The American Scripture

Chapter 993: Shadow in the Moon

The clear light revealed by this great array went straight into the sky. I believe it won’t be long before those dragons will hear the wind, because the aura revealed in this beam of light is the same as the aura that killed the dragon. If those dragons can feel it, they will swarm in. △ novel,

This beam of light made the already destroyed military base tense again. Lieutenant General Campbell stared closely at the image coming from the camera, and kept thinking with his hands on his chest. How is this going? Could it be the ghosts made by those evil dragons?

"Colonel, send two helicopters over right away. Check out the reason." Lieutenant General Campbell finally spoke. In the face of such a vision, he could not remain indifferent, but he was afraid that it was the ghosts of the evil dragons, so I chose a conservative approach and first sent two helicopters to explore the reality.

Two Apache Longbow helicopters took off and flew in the direction of the beam of light. The pilot was very nervous. After the base was destroyed, everyone became scared. So along the way, I will report every five minutes, but the distance is only ten minutes. The two planes flew one after the other, one after the other, and finally arrived at the scene.

It's night time, and the infrared camera can clearly capture the strange shape of a stone that emits the beam of light. The image returned by the camera made Lieutenant General Campbell also puzzled. What this image represents is not difficult for him. The technicians immediately conducted a network comparison. The image was compared in less than three minutes.

"It's an image of a mysterious sect in China-Taoism!" The officer in charge of the comparison turned his head and said to Lieutenant General Campbell, and then transferred the image to the big screen. You can see from the big screen that this image belongs to Chinese Taoism. And from the above text introduction, it has a certain mysterious power. But there is one sentence at the end. But these are all legends, and they don't exist in the real world.

"I think...were we going to be wrong?" Colonel Stanton looked at the pattern suspiciously. Then I saw the real-time image from the helicopter. It was indeed very similar. Although there was a slight difference, it was indeed the same. That's right, "A pattern emits such a light? Or is it someone using a spotlight... "

"If you look closely, you will know that it is a pile of stones. Have you seen the spotlight?" Lieutenant General Campbell was dissatisfied with Colonel Stanton's performance. "There are no spotlights, no lighting equipment, that is the light emitted by a pile of stones. God knows who would do such a thing there... Colonel, are you sure that Mr. Zhen is not willing to participate in us? "Speaking, the general suddenly said to Colonel Stanton.

"Yes, General, at least he said that to us!" Colonel Stanton said helplessly, "I don't understand why you want to... Oh, is this pattern... It was made by Zhen?" He suddenly Thought of one thing. That is, Zhen Fan is also Chinese.

"I don't know, it's easy to judge this matter, that is, let someone visit his house!" Lieutenant Colonel Campbell suddenly turned his eyes on Colonel Stanton, "What do you think?"

Colonel Stanton paused. He smiled awkwardly, then nodded and said, "Well, I'm going to visit him. I'll go. Just how to solve the problem of the beam of light? What is this person going to do?"

"You don't have to worry about it." Lieutenant General Campbell smiled at him. I didn't want to talk to him when I turned my head. But when Colonel Stanton was about to turn around, the person in charge of communications turned and said to the general: "It's a call from the front. Do you want to listen? It's about that beam of light!"

"Connected to the outside broadcast, I want to know what is going on!" Lieutenant General Campbell nodded.

The call came quickly. The sound is loud and loud, so everyone in the war room can hear it. A voice came from inside: "Is it the command center? I'm Lieutenant Goodwin. We have now found a beam of light at the place where we are in charge of the observation. A helicopter has already visited it just now."

"Yes, we have all seen it!" At this time, Lieutenant General Campbell said, "I am General Campbell, do you have any findings? About getting the beam of light!"

"Yes, when we were guarding here, a Chinese man drove a car passing by, and then we found this beam of light. After repeated observations, I think it should be the Chinese ghost, because we are here. I saw his car nearby and stopped at the foot of the mountain. I'm sure it was the ghost made by the Chinese! General, do you need me to fire a few shots at the stones?"

"Do you have an image of the Chinese man? Have you photographed it?" At this time Colonel Stanton suddenly interjected, "Is that person Mr. Zhen? Fan? Mr. Zhen?"

