, you fool, you have gone the wrong way, come back to me!"

"Don't hold on to the reins! Can you ride a horse!"

"There is a monster leaking in on the left, Mr. Bronfield, please stop the cavemen! Ah!" Miss Merchant screamed in horror, quickly hugged her little body to protect Xiao Qianjin, while avoiding the caveman from throwing herself The spear coming over, she asked aloud, "Qiara, how are you doing!"

"I ... okay, Miss Romain." The representative of the Siphage family, His Highness King's sister's sister's face was scared, and the spear flew almost against the tip of her nose, but she let out a breath and immediately Calm down, only excited light remained in the light blue eyes: "Miss Roman, there is a caveman over there, hurry up, let's look over! The book says that when these monsters are alive, their skin can change with the environment. , Like a chameleon, I have never seen it before! "

"Okay!" Roman answered with interest.

"Don't!" The only normal one of the three, Goran Elson's little golden gold Jutiston, burst into tears: "Sister Romain, Sister Kiara, let's run, ohh!"

The merchant lady suddenly got into a dilemma. On the one hand, Kiraia's words made her curious, and on the other hand, the little girl Judys tears in her arms and made her confused, and she thought for a moment, and finally came up with an answer that best of both worlds: "His Royal Highness Princess Magdale, Ouni, come and help me!"

The duke Qianjin was sitting behind the non-commissioned officer Marjorie. When she saw this scene, she couldn't understand where the young lady had a whimsy. She snorted coldly, "Please take care of yourself, Miss Roman Did you forget what the leader said? "

As for Princess Magdale, the latter smiled slightly at her, then shook her head.

"Ah!" Roman seemed to remember the fact that Brando had commanded this, and suddenly looked downcast. Qi Laya was even more upset: "This nasty guy. Then he owes us two living cavemen, one person at a time."

"Master, this account is bizarre enough." Echo couldn't help hearing Marci and said to him.

The non-commissioned officer from Yanilasu nodded in conviction.

Although the ambassador was noisy, the Miss Merchant was quite like the leader of the caravan. The shouting and shouting also restrained this bloated team, at least under her reminder, so far No one has left the team, or some other unexpected situation has happened. Of course, the only headache for Bronfield, the Cavalry Deputy Chief of the Summer Solstice, is that if the young lady can regulate the orders in her mouth, just fine. No more two or three sentences mixed with a businessman's slang, how could a knight grown up understand that kind of thing?

The team moved forward all the way, getting closer and closer to the destination. Finally, after turning the last street corner, the prominent four-arrow signboard of Rovez's compass finally caught everyone's sight.

"Here!" Natin Knight Nasha couldn't help cheering.

Meditis immediately raised her left hand and stopped everyone: "Squads one to eight are scattered, each looking for shelter! Captain Bloomfield, let your people find cover! Miss Roman, let the envoy hide in the house! "

"What's wrong?" Nasha froze slightly, looking at the elf princess a little puzzledly, wondering what her order meant.

Bronfield also looked at this with a puzzled look.

Only Roman took a look at Matissa, and immediately said to all the nobles behind him, "Hurry up, hide in the house!"

As a matter of fact, the nobles behind have not yet passed the corner of the street at this time. They have no idea what happened in the front, but they have long been used to the strange orders of this merchant lady. Anyway, no matter how outrageous these sounds, It will be useful, for example, to order the team somehow to stop, it will also avoid the ambush of the caveman, or say that the left is to the right, and the result is just to avoid the caveman's blocking force, as if there is a The aura of "miracle lucky" shrouded the young lady, and they have been surprised all along the way.

At this moment, Roman issued a command. These people rushed into the buildings on both sides as if they were conditioned reflexes. They were neatly arranged as if they had gone through several exercises, which was astounding.

Fortunately, the owners of these houses fled Greystone before the war, so there was no extra dispute.

