The Amber Sword

Vol 5 Chapter 88: Death shadow ii

The glitter tree is a precious tree species in the south of St. Osor. Its tree species is rich in magic of light elements. After being processed by special means, as long as it is shaken, a sun-like glare will erupt and it will cause temporary blindness.

The young man named Delphi behind Delphien watched as the elf threw the yo-yo ball to himself, quickly closed his eyes and screamed at the others present: "Quickly close your eyes!" After a beautiful arc, it slammed under the prime minister's feet, and the bones rolled forward. The others had not responded yet, and their eyes fell on this rolling thing. They saw it hit the wall on one side and stopped. Down, a gap was cracked from it, and a strong white light emerged from it.

It was at this time that a figure flashed in the aisle. A woman's slender hand stretched out of the air towards the tree of the flashing tree and grabbed it in the palm of her hand. This hand seemed to have an invisible magic that could rush the surging Light constrained together. The projected beam seemed to have hit a layer of invisible barriers, refracted back one by one, and the dazzling light flashed, but became gentle. All the light seemed to converge into a warm ball of light. The hand is firmly controlled within a small range.

Everyone stared at the scene in astonishment.

The only Effie who closed her eyes for a long time did not hear anything, and opened her eyes half wonderingly, and saw this weird scene-a silver-haired woman in a white robe holding a ball of light Is standing between the aisles. The light ball fluorescein floats in mid-air. The light above reflects the indifferent look on this lady's face. She is very tall and even surpasses many human men. A pair of eyes are made of sterling silver. The light of the ball was dissipating a little in her palm. Before returning to the darkness, the lady turned back and gave the elf a severe look.

The elf wasn't afraid to be afraid, but was stunned by the stare in her heart, and she was full of grievances, and turned into a tearful pout.

"If you don't want to die, leave here quickly." The woman in white robe looked coldly at everyone around her, and said, her voice was a little hoarse and low.

"Who are you?" Delphin asked cautiously. "What do you mean?"

The hand of the woman who suddenly appeared shocked everyone present, and could confine the light that blooms in the palm of your hand. What a powerful light element is needed to control it. If it was an illusion, then the light The ball is turning into a little bit of light between her palms and dissipated into the darkness. This ability alone is enough to make every person on the scene unable to resist.

The woman in the white robe glanced at the ceiling, shook her head anxiously, and what seemed to be suppressed in her voice: "Stupid, go away, I have no time to explain to you!"

Delphin wanted to say something, but suddenly felt like a needle stuck in her heart, causing her to take a step back involuntarily. She looked up and looked at the woman in amazement inexplicably.

At the moment everyone in the room felt a weak sense of fear.

The two guards of the prime minister sat down on the ground with a bang and shouted, "Madam, are you going to kill us!"

But at this time, the only unaffected Xianni suddenly flew up, grabbed the cloak of the elf's neck and dragged it backwards, screaming: "Elf, run away, she is a dragon!"

Everyone saw that the woman's eyes gradually turned into a flowing mercury-like color, and her forehead was gradually showing a thin sliver of silver scales.


The wooden house seemed to be hit by a violent air current, and suddenly it shook.

Beyond Roves' compass, the people hiding in the envoys on both sides of the street saw more clearly. A behemoth was descending from mid-air. It struck the wings like shadows in the sky. Every time the wings vibrated and rolled up, The air current is like a storm, sweeping across the entire gray stone town, the temperature rises steadily, and the turbulence formed by the air is accompanied by scattered flames. Once it falls on the roof, it will blaze.

Everyone's heart seemed to have a long, long howl. This howl came from the long darkness, piercing deep into the heart, everyone's heart contracted into a ball because of too much tension, and blood poured from all over the body. Surge, the field of vision gradually turned black from the periphery to the center. They opened their mouths like fish out of water, and the weaker ones just passed out.

Qi Laya was just pressing her chest, and a pale flush appeared on her pale face. She stared at the scene closely, as if she was afraid of missing a detail.

It was a dragon descending from the clouds. It fanned its wings and hovered over the town of Greystone. The dark eyes were like a pair of dim graphite balls, with a kind of indifference to the world. It stared coldly at the city, but it gave the illusion, as if they felt that these horrible eyes were looking down at themselves. This behemoth is almost half the size of a town. The flowing flames under the wings are like a cloud of fire. The turbulence is accompanied by golden lights of stars. After the fine light falls, the entire area is caught in a sea of ​​fire. in.

The street was burning, creaking and groaning.

"Metisha, are we going to die?"

"Metis, Metis, is it coming to eat us?"

