The American Scripture

Chapter 1004: Are there pirates in the caribbean

In fact, it proved that General von Kasser's words seemed to be correct. Indeed, the monster disappeared, which is a good thing. △, but for those who do not know the inside story, this is also the most worrying thing, so even though the streets of Los Angeles are gradually lifting martial law, the entire North American air defense system is checking the sky day and night.

General von Casser resigned. When he resigned, he sat here for a long time. After returning, he did not return to his hometown. Instead, he bought a ranch in Lecce, Montana. Moreover, the ranch is adjacent to Zhen Fan's, and a villa was built specifically there. It happened to be next to Zhen Fan's villa, less than two hundred meters apart.

This was absolutely intentional, because he never lived in, but traveled around. When Zhen Fan returned to the villa, he appeared like a shark smelling blood, and he often came to visit. . Of course, this is something later, in short, he seems to make himself and Zhen Fan good friends.

The relaxation of martial law allowed Zhen Fan to travel with a family of children and friends at ease. And Lawrence also brought Zhen Fan news, that is, the Japanese Academy of Film Awards, commonly known as Japan’s Oscars, has officially announced the nomination.

"What does this have to do with me?" Zhen Fan asked Lawrence puzzledly, this guy has always been a little unreliable. Japanese movie awards have nothing to do with yourself at all, right? Need to be so agitated? Because Lawrence was really excited and smiled ambiguously.

"It's plausible if it has nothing to do with you, but it's plausible if it has anything to do with you!" Lawrence smiled, "Because Hashimoto Garden has a film nominated. And it was nominated for Best Actress, so... You know. It should have something to do with you!"

Zhen Fan was taken aback, but this was still a bit overlooked. He only thought about making films with Hashimotoen himself, but he didn't think that Hashimotoen was originally a popular actress in Japan. So after hearing what Lawrence said, he nodded and agreed. Then he looked at Lawrence and said, "Just this thing? Isn't it worth your effort?"

"Of course, because I was invited, it will be held at the New Takanawa Prince Hotel in Tokyo on the evening of February 26 next year. I am an invited guest, and I also have a film participating in the exhibition, which is expected to be the leading role in the best foreign language film award. . You see. Bit’s movies are also invited, but you didn’t have a movie to participate in and you missed such an international event. Man, this is comparable to the Oscars.” He said with a smug look. .

"Oh, God!" The Bit on the side groaned, and then patted his forehead. He really didn't know how to describe the thick skin of this guy Lawrence.

"Oh, then I'll call and ask!" Zhen Fan nodded. Turning his head to Bit and said, "Will you go to Japan? Attend that film festival? If possible, we will go together."

"What about our movie?" Bit Jackson said, shaking his head to Zhen Fan, "I won't go back. If you want to go, I will give you three days. Up to three days. But now there is still until February 26th. It’s a long time. And we have to go to the desert before Thanksgiving, I guess we’ll stay there for a while. If possible. We might have spent Christmas there."

"Well, let's talk about it then!" Zhen Fan heard it. I couldn't make a decision right away, so I had to look at Bit and Johnny helplessly. Spreading his hands, "I don't know why I am so busy. The entertainment industry is really not a place for people like me."

"Which place is that people?" Robles also came over and asked. Looking at Zhen Fan, she felt a little unkind. Zhen Fan immediately realized that this group of people are from the entertainment industry.

He hurriedly smiled, got up, turned and walked, and said as he walked: "Well, when I didn't say anything. Okay, let's not talk about the movie. Let's go to sea. This is what should be discussed recently. Things." As he said, he walked into the study, then took out a map, spread it out on the coffee table, and several people came over to watch. There are men and women, because the women also heard what Zhen Fan said about going to sea.

"We set off from Long Beach City to bypass Mexico. Of course, if necessary, we can go to Cuba and then to Miami!" Zhen Fan said to them, and then pointed on the map.

"Go to Cuba? Are you crazy?" First of all, Bit expressed opposition for the first time, "Are you sure you are going to play? Actually, if we want to reach Miami, we will pass through many small American countries. I am not discriminating In fact, if we have to pass through their waters, it will be very troublesome. Especially pay attention...Don't let the pirates there. In the Caribbean Sea, Captain Jack used to be rampant in that area."

When Johnny heard this, he waved his hand and said, "Yes, I am the Pirates of the Caribbean, now Captain Jack, guys... do you need me to serve you?" He stood up and made a Jack-like invitation. action. It made everyone around him laugh, this guy is very funny.