Seeing this scene, Bronfield also muttered a bit, but the head of the Summer Solstice Knights also expressed enough admiration for Miss Roman's aura. Although he was doubtful, he also ordered his men to find cover. Everyone After hiding in the shadows on both sides of the street, for a moment, Meditha suddenly looked up to look into the night sky. With her eyes, Bloomfield and Nasha also looked up, hiding in the nobles in the house. They also raised their heads to look at the narrow sky above the streets. The clear night sky of Anzlowa was shining with stars, and there were a few sparse clouds floating near and far. The Pride Moon was gradually immersed in the clouds and dropped on the ground. A shadow.

It seemed to be getting quieter all around.

"What's that sound?" Natine Cavalier Nasha asked suddenly, uneasily, "Did I hear it wrong?"

Bronfield, the deputy head of the Summer Solstice Knight, shook his head slightly, and he heard--

The sound of the wind under the clouds.

In the winter of Anzeruta, there is a land and sea breeze blowing from the hills of clouds to the high inland sea. When the wind passes over the pine forest between the vast mountains of Anzlowa, a rushing pine wave sounds. This sound echoes in the quiet night Like poetry. But at this moment, the long poem between heaven and earth seems to be chanted by another voice, this voice gradually becomes loud, like a sickly paranoid and flushed maniac shouting loudly, reading it word by word In each passage, the wind gradually turned into a roar. It swept across the hills, and the nobles and knights hiding on both sides of the street were staring at the air flowing through the night sky. It became instantly visible to the naked eye. With the sound of whistling sounds, there are some things that are rushing to the ground and broken, and these sounds converge, as if the signs before the end of the day are enchanting.

Suddenly, Metissa narrowed her eyes.

Everyone else who raised her head and looked at the sky like her saw a huge shadow, like a fish swimming through the clouds and passing over Greystone Town, and what followed was that The unmatched power that was pushed down from the air.


‘哐 当. ’The metal disc in Nimesis ’s hand that shimmered under the moonlight was a gem of invaluable value in the eyes of mortals, and suddenly came out of her hands and landed on the ground.

Brando looked strangely at the female knight. The strength of Nimesis was never unstable, not to mention that he knew how much the other party understood the value of the metal disc. Missed. Nemesis frowned, looking at the disk on the ground. Instead of bending over to pick it up, she looked with a doubt, watching the metal disk tremble slightly on the marble steps Then, there was a humming sound, as if there was an invisible hand dancing and dancing.

Five eyes met on the metal disc, but after a moment, they looked up again.

Brando was the first to see the clouds speeding up under the night sky.

"I'm x! How can there be this thing, quickly, hide in the temple!" When his face changed, he pulled Tia beside him and rushed back to the temple. The elf sister was caught off guard and was scared. Screamed.

Nimesis responded slightly slowly, but she bent down and picked up the metal disc, followed by a flash; followed by Yuta, although the maid commander didn't understand what happened, she saw When he came to the spectacle that suddenly appeared over Anzlowa, he realized what had happened and subconsciously kept up with Brando. Finally, it was Fro. The elf sister picked up her sister's cane that had fallen to the ground, and then walked into the temple unhurriedly. She gave her cane to her frightened sister, and then gave her lord a white look .

Unfortunately, Brando hadn't noticed her gaze at this moment, he and Nemesis were both nervously looking at the sky outside the temple.

The clouds are surging westward--

The howling wind seems to suppress all sounds, the whole world seems to change into another sense of silence, silently, a dark shadow passes over the clouds, and its open wings cover the moon and the stars The light cast a dim shadow over Greystone. Uta and Tia both opened their eyes wide, and even when they opened their mouths was completely boring, just after that shadow, followed by a second shadow, two shadows in front of each other , Is slowly crossing more than half of the night sky.

Utta felt only a gurgling throat, and her heart seemed to pop out of her chest. For a moment, she almost felt her own blood flowing back, as if her hair was standing upright.

Tia also grasped her lord's brother's hand tightly. Even she herself was unaware. She stared at the sky tightly, and her emerald green eyes sparkled.

