The American Scripture

Chapter 900: destroy

"A big explosion occurred in a military base near Los Angeles today. The cause of this explosion may be related to the dragon that appeared in New York. It is estimated that the dragon attacked the military base. There are no statistics on casualties. ∑ Top The novel... we will follow up and report further. What you see now is the scene of the attack!"

Television images repeatedly broadcast the attack on the Los Angeles military base on the streets of Los Angeles. And there are real-time pictures. The reporters have a very sensitive sense of smell. Since the big explosion at the military base, they have sent nearby reporters and camera crews to shoot.

They are like groundhogs, constantly running around on the ground. At the risk of being burned by the fire of the evil dragon, the real-time picture was transmitted to the TV station, and the TV station immediately arranged a live broadcast. The TV broadcast aroused everyone's panic. The streets were full of people walking in a hurry. From time to time, there were police cars speeding through the streets, and the police were responsible for maintaining order on the streets.

The streets are littered with rubbish. In this chaotic scene, there is still a small group of people, forming several small groups, holding signs and shouting slogans, which means that the end of the world is coming. There is a new ruler. Hope that people can obey the ruler of the new earth.

For this group of people, the police adopted a strategy of dispersing, but it was obviously not very effective. Finally, some people had to be arrested to disperse these guys, but they still did not give up. Once the police left, they organized again. , Shouting slogans loudly.

And there are people in the store who are constantly stealing things in the chaos, and some of them simply robbed them. Some small supermarkets have closed. The security guards in large supermarkets are nervous with live ammunition, ready to deal with riots that may occur at any time. The whole city is in a panic. The streets are depressed, it looks like the end of the world.

All Zhen Fan's clinics are closed. He also specifically asked Christina to call Tang Shaoyang, who was far away in Temecula, to close his business, and if possible, hide in the basement of Zhen Fan's house in Temecula when the danger occurred. Tang Shaoyang has always lived and looked after the house there.

Tang Shaoyang listened to Zhen Fan this time, because since such incidents, the entire Los Angeles, including the towns in the suburbs, have fallen into panic. There is basically no business in the clinic, and people have hid in their homes. Even if there are one or two emergency patients occasionally. Tang Shaoyang used the notice posted on the clinic to invite them to his home for diagnosis and treatment.

"The end of the world!" Kristin looked at the TV screen and said, she is a Hollywood star, so she is very emotional, really like the end of the world in a Hollywood movie, "I didn't expect this world...we Humans are really not rulers, and there are existences stronger than us."

"This kind of creature actually appeared many years earlier than our human beings, so relative to them. We are the intruders and latecomers!" Christina smiled at Christine, "Unfortunately... ...They and we are destined to never live peacefully on the same earth. Now that they appear, I don't know what it means. But...I am sure that these dragons are definitely not lonely."

"This is the result of your research?" Zhen Fan turned to look at Christina. "This creature has appeared in the Bible. It seems that the reputation is not very good!"

"Yes. In the Bible, we see the description of this creature. It seems that the description is basically correct. They have the ability to breathe fire and have a very high IQ. So... they can Said to be the most powerful enemy of mankind, because they are strong enough and smart enough!" Christina shrugged at Zhen Fan, "The reason why they can breathe fire is because of the combination of their sleeve-length neck and body. There is a very large crop at the site. There is a substance stored in the crop, which can burn violently after encountering air. It is a bit like phosphorus, but it has a higher combustibility and a higher emission. It produces violent combustion."

"So amazing?" Zhen Fan frowned.

"Yes, it’s just that the research has ended. I don’t know how the burning material in the crop is formed, but I speculate that there is a substance secreted in the crop, which may change some of the food you eat. A substance that burns into ashes.” Christina nodded and said, “If we figure out this transformable substance, it will have very great uses in the future. Because this kind of burning substance is more stable than phosphorus. Under normal circumstances, It will not burn, but when they are sprayed out, this substance will burn violently in the air."

"Then they should spray out very fast!" Zoe interjected at this time, "It seems... these creatures are truly unique. Their huge bodies, huge power, and huge airbags are all determined, as long as they want to , Can spray out flames. Is this condition indispensable?"

