The American Scripture

Chapter 1003: Your task is done

Christine shared his idea and Fei Bingbing's investment. ⊙, the main use is the budget that Zhen Fan promised to Fei Bingbing. That was an investment of 170 million U.S. dollars. What kind of movie can be made with 170 million dollars? In Hollywood, it is definitely a big production.

Not to mention making a more gorgeous action movie, even making a luxurious blockbuster like the seventh "Passion and Speed" will not be a topic. The investment in movies is only 187 million euros, which is 200 million in US dollars. If it were not to use cg "face-making" technology to create a living Paul, then the cost may still be under 170 million US dollars. Therefore, such a huge investment can definitely produce a super luxurious movie.

Bit Jackson was very emotional. He himself is a director who likes to burn money. The "The Hobbit" trilogy has a total investment of more than 461 million pounds, which is 690 million in US dollars. But the rate of return is also very good, the trilogy sold a total of more than 3 billion US dollars. The return on investment is very high.

Action movies are no better than movies that require a lot of cg technology like "The Hobbit". You can save a lot with this one, and you will spend more money to do something you want to do. However, Bit does not involve much in action movies, and Zhen Fan’s movie is considered an attempt. If the movie sells well, he will consider whether to persuade Zhen Fan to direct the movie. Anyway, the time is not in a hurry, because Zhen Fan is still shooting his own movie.

"Listen, ladies and gentlemen." Bit must strengthen his voice at this time. "Listen, I think this movie should become one of the most interesting heroine action movies in Hollywood history. If it is to be done. We will make a series, you know. Zhen and I have a very good relationship. , In Hollywood..." He said that he and Zhen Fan are members of Hollywood's most mysterious and powerful "reject tie" club. And Zhen Fan also reached an agreement with the veterans, so as long as Zhen Fan's movie is released, it will be released at the same time in theaters across the United States, even if it is losing money. This is the benefit of trading.

Both Christine and Yi Fei knew what Zhen Fan was talking about, so they smiled and nodded. This is indeed a very big advantage, that is, even if it is a bad film, it may not lose money.

"Wait, Bit, are you talking about us?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but wondered when he heard the meaning in Bit's words, "What do we mean? Do you want to direct this movie? You don't even have a script yet, man! "

"I believe. You must have found the screenwriter." Bit looked at Christine.

"Yes, it's Spike Kos's team of screenwriters. We want to find him to write the script. I believe that the script shouldn't be a problem!" Christine shrugged his shoulders. "Unless you have a better idea!"

"I trust his team, but... I still have to inspect the goods!" Bit Jackson unceremoniously took himself as the director of this movie. So he speaks with the aura of a director.

"Hey, Bit. I haven't agreed yet. I'm an investor, you know? Are you sure you want to direct this movie? Forget it. We have already cooperated, why do we need to plug this foot in?" Zhen Fanren I can't help but feel a little dissatisfied with Bit's preconceived attitude. Hum.

"Unless you find a better director than me to guide your movie." Bit Jackson spread his hands and said with a smile at Zhen Fan, "To be honest with you, this movie, in addition to a large investment, basically On... I mean, you are the only actor with box office appeal-just a supporting role, Christine. Of course... If Jack Cheng joins in, of course it is also a supporting role. What else can you say to attract the box office? The point?"

Bit shrugged his shoulders: "The truth may hurt people. Although Miss Bingbing has passed by in a few steps in the movie, she has no box office appeal, and...Miss Yi Fei, this aspect is not even comparable to Bingbing. Miss. Don’t be angry...My friend, I’m just analyzing the actual situation for you. Unless you and Chenghu are the protagonists."

"No, this is absolutely impossible. This is what I invested in them. I can only be a supporting role." Zhen Fan glanced at Chenghu. "That's what I mean, I hope you can understand!"

"I know, but you all said that, I won't be able to join if I don't join!" Cheng Hu couldn't help but laughed, "I don't care, supporting roles are fine, anyway, they are all supporting roles now." This is mocking myself for the past few years. , The occasional Hollywood movies do not appear as protagonists.

Fei Bingbing and Yi Fei's expressions were a bit embarrassing, but they also knew that Bit was talking about things, and Bit was just speaking according to Western thinking, so they didn't say anything more polite. And the reason why they make such a movie is mainly to open the Hollywood market for themselves.

Zhen Fan did not blame Bit for the way he spoke. He knew that Bit was a relatively strong person in filmmaking, so that was how he spoke. And he was right. So he smiled bitterly and said, "It seems that you are really a very suitable candidate. Okay... Let's talk about it when our movie is finished!"