"No, no, how could it be him? I know Mr. Zhen, he is a very good person, but this matter can't involve him. He is a middle-aged man, we have a camera to capture his picture, I will give You guys pass it over!" Lieutenant Goodwin said, he passed the picture in real time, and then displayed it on the big screen.

Although the picture is not very clear, it can be seen clearly. The outline of the person's face is definitely not Zhen Fan, but a fat middle-aged man with a blessed figure. After the picture is transferred, take a screenshot immediately, and then display the clearest picture on the big screen, and finally the technical staff will compare the parameters.

Someone also looked up the photographed license plate number, but found that it was an abandoned car during the day, not a car owned by a Chinese at all, but a white couple. The hope of checking people from the comparison of license plates fell through. But the image contrast also fell through.

There is no such person in the database. In other words, there is no such person in all the population of the United States, including some of the personnel they focus on monitoring. This person is completely like he came out of thin air.

"Go and check the vehicle to see if the person is still nearby. If you feel that something is wrong, you can shoot." General Campbell granted them the right to fire. Obviously, at such a moment, they would not care about an unidentified Chinese, perhaps an Asian. Who cares?

"Received, let's move on! The camera will always be on." Lieutenant Goodwin said, waved his hand, and drove a few soldiers toward the foot of the mountain where the car was parked. Next to the car, it was discovered that there was no one in the car, so he made a tactical gesture to divide the person into two parts, one left and the other right to search.

But they were still disappointed. There was no single figure near here, and this beam of light was still illuminating the sky. Goodwin's headset received an order from Lieutenant General Campbell himself: "Take a tentative investigation on this beam of light. If you think it is dangerous, you can use a weapon!"

"Yes General!" Lieutenant Goodwin agreed, and then directed his subordinates to hide behind a big rock. Then he picked up a big rock from the ground and looked at the light pillar. The stone was thrown into the beam of light, and there was a "hum" sound, as if something was bouncing away.

"The stones are spread out!" In the war room, Colonel Stanton looked at Lieutenant General Campbell, and naturally determined that this beam of light was not made by Zhen Fan. Lieutenant General Campbell had already cancelled the order, and he continued his own work. Staff work, "This is a beam of light with energy. I don't think it can be tested with firepower, otherwise it will cause danger."

"If there is no danger, what are we going to test?" Lieutenant General Campbell was really dissatisfied with the colonel. "Colonel, you have to remember that soldiers should face danger bravely. So are we, they... Gu Lieutenant Devin and the others too, face these at any time..."

I didn’t turn off the microphone, so Lieutenant Goodwin heard them. After taking off the headset, Lieutenant Goodwin couldn’t help but cursed: "Damn bastard. Why don’t they come here in danger, we Go to the war room to face the so-called'danger'? Grass, is there any danger in the war room?"

"Boss, our cameras are aimed at you!" A sergeant beside Lieutenant Goodwin said with a grin, "Your words must have been heard by General Campbell, I think...when you go back, How would he punish you? Maybe let you lick his toes?"

"Damn it, don't talk about it. Let's talk about it when we have the life to go Lieutenant Goodwin said uneasyly, "I always think something is wrong here. It is as if there is something very depressing in the air. This is the so-called sixth sense, right? My sixth sense is very effective! "

"Aha—I took your sentence again. I guess the general will be able to hear it!" The sergeant said with a grin, but his camera and headphones were also taken off. They heard what the general said. Consciously took off the communication equipment, and then turned it off. The general intends to let them die here.

"Even if you pass the picture over, I don't care!" Lieutenant Goodwin said with a grin, but obviously he also knew that they had turned off the camera and headphones, so he spoke unscrupulously, "I was looking at that guy. Not pleasing to the eye, including the colonel, the damned **** colonel. Always find my fault!"

"Haha, I know, but... Lieutenant, you are a good person, so I am on your side. If you quarrel, of course it is the best fight. I can bet to buy you win. By the way You can also greet his mother so that you know how much I love you!"

"Damn it, shut up—" Suddenly Lieutenant Goodwin's expression changed, and then he looked up and looked into the sky: a full moon hung in the sky, and two dark shadows were growing against the bright background of the moon. The bigger...(To be continued...) u

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