"Of course, it's just that... we haven't found a way to defeat them yet!" Christina shook her head, and then watched the TV. Her eyes were filled with hesitation. The picture on the TV was full of smoke and the whole military. The base was plunged into a sea of ​​flames.

The military base was indeed a sea of ​​flames. The buildings on the ground were basically destroyed. The airfields were all bombed-out planes. There were also soldiers rushing on the ground and fell to the ground and burned. Corpse of coke soldier. The heat wave rushed over and stunned General Campbell, who was hiding in the war room command center in the basement. The picture was continuously transmitted through satellites, and also through some surviving cameras arranged at the base, and two surviving drones controlled by the command center participated in the shooting, but this scene has already caused General Campbell's heart to twitch violently. .

"They are actually capable of such tactics. They are advanced intelligent creatures!" Nicky Raikkonen murmured on the side. His two robots couldn't make it back for a while, and the ground buildings here are basically all. Was destroyed. A large group of soldiers hid from the ground into the basement, and they squeezed into the huge passages and halls of the basement in a panic and at a loss. Obviously, they lost their guts by the evil dragon.

"My God, fortunately... Lieutenant, I have to say, you saved our lives!" The sergeant said to Lieutenant Goodwin. He was lying on the ground, looking at the military base in the distance with binoculars, with lingering fear." My God, the base is completely destroyed. If we go back, we won’t escape death."

This statement was approved by several other soldiers, yes, if they rushed back, they might be killed in flames. The violent explosion sound even shook the place. Lieutenant Goodwin was also in a cold sweat. He accidentally saved him and her companions, but he did not feel relieved. Because the dragon is still raging at the base.

"Aw--" The dragon uttered a earth-shattering roar, and then saw three dark shadows flying towards the military base from the sky, and they arrived in an instant. It was another dragon and two robots. In an instant, the dragon joined the battle group. Obviously, when the huge dragon is paired with each other, it will soon take advantage.

It's useless to breathe fire, it's just a contest of strength and flexibility. The dragon's huge body has not become a burden to them, and their agility is obviously better than that of a computer-controlled robot.

With a sound of "bang--", a robot was hit by its huge wings, and immediately its entire body hit the ground. It smashed the ground into a big hole, and when the robot wanted to stand up, it suddenly collapsed.

"Damn it, quickly transfer that robot back!" General Campbell said loudly. Now that one robot has been lost, if another one is lost, the army will have nothing to rely on. So General Campbell yelled gaffefully.

In fact, without General Campbell's order, Nicky Raikkonen had already started to control the robot to come to the basement, but the danger of doing so was that it might also attract the dragon. Fortunately, if the basement is made strong enough to resist the attack of nuclear bombs, it will naturally not be afraid of the attack of the dragon.

The two dragons kept screaming outside the basement, spitting fire towards the basement, but finally found that this was useless, so they called again several times, and then left angrily.

Looking at the two huge black shadows, they gradually disappeared to the horizon. However, no one in the basement wanted to go up, because there had just been a huge damage, and it was not suitable to go up immediately after it burned. They just sent a group of people with gas masks to the ground to investigate~www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Damn—" General Campbell hit the table with a punch. Obviously, he failed. This failure was even worse than the previous failure of General Krakow.

"I went to take a look at x-17. I might have suffered a major loss. We will take back the one that was lost outside, and re-examine it, and we will definitely develop a better product. General, trust us..." Ki Raikkonen stammered at General Campbell's promise.

"Forget it, when things here are over, you go back to the company first, and I will report to the Ministry of National Defense. This is a test of your products. I really hope you can come up with the best weapon system. "General Campbell issued a big eviction order, mainly because the performance of the robot this time disappointed him.

If such a weapon cannot defeat such a creature, then what other weapon can defeat this creature? He thought of his research team, but they have yet to come up with decent research results.

General Campbell put his hands on his chest and kept walking around in the office. Finally, as if he had made a decision, he picked up the phone, dialed a number, and said, "Hey, it's me, you Old friend, David!" (To be continued...)

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