"Well, this is a cold joke. Although there are no pirates, I think we should not stay in Cuba. This is a problem left over from history. We are still opposites." Obviously, Bit also has serious discrimination against Cuba. To understanding. But Zhen Fan no longer insisted.

"Then we can stay in these cities in Mexico, Belize, and Honduras." Zhen Fan continued to slide his fingers on the map.

"No, I don't want to go to Guatemala!" Lawrence was a little dissatisfied.

"Where is the birthplace of the Mayan civilization, why can't you go?" It was Mia who was speaking. She looked at Lawrence, her eyes were cold, and Lawrence immediately felt the chill on her neck, so she shrank her neck and stopped talking. Anyway, he has almost no right to speak here.

"Exploring the Mayan civilization has always been my wish. If possible, boss, where I want to stay for a few days. We can take a field trip." It was Christina, Zhen Fan's new secretary. Obviously, as an archaeologist, Maya was a place she couldn't get around.

"Okay, okay, let's go to Maya!" Zhen Fan nodded. The Mayan civilization once issued a prediction that the world would be destroyed in 2012, but in fact it did not. Many of Maya's predictions are very accurate, so what caused the predictions of 2012 to not be fulfilled? Zhen Fan does have a desire to see it.

There are so many unsolved mysteries in this world that Zhen Fan wants to explore. Now his life is very busy, so busy that he has almost no time to explore the mysteries of nature. This is not a very good thing for his Dao Fa, and this is also the reason why he has been unable to advance further.

In the end, these people began a lively discussion, while determining a detailed route, anyway, Zhen Fan had no room for interruption. I had to squeeze out of the crowd and go to the lawn to amuse a few children. Yi Fei is also incompetent. If you don't participate in the discussion, you just stay with the children. Don't be too crazy to take care of two little girls.

By the time they had dinner, they were still unfulfilled. The route has not been determined, and will leave tomorrow. In the end, Zhen Fan had to say: "Since we are leaving tomorrow, then... we will first determine a few big places, and then while sailing, we will find a suitable place for us to play."

When everyone thought about it, they were not arguing, and they ate the dinner made by Zhen Fan intently. Because Mia was also involved in the discussion, she didn't make any meals, so Zhen Fan went to the battle and made a typical Chinese meal. Everyone enjoyed it. Because Zhen Fan's cooking skills really didn't say, even Chenghu, who is picky about Chinese food, also eats with relish.

In the evening, I talked about tourism for a while. Everyone just dispersed. There are not enough houses in this villa, there are too many people, so two or three people squeeze a house, anyway, no one is willing to go home, and then meet the next morning.

Even people like Bit who are closer to home don't want to move. Because Zhen Fan is really comfortable here, the nourishment of Feng Shui's great feng shui array is an immediate thing here. There are so many bits here. Naturally, I know the difference between Zhen Fan and their own home. If it weren’t for the fear that Zhen Fan’s women would dislike him, he would want to move in directly. Now he has finally found a reason to avoid the dragon’s attack and just come in. , He refused to move away easily.

After falling apart. A group of men including Zhen Fan, Chenghu, Bit, Lawrence, Johnny, Robles, and Miles were together, chatting and drinking, while the group of women gathered together and chatted with some gossip, both from the entertainment industry. , And some very pleasant things found in the clinic. And the two kids are playing in the lawn. Crazy running upstairs and downstairs. Yi Fei was holding Zhen Peng, walking back and forth from time to time on both sides. Listen here for a while, listen to over there for a while. Sometimes I just sit next to Fei Bingbing and listen to her chatting with Christine about celebrity gossip.

This is like a small party, but it's not as crazy as a party. At night, everyone returned to their room. Zhen Fan looked at Chenghu and said with a smile: "You seem to be more idle these days!"

"I'm not idle, just want to rest. I'm full of work. Don't think I'm a idle star and no one wants to be a star!" Cheng Hu joked, "Go to sleep. But... said To be honest, I haven't been like this with my friends for a long time. You will return to China the next day. I invite you to take a yacht. I have a yacht in China. Although it is not as big as yours, it is fine to pretend that you have dozens of beautiful girls!"

"Fuck you. Go to bed!" Zhen Fan said, and walked upstairs and saw Maria at the top of the stairs. She looked at Zhen Fan eagerly, and then motioned Zhen Fan to squat down. When Zhen Fan squatted down, she attached her small mouth to Zhen Fan's ear and whispered, "Dad, are there really pirates in the Caribbean?" (To be continued...)

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