The American Scripture

Chapter 1014: Explorer

Hearing what Christina said, Zhen Fan couldn't help but froze, and then he thought for a while and said, "You mean there might be some connection between the two? Is there a relationship between Maya civilization and Asian civilization?"

"You mean, the relationship between the feathered snake **** and Asian civilization? That is to say, this feathered snake **** is from the archaeological process of Pakistan. The image of the western dragon is similar?" Christine was also taken aback. Asked. She really doesn't have this knowledge, and she still needs professional explanation.

"It should be from the same clan." Christina looked at the shadow, thought about the shape of the dragon before, nodded and said, "Archeologically speaking, there is a connection between them. Yes. If the evil dragons are here at this time, I don't know how they will react."

"I don't think there should be any reaction. People here worship dragons, but the four dragons don't know. Maybe they may be familiar with these sculptures and shadows, but they don't know that they are worshiped. God." Zhen Fan interjected at this moment.

But he still doesn't understand why the extinct dragon on the earth appears in this time and space. It's as incredible as seeing a dinosaur now. What's more, this dragon creature is more mysterious and scary than dinosaurs.

The three people wandered around here for a while, there was nothing to see in the temple ∵∽.... But Christina was very interested. She took pictures everywhere and touched her with her hands. If it weren't for destroying the buildings here, she still wanted to dig three feet. See if you can find anything.

Not long after, Bit and the others brought the tent. Three locals were hired. They brought the tent over and set up a tent in the open space below the temple. Next to the tent is the woods, and the trees are very huge. The huge canopy-like branches covered the tent, making it very shady inside.

"We also brought this!" Johnny smiled and moved the grill. This one was rented from a local, and he also brought a large chunk of beef and seasoning, as well as a barbecue fork. It seems that they really didn't make a trip in vain and brought all the things they enjoyed.

After the locals moved their things, they told Zhen Fan and the others not to bring the fire into the forest. This is for safety reasons. Zhen Fan of course they nodded in agreement. When those people left, they started their barbecue dinner. To be honest, with all the seasonings and beef, Zhen Fan’s cooking skills are shown. A burst of fragrance drifted away. There are also a few people camping here. When they saw the barbecue on Zhen Fan's side, several people came over with wine.

"Beer, do you need this?" Two men and two women came together. They brought two beers over, obviously wanting to join the barbecue feast. They only have wine, no grills and no meat. Therefore, if you want to eat well in the evening, you have to cooperate, because Zhen Fan did not bring wine.

"Of course. We need beer, just like you need barbecue!" Johnny greeted them with a smile. Then he beckoned them to come over, and walked away. So the circle squeezed in four more people. After forming a circle, start eating beer and barbecue. Zhen Fan is responsible for the barbecue.

"Nothing is more pleasant than this!" A newly joined burly man raised his beer and took a sip. He took another big bite of the barbecue and smiled, "The taste of barbecue is very good. Thank you!" He raised the bottle and gestured to Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan also raised the bottle in return.

Eat a barbecue. People on both sides are familiar. These two men, one is called Peyton Stoll and the other is Hilian Olsen. The two women are their respective girlfriends. Payton’s girlfriend is a plump chick with golden hair called Sigourney Weaver, and the girl of the big Xilian has chestnut hair and emerald eyes. Girls with petite statures, called Agris Lange, they are explorers. Coming all the way from Spain.

They have been here for several days and can speak English, but the local language here is Spanish, so the four of them are here like a duck, even if the funds are insufficient. The wind that can also be mixed rises. This is why they took the initiative to join Zhen Fan. They really don't have much food.

"I like Spain." Johnny chatted with them while drinking. "I've been several times. Where do you live? I'm usually in Barcelona. I like the villages there. The original Spanish flavor is like It brings you back to the Middle Ages and you can see Spain in its heyday."

