The American Scripture

Chapter 1015: Scientific discussion

Two people were walking in front of the temple, talking while walking. ○At this time, another figure came from the stage. When Zhen Fan looked over, she knew it was Christina, and she couldn't sleep either. I came out to take a look. After seeing the moonlight again, the shadow of the feather snake **** seemed to be in the sunlight. It presents a wave-like projection, which is more agile than in the sun, and it really looks like alive.

"It's so great!" Christina exclaimed and walked over to Zhen Fan. She looked at the projection under the moonlight and then at the sculpture. "I have been thinking about why the extinct creature has been determined. Why does it appear in the current world."

"Why?" Christine asked.

Christina smiled: "Because God has been arranging all this. If it weren't for God, who would be able to travel to the present society? Let this vicious dragon appear in this world?" This is a comparison. Sensual. This is also out of her usual speaking style.

"You are a scientist, Christina!" Christine reminded her. Obviously, she did not believe that Christina would say such words without scientific spirit. Scientists can have spiritual sustenance, but scientists must be pragmatic and rigorous in science.

"No, I'm right." Kristina said in response to Kristin's words, "Look for yourself. We are at this point of latitude and longitude." She said that she took out a GPS locator and turned it on Yes, let Christine see it with the light on the screen.

"Here are the coordinates of our latitude and longitude!" Christina pointed to the screen and said, Zhen Fan was also attracted by her and listened to Christina's explanation. "We are in this position, you know this position. It's not just at our point, I mean the latitude. The point is thirty degrees north latitude."

"What's so strange about this?" Christine shrugged. "We are at this point. What's so strange about this?" It was obvious that Christine did not have the potential to become a scientist.

"China’s Poyang Lake Devil’s Triangle, Qiantang River Tide, Babylon’s Hanging Gardens, Jordan’s Dead Sea, Ancient Egypt’s Pyramids and Sphinxes, North Africa’s Sahara Desert Vulcan Tinder Murals, and the Caribbean’s Bermuda Islands. The ruins of the Mayan civilization are all on this latitude. What does this mean?" Christina said as if she was teaching Christine.

"I have heard of Poyang Lake in China, but I didn't expect it to be at this latitude." Zhen Fan nodded here, "The tide of the Qiantang River is also the same. I have seen it."

"That's right, so I say it is a masterpiece of God! This is all arranged by God, so that this latitude adds a strong and mysterious atmosphere to mankind." Christina said with a smile. "Of course... God is just a false pretext, because the God I am talking about is nature and the universe."

"Well, if you say that God is nature, I agree." Christine shrugged, then looked at the sculpture of the Quetzalcoatl and said, "If this is the masterpiece of nature you are talking about, So why do they appear in modern society? Do they survive the Great Destruction?"

"The earth was hit by a meteorite. It caused the massive destruction of the dinosaurs. Yes, you know, according to the Chinese paleontologist and physicist Li Yang. An asteroid-like substance hit the Americas, which is near here. Place, which caused the destruction of dinosaurs on earth." Christina said. "But... this impact caused large eruptions of volcanoes, including super-large volcanoes like Huangshi Volcano. So... the problem is here. These creatures actually appeared in Asia and the Americas, right? Is there any place? Provided their shelter and let them escape this disaster?"

"That's a good question. You asked me!" Christine shrugged and smiled. "Well, I'm not really interested in these... Actually, Zhen is your best listener." It is rare for Christine to bother thinking about these questions. Zhen Fan was pushed out.

"If a large planet hits the earth, it will cause a tsunami if it falls on the ocean, and if it falls on the ground now, it will cause a fire, and the power will be equivalent to more than 2,500 nuclear bombs exploding at the same time, resulting in smoke, dust and meteorite fragments. In the end, it will take hundreds of years for anyone to disperse in the atmosphere. During this time, all living things will be devastated. Smoke and dust will reflect sunlight, the climate will become cold, and crop particles will not be harvested. All plants will be destroyed, there is nothing to escape. Everything will be over. After hundreds of years, the dust and smoke will clear, the sky will turn blue again, and then... once again experience the germination of creatures... "

"Stop...Stop, I know a little bit of this, that is, these creatures will be destroyed and cannot exist in the world. Then...If this is the case, why do they exist now? Is it because meteorites hit the earth? Is this inference wrong?" Zhen Fan quickly interrupted Christina's tirade, waving his hand.

