The American Scripture

Chapter 989: The wisdom of the dragon

Without warning, a huge dragon flying in the sky appeared. The radar did not detect this behemoth, and several small drones did not detect the appearance of the dragon, but it did. If the wind and huge shadows enveloped the sky, even Lieutenant Goodwin might not have known the arrival of this dragon.

Obviously, the appearance of this evil dragon is very wise. It almost avoided any high-tech equipment that could detect it, and even satellites have deceived it. So when it appeared, Lieutenant Goodwin was almost scared to pee, and he dared not come out on the ground.

But when he turned his head to look at the sergeant and several other soldiers, he also found that they were also lying on the ground nervously. One of them was even shaking slightly. It was obvious that he was frightened. But he didn't scream out. He bit one hand in his mouth, biting desperately, and he could see the blood flowing out of his mouth, but he didn't care at all, holding his head in the other hand. , Bury his head on the ground.

"I knew it, I knew it would be like this!" Lieutenant Goodwin kept muttering in his heart. He barely raised his head and saw the monster parked at a place on the top of the mountain, looking down from top to bottom. The corpse of the headless dragon on the ground, even though it exudes a stench, suddenly looked at it, suddenly raised its head, and looked at Lieutenant Goodwin's side coldly. At this moment, Lieutenant Goodwin thought it had already seen these people.

But what was unexpected was that the dragon didn't attack them, but took a cold look, as if a proud nobleman was looking at a ragged poor, his eyes were full of disdain. Obviously, in the seriousness of this evil dragon, Lieutenant Goodwin did not take it into consideration at all.

Just when Lieutenant Goodwin didn't dare to get out of the air, the evil dragon suddenly flapped its wings, and the wind made a "whoop" in the sky, and then the evil dragon rushed into the sky and disappeared into the sky. It came here, as if to mourn its partner, and then left.

"Thank God, we will retreat quickly and report the situation here to the base immediately. Hurry up, hurry up! Let's go!" Lieutenant Goodwin urged the communicator loudly. The communicator is a corporal, and he will get it from the base immediately. After making contact, Lieutenant Goodwin snatched the microphone and called out loudly: "The target appears, the target appears, and the destination is unknown now. Please be prepared!"

Just son Goodwin contacted the base, suddenly the sergeant pointed to the sky and said to Goodwin: "Lieutenant, look, the dragon, heaven, it flew towards the base. We... how are we? Do?" The sergeant stopped suddenly and looked nervously at Lieutenant Goodwin, "Are we going back now?"

Obviously, a discerning person knows at a glance that it is definitely not a good idea to go back now. So they all looked at Lieutenant Goodwin with a look of gaze that made Lieutenant Goodwin unbearable. After thinking about it, they asked the sergeant: "The task the general gave us is to observe the traces of the dragons, right? ?"

"Yes, Lieutenant, that's it!" The sergeant replied without thinking.

"Well, since this is the case, we will continue to observe here. After all, there are four evil dragons. Only one has come now. We find a place to hide, continue to observe, and then report to the base in time!" Lieutenant Goodwin With that, he started to walk back. Everyone was overjoyed and followed him back.

After just walking a few steps, I suddenly heard a dull thunder-like sound. Then I saw the fire blazing into the sky over the base, accompanied by the stern and sharp cry of the evil dragon coming from far away. Suddenly everyone was covered in cold sweat, and the area of ​​the base had turned into a sea of ​​fire.

"Damn it, let the **** robot go to war right away!" General Campbell shouted loudly to Nicky Raikkonen, "We have been attacked, hurry up, let your robot hurry up, or we will all wait. Get burned here!" The general's voice was a little loud, and he lowered his head to avoid the dust falling from the office.

"Okay, General!" Nicky Raikkonen nodded, then took out the remote control, activated the robot, and entered the target command to the dragon. Then issued the order to attack.

Suddenly the two robots in the warehouse flew out and rushed towards the dragon. Although the robot was big enough, it looked much smaller than the dragon. But their combat effectiveness is really not to be underestimated. Their weapons were very sharp. After suddenly rushing out, they immediately assumed a forward and backward flanking posture. The robot behind took advantage of the dragon's lack of preparation and made a knife on its back. This knife cut through the dragon. Blood seeped from inside his skin, dripping continuously, making a loud noise when it fell on the ground.

