The American Scripture

Chapter 994: Fumo World

Two dark shadows that grew larger and larger seemed to have flown out of the moon in the sky. The camera transmitted the picture to the war room, and everyone's eyes widened. ∷Top∷point∷Little∷ said, .. Obviously they can tell at a glance that these two black shadows are in the form of the dragon that almost wiped out the military base last time.

"General, do we want to attack... If they were allowed to wreak havoc on the base again, we would not be very safe here. Even the strongest bunker would not be able to withstand such repeated shocks." Colonel Stanton was untimely. Express their opinions. Obviously this view made Lieutenant General Campbell dissatisfied.

He really didn't understand why such a wood-like guy was allowed to hold such an important position here. But he can't be exempt from the post of colonel. If he can do this, there will be some big people behind him. After all, he is not a big man, but he is still farther away from a big man. He didn't want to have branches at this time, it was already unlucky enough.

"Calm down, Colonel, you are one of the people in charge here. You have to think about it, not just look in front of you." General Campbell shook his head and said patiently, "I think they are not directed at us. Come, come to us, they won't get any benefits. If it is to vent their anger, they are enough, in terms of destroying our base last time. If it is to draw out their most powerful enemy If they did, they did it too."

"The most powerful enemy? Do you think it is the Chinese?" The colonel was stunned, and projected his gaze on the big screen with some inconceivability. As expected, the huge dragon was flying around the pillar of light. The surroundings seemed to be flying a little anxiously. The induction of energy, but they did not rashly launch an attack. It is the constant temptation around the beam of light. But the more temptation, the more anxious.

Finally an evil dragon couldn't bear it. He slammed the wings, and suddenly a huge rock was slapped flying from the bottom of the mountain by its wings, and rushed towards the beam of light.

"Boom--" There was a loud noise. When the huge rock approached the beam of light, it seemed to have encountered some powerful resistance and counter-shock force, and it fell apart and almost turned into powder.

"Ah--" The people in the war room took a breath of air. Even Lieutenant General Campbell did not expect this beam of light to be so powerful. Fortunately, I didn't let it rush to test it.

"Oh—" the dragon that had fluttered its wings uttered a long cry. Obviously, this beam of light is powerful. Let them be more cautious. Its scream, as if calling a companion.

"Oops!" When Lieutenant General Campbell heard the dragon's scream, he knew it was going to be bad. If four dragons gathered here together, what else could stop them? Is that Chinese okay? An inexplicable worry arose in his heart. He now very much hopes that the Chinese can win. He had never had such a big expectation of a Chinese, even though he was still an unidentified Chinese.

Sure enough, within a quarter of an hour, two more evil dragons flew over. Covering the sky and the moon, covering this place where there was originally moonlight is completely dark. I can't see everything clearly.

"Oh-shit. We're done!" A sergeant hid behind a huge rock and couldn't help cursing. He said to Lieutenant Goodwin, "Boss. Let's retreat."

"Grass, I want to evacuate too, but where can we evacuate? As soon as we start the car, we will be exposed in front of the four-headed dragon, and we will be burnt with nothing left." Lieutenant Goodwin looked at Look around. Then he said, "I see. Why don't you hide over there? It's inconspicuous over there, and there are a lot of hidden rocks."

"Okay, listen to you, boss, let's go!" A few people said this carefully, and then they moved quickly to the side with their waists down. They waited until their backs were leaning against the huge rock before their hearts came down. . Obviously, this is where they think they are safe.

Because of the departure of Lieutenant Goodwin, the video coming from there has become a bit far away and a bit blurry, but it can still be seen roughly. Because of the huge size of the four dragons, everyone in the war room held their breath.

"They're attacking!" Suddenly a staff member's voice sounded. Sure enough, after a dragon hovered for a while, it flew straight to the sky, and then from high in the sky, it rushed towards the light beam. past. Obviously, the evil dragons did not find a more suitable method, so they had to use this hard-working method.

Just after the staff member exclaimed, suddenly the picture on the big screen flickered, and after a few flashes, suddenly there were no images on the screen. Then a staff member said to General Campbell: "We have received strong electronic interference, all images have been lost, and we have also lost contact with the satellite and the people ahead." This means that all communication equipment has failed. , They became blind and deaf.