"Very good, it seems that I don't have to worry about losing my job for the past two years!" Gary, who was sitting by the side drinking, suddenly raised his glass and shouted, and then said with a smile, "Why not have a drink for our plan? "

So Yi Fei went to find a wine glass, and took a bottle of h?c?d wine, and everyone toasted. This matter is finalized. Originally, Fei Bingbing had her own filming plan, but in the end she chose to use the proceeds from the lottery on Zhen Fan's body. After all, this was the money Zhen Fan should get, not her own. It is not fair to Zhen Fan to make him invest so much just because of a casual conversation with himself.

Even if Zhen Fan doesn't care, at least he cares very much. Because this problem has been bothering her for this period of time, now that the problem is solved, she seems to breathe a long sigh of relief.

So a few people sat in the hall chatting, Mia and others began to prepare dinner, they never participated in the discussion in the hall. With Helena, Zoe, and Annie with children on the lawn, and also with Maria and Claire. I know it's almost time for dinner.

The dinner was held on the lawn in the backyard. Because there are too many people. In the end, even Miles Simon and his girlfriend Tessa Coppola also came, and everyone gathered around the long table. The dinner is very hearty and the atmosphere is very warm, and while eating, discussing movies or going to sea.

Early the next morning, Johnny, Lawrence, and Robles also came over. They brought their own luggage, it seems they really want to go to sea with Zhen Fan and the others. But according to the three of them, the martial law in the city is no longer stricter than it was yesterday. The citizens can wander on the streets without anyone stopping them.

According to the news released by the military, the monster may have disappeared. And to eliminate people’s worries. They gave a Hollywood-style very sci-fi explanation. News on the Internet also followed, saying that this was a creature in four-headed alien space. Because of time and space, they accidentally entered the earth, and then... so many tragedies happened, and finally they left and left. Here, I have returned to my own planet, and will never come back again.

This obviously won't reassure everyone. Many people are reprimanding the military for its irresponsibility and trifling. But most people chose to believe. Because after all, the monster never appeared again. And... there has never been such a creature on earth. In addition to the records in the Bible. Therefore, it is very appropriate to describe it as an alien. Moreover, there are very few people who believe that this is a monster sent by God to warn mankind. Let the human category destroy the earth again.

Because of the relaxation of martial law. It may not take a few days before martial law will be lifted completely. Zhen Fan didn't want to appear special, and decided to postpone the date of going to sea for a few days. Wait until the martial law is lifted. Since Bit has decided to take a break for a while, the filming of the movie is temporarily set aside.

Military base outside Los Angeles. Construction is already beginning to resume here. Many important military installations and military materials were destroyed. The loss is huge. And so many people died, on this point. General Campbell is to blame. He would have someone to replace him immediately. But at this time it seemed that a miracle had happened. The four evil dragons had disappeared, and no trace has been seen since then.

Although it has not been proved whether they have left the earth as stated in the government statement, they have indeed disappeared. This is a fact. And this report was written by General Campbell himself, which was his judgment. It seems a little absurd, but at least up to now, the result is exactly what he thought.

So the plan to replace General Campbell was temporarily stopped. Instead, Washington brought another order to rebuild the military base in Los Angeles. In this case, it can be regarded as giving General Campbell a chance to make meritorious deeds. So this time Lieutenant General Campbell was lucky enough to pass.

"General, this is a document sent by General von Kasser. It is top secret. Only you can open and the password will be sent to your phone later. He hopes that after you read it, Destroy it!" Captain Goodwin stood straight in front of General Campbell and placed an exquisite box on General Campbell's desk.

Because of this outstanding performance, Lieutenant Goodwin was eventually upgraded and became a captain. He is very satisfied with his current promotion. Originally, he planned to take two years, but he didn't expect to get his wish now.

"I see!" General Campbell nodded, then waved to let Captain Goodwin leave. After he left, he sat quietly in the war room in the basement, and then opened the box containing the top-secret documents with the password received by the mobile phone. It was empty, with only a piece of paper.

Lieutenant General Campbell slowly stretched out his hand and took out the piece of paper. There was a sentence written on it: Don't care why, the monster has disappeared, and your mission is complete!

My task is completed? The monster disappeared? General von Caser believed so deeply, so he must have known some inside information, and this kind of inside information is probably not known to the Pentagon or Washington. He didn't know where the news of General von Kasser came from, but he would never be so stupid to report it to the Pentagon and Washington. (To be continued...)

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