There is a legend in Vaund that if someone sees the shadow of a dragon across the sky under the clouds, it proves that in the near future, a child with a dragon's care will be born locally. This is the bloodline talent-the dragon The origin of the shadow.

In fact, since the golden age has passed, few people have seen real dragons on the earth.

Adult dragon.

This is by no means a young dragon who came out like Aloz, Frohfa, and Star, or was expelled from the Valley of Dragons. This is true. The most terrifying and elegant creature of this era, real adulthood. Dragons—When they open their wings, they look like a floating shadow, as if they can cover the light of the sun and the moon, the stars and all things. When they soar in the clouds, they are the fishes of the sky, and the sky is their ocean. They Is the master of the sky.

"Dragon ..." It took a long while for the head of the mercenary regiment to say the word.

"It's a black dragon," Nimesis added further.

"I know these two-headed dragons," Brando said, his face terribly gloomy: "Modesti and Malthus."

"Who are they, Brother Brando?" Tia asked a little bit afraid.

"Sin dragons, expelled black dragons, they are one of the top five Lords of the Highlands of Jordan, and they are here."

"Those ashes in Bear Lake." Nimesis suddenly remembered, reminding him in a low voice.

"It's a humpback dragon beast." Brando shook his head. "Unfortunately, I haven't seen this top-level creature in Georgia, otherwise I would have recognized it."

"Are they ... for this thing?" Yuta asked, staring at the metal disc in Nimesis's hand. She was pale, as if her breathing hadn't come through smoothly, due to the deterrent power of the dragon. If it is true, she was almost scared to scream if she was not beside Brando just now. But after being a little calmer, she immediately subconsciously thought of this thing they only got from Tan servant.

Brando shook his head: "I'm afraid not, it's a coincidence, that thing ..."

He took a look at Nimesis, and saw the same meaning from the other person's eyes. He changed his words: "Tan servant should be a temporary intention, no ..." He shook his head again: "It's not high enough. What the lizard king meant, but they didn't realize the value of this thing, otherwise they wouldn't just keep it like this and let us succeed. "

He took a deep breath before saying, "But you're right, Utta, they don't easily come to the surface world, these two big guys must have made an attempt."

"Master Lord?"

Brando smiled bitterly. Fortunately, he was alert before, and threw the earth sword into the dimension hole of Amman in advance. Now he can finally be sure that the inexplicable and unavoidable connection was from Where

At the same time, I am afraid he also figured out one thing.

What is the true purpose of the Georgian.


The shadow of the dragon is gone.

Meditha sighed softly. Behind her, almost all the Cruz aristocrats were paralyzed to the ground. Qiyala was also white and out of breath. Someone even screamed before. Fortunately, Miss Merchant quickly performed a silent sorcery so that the ambassador had escaped from innocence. But the worst of all was Efram and the Duke of the Thousand Kings Judith, who was stunned and unconscious.

"That ... that's what." Ouni could almost hear the gurgling sound of her upper and lower teeth fighting.

"The dragon ... is the dragon." Qiyala took a small sip of breath, and her light blue eyes seemed to be gradually regaining her glory. She was scared to death, but she was also excited to die: "That is the real dragon!"

"Shut up!" Meditis turned back and ordered sternly: "No sound!"

The stern look of the silver elf princess even scared Romain, who had never seen her like this.

Meditha quickly sighed and whispered, "If you don't want to die, don't talk. You don't know how terrible a real dragon is."

In any case, her words had the right effect, and those summer knights and white lion soldiers who could still speak, shut their mouths obediently.

But just as the silence spread, suddenly a sudden noise sounded in the silent night—

"Don't lose it!"

The voice came from a distance, and then a second shout of desperation broke out.

"Damn, close your eyes!"


(PS: Yesterday, I did n’t watch enough, I did n’t watch enough. If you still want to, please count more votes.) (To be continued. Please search for floating astronomy, novels are better updated and faster!)

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