"Shit!" General Campbell cursed fiercely. If you lose contact, God knows if the dragons will attack the base again, or the downtown area of ​​Los Angeles. If they kill the Chinese, they might destroy the entire Los Angeles without warning in advance, then it is clear that their political career is basically over.

These dragons actually have the ability to interfere with electrons. In fact, it should have been expected long ago, because during the first battle with the dragon, it used the strong electromagnetic interference emitted by itself to twist the surroundings. The space has achieved the effect of invisibility.

"Colonel, send a reconnaissance team again. We use the most primitive way to communicate. Exclude some vehicles and military aircraft. We can observe when the report is transmitted, and then we will pass the observations over by helicopter. We use relay information. Come, we must have first-hand information." General Campbell ordered immediately.

"Yes, General!" Colonel Stanton nodded, and then quickly went out to make arrangements.

At the same time, Lieutenant Goodwin and the others also went to contact the base. "Damn it!" Goodwin threw the communication equipment to the ground, cursed, and then looked at the soldiers around him and said, "Guys, everything is up to us now. I want to see this century war. Is it? Now is the time!"

This kind of ridicule calmed the few people who were almost scared to pee after losing their communication. They all stretched out their heads courageously, because at this time, they heard a violent roar and a screaming scream.

An evil dragon slammed into the beam of light, and then heard a loud "boom", the beam of light seemed to be knocked apart, the dragon suddenly broke into the formation, and a person in the formation was standing quietly There, he was holding a wooden sword in his hand, and a layer of shining light appeared on the wooden sword, just like the light from the beam of light, but more condensed.

An evil dragon rushed in, and the other three also learned the same as the first one, and they all smashed a beam of light, and then disappeared in the beam of light. Wait for the four dragons to enter the beam of light. The beam of light suddenly disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"Oh, God, what's the matter?" Lieutenant Goodwin looked at the beam of light and suddenly disappeared. He was taken aback, and after the beam of light disappeared, the four dragons that broke into the beam of light were also missing. Even the strange stone shape was missing on the ground.

"This is the base, this is the base, please answer if you hear it, please answer if you hear it! Groundhog One, please answer if you hear it!" A burst of communications from the intrusive electronic sound scared Lieutenant Goodwin. Big jump, he quickly picked up the voice microphone and said to it, "I heard it."

"What happened over there? I'm General Campbell!" The voice was very anxious. It seemed that General Campbell also thought things were a little weird, and without warning, everything disappeared, including the four evil dragons and the Chinese. . Even the strange pattern made of stones that the Chinese put out has disappeared. And with the disappearance of these, the communication has returned to normal. You can call and see the transmitted video images.

This is completely beyond their cognition. So General Campbell couldn't wait to call to Lieutenant Goodwin. If it wasn't for that car was still parked at the foot of the mountain, he wouldn't know if all this was his own illusion. Almost everyone in the war room thought this way, and many people were still rubbing their eyes, as if they couldn't believe it.

"My God, what is going on?" General Campbell shook his head, and then unswervingly gave orders to continue to send investigators to the reconnaissance, and the reconnaissance will be the first time. Report the abnormal situation.

After a long period of searching until dawn, a few more helicopters were sent to the destination for uninterrupted patrol flights. But nothing was discovered, knowing that the sky was bright, and still clueless, the whole place was clean and there was nothing.

" no avail!" The colonel looked at the results of the investigations that were constantly being reported back, and then said to General Campbell, "I suggest leaving two investigation teams to continue the investigation, and let us withdraw the rest!"

General Campbell thought for a while before he nodded and said, "Well, let them come back." He turned and walked out of the war room, followed the passage in the basement, and walked to the ground. As soon as I reached the ground, I felt devastated and a mess. The place was already in ruins. He stood blankly with a heavy heart, like a statue.

The four dragons slammed into the beam of light, and then broke in from the beam of light. This is a large array of demons set up by Zhen Fan. Once those dragons break in, this large array is truly activated. Suddenly, the whole world suddenly changes color, becomes dark clouds, and instantly envelopes. Covered the entire sky. In the dark clouds, lightning flashes from time to time through the clouds like silver snakes, which is shocking. (To be continued...)

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