"Metisha, will Brando come to save us?"

"Will Brando be eaten too?"

"Forget it, Romain doesn't want Brando to save! Brando runs fast! Run far!"

The Miss Merchant was scared by the six gods, and Meditha bit her lower lip and stared at the scene tightly, holding a spear in her hand, and beside her, Nasha was fainted, and Enid held her tears and shed tears. Dilferi hid tightly in the arms of her cowgirl and knight, and Aiko pulled out his sword with some trembling. Marjorie was firmly beside the Duke of Thousand Kings. Among all the people, only the nun princess Marg Dahl wasn't affected, and she was a little surprised.

The silver elf little princess was like a taut bowstring, ready to fight at any time, but it was at this time that she snorted softly.

Another momentum is rising from the compass of Roves. It is weak at first, like a candle remaining in the wind, but grows rapidly, and it can immediately oppose the power that descends from the sky, from bottom to top. , Actually pushed back the momentum of the black dragon occupying the sky.

"I didn't expect, Miss Real, you are hiding here." In the air, a thunderous voice rumbling, with contempt and sarcasm, and a hint of cat-and-mouse jokes.

"Aubs Dean!" An angry voice echoed from the entire Greystone town. The source of the sound was the small wooden house from Roves' compass that drifted in the wind.

The wooden house seemed to bear some unimaginable pressure and was creaking. Its wooden walls, floors, doors, and windows were trembling, as if they would fall apart at any time. The momentum on the white robe woman was unstoppable. When the eruption broke out, she glanced at the others with a pity, trying to suppress the power of her body that became violent because of the same family's induction, and reminded difficultly: "Run away ...!"

The last tone of the sentence turned into a long howl.

She drew her neck and shouted, silver wings grew behind her, her limbs became claws, covered with fine and solid scales, and her white robe was broken, revealing the dragon's body, and a tail also grew from her legs. When she looked back, she had the dragon form completely. In everyone's horrified eyes, this silver dragon was rapidly growing, breaking through the aisle, opening the roof of the wooden house, stepping on the floor, everyone in the aisle slipped with the collapsed floor, Delphine screamed As soon as he fell down the stairs, the elf fluttered forward dizzily, hitting his forehead against the door frame, "Ouch!" She tried to grab something, and then grabbed Sunny's tail and screamed the latter The two guards, Effie, Solinz, and Delphin, grabbed obstacles that they could reach recently, but they did not help.

After a sharp moan, Rovez's compass was completely torn apart. Masonry and wooden boards, gray soil and beams and pillars were broken and collapsed, and turned into marl fragments. In an instant, it became a ruin.

Above the ruins, a huge and elegant creature is spreading its wings, and the dust and tiles on the wings have splattered to the ground, it is raining; Roman and Chiara look up at the sun-shading sky. The wings rose higher and higher. When the silver curtain was fully opened, it almost covered several neighborhoods. Both of them opened their mouths slightly. The silver dragon had become very huge. The silver body was standing on several streets. Huaxia shimmered, and above the scales there seemed to be a circle of sacred and inviolable halo. She raised her head and stared at the black dragon in the sky with mercury eyes.

"Obstin Dean, I ask you again, why do you break the vow and leave the Georgian?" The woman's cold voice echoed over the entire Greystone town, even across the valley, spreading in all directions, and far to the left. Among the hills.

One or two miles away, in the center of the old town, Brando has witnessed all this more clearly, seeing the shadows in the sky go back and forth, descending over Greystone Town, a momentum that can match it Rising from the city, but a few moments ago, a silver dragon confronted it out of thin air. Utta and Tiya couldn't say a word, Sir Cooper was walking out of the temple with the wounded Count Alcons, seeing this scene, his legs were kneeling softly .

"Martha is up, what's wrong!" Cooper screamed.

Brando didn't know what was going on, and what was going on in Greystone.

"Metisa, come back to me!" He shouted nervously in the connection.


"Lord Lord ..." Matissa responded with some difficulty.

"Where are you?" Brando asked nervously.

"I'm ... you should have seen it, I'm right here ..." Metissa glanced at the sight of the mortal outside that might not be seen once in a lifetime.

Brando was silent for a moment: "Are you all right?"

"Fortunately, the two-headed dragon's goal should be the other side. We hide well and have not caught their attention for the time being."

"How is it Bran?" Brando could detect Romance's voice in Mediissa's senses, and the little silver elf princess waved to her, begging her not to speak.

He was slightly relieved by Medicia's words. He thought for a moment and asked, "Are there any ways you can get into the secret passage now?"