"We live in Madrid, but we haven’t been back for several years. Four years? Five years? Who knows, I don’t even remember. But... we had a very fulfilling life, we have traveled many places, including In Asia and Africa, China, Japan, South Korea, Cambodia, and Myanmar, we have traveled through tropical rainforests, and we have also seen the Sahara Desert. To be honest, we almost died a few times in the tropical rainforests. Planting a white snake is going to die..." The smaller Payton Stott said a little bit more, and couldn't stop talking.

"Man, I really envy you. Where do I want to go? God knows...when will I get there!" Johnny shrugged, expressing his helplessness.

"I know you, I recognized you early in the morning, you are Johnny Depp, I have seen your movie, Pirates of the Caribbean? Haven't you played enough here?" Payton said to Johnny , "Compared to your current image, I like your appearance in a pirate better, super cool!" He laughed.

"Man, it's not funny, not at all. Do you know where I made the movie? God, it's on Grand Bahama Island, just a hundred kilometers away from Florida. I hate it, I hate it The smelly pirate costume. No matter how hot it is, you can wear it as if you really became a pirate." Speaking of Johnny, he complained.

"Aha, I like you, Johnny, you don't look like a tall Hollywood movie star at all!" Peyton laughed, then turned to look at Zhen Fan, "And... Zhen, the master I admire most. . I mean your magic is amazing. To be honest, at least three of the four of us are your loyal fans!"

"Thank you very much!" Zhen Fan also smiled, raised the bottle to Payton, and then took a sip of wine. No wonder the girl who was with Payton just now, and the big man Hilian Ols looked at Zhen Fan from time to time, I'm afraid they are Zhen Fan's loyal fans.

Payton took a sip, then wiped his mouth and said: "Every magic is full of imagination, and it makes people feel so natural. It's amazing."

"There is nothing natural, magic is magic!" Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing. After taking a few sips of beer, he put down the bottle and said, "Okay, guys, the barbecue is finished, we are full, let's rest. Christine and I are here to take a look!"

"Of course, we just arrived here. I heard that this is a very mysterious place. Have you seen that totem?" Peyton said to Zhen Fan, who stood up, "I feel a little strange. When the sun shines, I almost have the illusion that that shadow seems to have come alive."

"I said, buddy, you should be sober." The big Hilian Ols said to Payton, and stood up, pulling his girlfriend, Aegis Lange smiled and cursed. Then he said to Zhen Fan, "Mr. Zhen...actually... what I want to say is, I am very happy to be able to enjoy this dinner with you. I always have a wish that I can meet you and say, hey Zhen, I like you. Can I say that now?"

"Of course, what does this have to do?" Zhen Fan smiled.

Cyrian Ols nodded, then walked over with open arms, hugged Zhen Fan, and said sincerely, "Zhen, I like you very much! Really, your magic once gave me A lot of courage."

"I like you too, Xilian, you are a sincere person." Zhen Fan also smiled.

"Oh, my God, you guys wouldn't just tout each other like this and then till dawn? Damn it, I was completely ignored!" Johnny smiled happily, "Okay, man, goodbye. Stop disgusting, both A big man said face to face here,'Hey, I like you,' and the other said, I like you too.'Are you gay?"

"Johnny, your words make me sick!" Zhen Fan raised his **** at Johnny. Then he hugged and said goodbye to Payton and Payton's girlfriend Sigourney Weaver. Their tent is not far from here, it's just a hundred meters away. And their equipment is more comprehensive, and LED emergency lights can be used.

Neither Bit nor Johnny noticed this, or they had allocated three for Zhen Fan, so that each tent would have an emergency led light. The use time of this kind of light was about 72 hours. durable.

Zhen Fan and Christine walked back to the front of the temple. At this time, the sky was completely dark. In addition to the shining light of the LED in Christine's hand, the moon also slowly appeared, but the light was not bright yet, but it could already be seen dimly. Something has arrived.

"I always think that girl named Agrice Lange is a bit weird!" When Zhen Fan and Christine stopped, they looked at the sculpture of the Quetzalcoatl with only dark shadows and said, "There is a kind of People feel uncomfortable. I am not jealous of her being very beautiful, this is my true feeling!" (to be continued...)

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