"Yeah--" Suddenly fled on the ground in embarrassment. The soldiers who had been hiding also saw it, and made loud cheers. Obviously, the robot is much better than they thought. At least it can hurt this dragon. This is a good start.

Unexpectedly, he would be injured suddenly, and the dragon seemed caught off guard. It suddenly rushed directly into the sky, but the robot followed it into the sky. Bitten tightly.

"How can we see their fighting?" General Campbell has walked out of the office. He is looking at the sky from the already messy military base. The dragons and robots have flown into the high sky. Here they can only I saw a few small black spots, and the scream of evil dragons that kept coming.

"Rest assured, each robot is equipped with a camera. We can call the camera to see the real-time battle scene. I need a big screen." Nicky Raikkonen said, just under the leadership of the general, towards the base Walked past the underground war room.

The underground war room is a battle command center located underground, and it is more than 48 meters deep from the ground. It is necessary to go down by elevator. This is definitely a safe place. It is used to prevent nuclear weapons attacks. Even the deepest ground-penetrating nuclear weapons can be effectively resisted.

The battle scene has appeared on the big screen, and the robot has now taken the upper hand, but the dragon is very agile. Even the flexible movements of the robot are not good for the dragon, but from the scene, It is when robots attack more often, and the evil dragon rushes from the left to the right, as if it is difficult to get out, but keeps fleeing all the way. And the robot keeps catching up.

"It seems that the dragon will be killed by our robot sooner or later, don't worry, general, our product is the best, don't worry!" Nicky Raikkonen smiled at Campbell who was frowning. The general said, "Although there are only two robots, they are enough."

"How far are they from our base now?" General Campbell suddenly said to Nicky Raikkonen.

Nicky Raikkonen looked at his control screen, and then displayed this data on the large screen in the war room, accompanied by the battle screen, displayed next to it. From the data point of view, they have now been more than a hundred miles away from the base. Up. It is estimated that they are still far away from the base.

"At what distance can your robot be controlled?" General Campbell asked again, "I need to know the maximum combat distance of the robot."

"Any place is okay, because the robot is not for me to control the battle, I only need to input instructions to it, and the instructions are transmitted through satellites, so... you can say this, as long as the satellites can be received Wherever the signal is, I can control these robots at any time. And once the instruction is input and it is out of my control range, the robot will always take this goal as its own task. Until the goal is destroyed. Such a product, General , Are you satisfied? Fully intelligent!" Nicky Raikkonen smiled triumphantly.

"I think something is wrong..." General Campbell suddenly supported his chin with one hand and wrapped his arms around his chest, walking back and forth in the war room. Suddenly he yelled, "Damn, we must have ignored What. What if... the robot goes to the target?"

"If it is to go to the target... this kind of possibility is very low, basically impossible. Because no matter how fast the thing is, they can lock the target, there is no such possibility... if... really is In this case, they will automatically return. That’s it, you don’t have to worry about losing such an expensive product!” When Nicky Raikkonen wanted to boast about his products, he saw that General Campbell’s face was not so good. Answer the topic quickly.

"Will you return to the base?" General Campbell nodded and then looked at the flying distance of the robot on the big screen, as well as the scene of the dragon retreating on the big screen. The cry was very stern, and the body rushed from left to right, looking very embarrassed, but at critical moments, two more robots attacked.

"It's three hundred and seventy-three and a half miles away from the base." Colonel Seren Stanton in the war room said to General Campbell, "but... it seems that the robot still did not kill the dragon, even... It's a little strange, why this dragon has not been injured, but why has it been running away? If it can be supported until it is not injured, it shouldn't have escaped from the beginning!"

"Oh, shit, it's all shit, immediately order the robot to return quickly, hurry up, we are in the trick, **** it, this dragon is playing tricks, **** it, how could they know this? "General Campbell suddenly jumped up like an electric shock, and shouted at Nicky Raikkonen. He waved his arms and felt cold all over. If that was the case, then he would be facing a creature that didn't need human wisdom.

With this kind of wisdom, coupled with such a huge body and destructiveness, God knows what the result will be. God, the thought of this General Campbell makes my heart cold.

"The general... found another target..." A lieutenant colonel stumbled in. R1152

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