"I'm afraid it's very difficult," replied Metisha. "The silver dragon is above the compass of Roves. Now it has become a ruin. It's hard to say if you can find the entrance to the secret road. Only wait for them to fight Get up and I can confirm. "

"Is it dangerous?"

"Fortunately, rest assured, sir, I will protect myself."

"If there is danger, find a way to return to the portal."

"I know."

"Wait for me, I'll be right there." Brando picked up Cooper's trembling shiver. "Come with me and take me to Roves' compass."

Sir Cooper was so frightened that his legs were soft, and he struggled desperately, "Master, you are crazy!"

"I'm not crazy, Nimesis, take Earl Alcons, Utta, Fro, and watch the mouse, and I have something to ask, Mr. Walton, you can tell the nobles in the tomb Now that the plan has changed, we have to implement Plan B and stay casually, but I won't send them out of town. "

He paused: "This sentence also applies to you."

Walton looked at Cooper, who was struck by Brando, and shook his head helplessly.

"Do we have Plan B?" Tiger Bird asked, puzzled to follow.

"Now," Brando replied.


"Lord-" Medicia reluctantly realized that Brando had unilaterally cut off the psychic connection, and she sighed, her heart moving slightly.

"Obstin Dean, this name hasn't been heard for a long time, how regretful I was to lose it," the voice in the sky still thundered now, "Missrel, but unfortunately not now, in Sammy How invincible are you when you ’re in Rian, now? Uneasy, like a bereavement dog, you should n’t show up, and the only thing waiting for you is death. ”

"Obstin Dean, it's you who **** you, have you forgotten that sacred promise, and dare to participate in the war of the earth, all three of you are crazy, wrong and wrong again, waiting for you only the most severe punishment . "The silver dragon answered with a proud head, coldly.

"Punishment?" Malthus sneered: "Who will carry it out, the ancient people will never die, and it is sad and ridiculous to think that this can be used to avoid disaster."

"by me!"

"It's up to you?" Malthus's voice smirked for no reason: "Are you fully wounded, Miss Real?"

Mysreal made a roar, the silver wings spread, and the earth shook slightly. She had shot into the air like a sharp arrow and headed straight for Malthus. The wind pressure generated by the dragon's flapping wings produced half of the town. A terrible storm blew everyone nearby. Rows of houses were moaning in the gust, and slightly older buildings were almost uprooted, and loose walls and roofs were disintegrated directly into Countless fragments scattered like butterflies in a storm.

The two dragons collided in midair. At that moment, the entire sky seemed to flash the glow of the rule of law-half of the night was densely covered with golden flames, and half of the night was flashing with layers of light. Yinxun network, two completely different pictures completely covered the entire town of gray stone, and spread to all directions, centered on the battle between the two dragons, as if delayed for a moment, a shock wave swept across the city.

At that moment, Greystone Town seemed to have suffered a terrible earthquake. The buildings on both sides of the street collapsed like layers of dominoes. Roman “咚” was lifted by a sudden shock wave and hit him heavily behind Qiara. The two rolled out together, and then were unconscious. The rules of spirituality on Matissa automatically came into effect at the same moment when it was impacted, intertwined with a gray mesh of light, but it was meaningless, and she was also moaned into a collapsed house, and the nobles even more It was a wild and wild horse. Due to the lack of elemental forces, they were much less likely to fight back, but they were still crooked, and many people were even blown out of the window and fell heavily on the streets outside.

At the center of the impact, Roves' compass rose to the ground. The bakery that was already in ruins was blown directly into the sky by air. The people buried below were dug out by a cyclone for the first time. Look around. Sunny almost screamed and dragged the elf's cloak to pull her out of the hurricane. Delphin ran directly against the wall of a building opposite, but fortunately it was a wooden wall, and the prime minister's daughter directly He slammed into it, but fortunately did not turn into a large meatloaf, but her two guards were not so lucky, one was directly flew to the ground for dozens of meters, and the other head was A tile was cut in half and became a corpse before falling.

Solinz grabbed a pillar at a critical moment to avoid the tragedy of being sent to the sky, and the young man named Effie had slightly worse luck, and fell straight from the second floor of a nearby room.

Only one of them had the best luck, Dwarf Pori. The anvil roared: "Who called me in the middle of the night!" Then he fell into a tributary of the nearby galaxy and murmured. A few bubbles.

The clouds above the sky could roll back and forth, forming a huge hollow in an instant, and the endless starlight poured down between the hollows.

The whole city was snow and silver.


(PS: Continue to ask for monthly tickets, until the end of the month! You understand!) (To be continued. Please search for floating astronomy, novels are better and faster!

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