"So far, we have no concrete conclusions. Maybe... our civilization is just repeating a kind of prehistoric civilization. That is to say, before this, there was a high degree of civilization, and it surpassed the current human beings by a lot. But After predicting that the earth was about to be devastated, this kind of civilization moved away from the earth and went to other galaxies, galaxies suitable for their survival in the same climatic conditions as the earth...Of course, this is my guess, but I am not. The first one!" Christina shrugged and smiled.

"So do you think these creatures were left out by advanced civilizations in prehistoric times, or they left behind with some advanced equipment when they left? To ensure that the earth’s species will not be extinct? Heaven, You confused me." Zhen Fan looked at Christina, a little surprised, the scientists really dared to imagine.

"Yes, I think so. They can't protect all creatures, they have selectively protected some creatures. Look at this dimension. There are too many things that make people wonder where the meteorite hits. Then. All of this can be attributed to the transformation of nature by advanced civilization." Christina continued.

"Then they chose a place that was almost the same as the impact site to rebuild?" Zhen Fan couldn't help but smile. "Don't you think the damage here is more severe than others?"

"This is what I don't understand!" Christina said with some frustration, "I should still be an astrophysicist. Maybe I should also be a nuclear physicist... God, if you want to solve this mystery It’s impossible not to have a super large group, I can’t do it alone."

"Okay, don't think about it, let's go back. The mosquitoes here like our blood-filled creatures to stay here. Damn..." Zhen Fan slapped and slapped a mosquito. He smiled and said, "Let's go, Christina, don't be captured by the Quetzalcoatl here, maybe he will let you be his princess and breed offspring!"

"If he shows up, maybe I will discuss with it, all my doubts! I believe that it must be one of the lucky **** who survived!" Christina smiled at Zhen Fan. "If it can accept an alien to become its princess, I would be happy! Because it is like a human accepting a snake to become her husband, God knows how to have sex!"

"Haha—" Christine couldn't help but laughed, pointing to Christina, "I like you more and more. God knows how I can stay with this guy." Her finger pointed at last. It's Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan's face suddenly became embarrassed. Looking at Christina, she shrugged helplessly.

The three people left the platform talking and laughing. At this moment, two figures sprang out from the woods beside them. They were Xilian Ols and Agrice Lange. When they saw the three of Zhen Fan, they greeted with some embarrassment, and then hurriedly got into another wood.

"Hey, you guys... it's night now, you don't know anything about this wood..." As soon as Christine saw that the two of them were going into the woods again, he hurriedly spoke to stop ~ The two stopped, and they heard Cyrian Ols say: "Thank you, but... we are not afraid, our adventure experience is richer than anyone else, we know what we are doing. Okay, goodbye, I wish you a happy tonight!" He said that he pulled Aegris Lange into the woods.

Zhen Fan frowned, looked at the direction they were leaving, and couldn't help but say: "I feel a little bit wrong. Aegris Lange seems to have something wrong!"

"Why? I haven't noticed anything wrong." Christine shook his head and said, "Why don't we ask their partner Payton or Sigourney. Maybe we are nosy. They experienced it together. After such a long time, even if it is not right, they themselves know very well."

"I suddenly thought of a question." Christina suddenly called out at this time, "If here...I mean there is an underground natural place for those creatures, then...they...those creatures can survive. Going down. Including the super electric eels that appeared here. I thought about this. They also appeared here before, oh god, I thought about it, really, this may be the greatest conjecture!"

"Super electric eel?" Zhen Fan asked, turning his head to look at Christina. (To be continued...) u

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