The American Scripture

Chapter 1018: Green smoke

An ancient primitive forest, with towering trees covering everything here, so that only a few faint rays of sunlight can be seen under the trees. Below the trees are waist-deep grasses, but a small path has been taken here. It is Zhen Fan. They developed it. For the novel, the only people involved in the search are Zhen Fan, Miles and Johnny. Bit and the women stayed in the Cancun Hotel.

"Peyton died here and disappeared. I don't know what happened... He was here, but I just turned my head, and when I looked at him again, he was gone. God... I really I don't know what to do?" Sigourney covered her face with her hands and said with a frustrated expression.

"Let’s look for it again, Miles, you go over there, Johnny follows Miles, and... you follow me!" Zhen Fan pointed to Sigourney and said, "Follow me, don’t I will take care of you after falling behind!"

"Okay, okay, Master, although I have an opinion on your distribution, I still decided to abide by your rules. May I complain? Why... all girls should work with you? And I There is only one... middle-aged man with a beard?" Miles glanced at Johnny and hummed.

"Since it's a complaint, then leave it to vent to your companions, instead of me, I am your master, it's that simple!" Zhen Fan smiled, then waved his hand, "Go, take it This, as long as you ignite it with spells, I will know where you are!"

Myers took the small triangular packet of yellow paper that Zhen Fan handed over, his eyes were shining, and he wanted to open it. But Zhen Fan stopped it: "Don't even think about opening it, it won't work if you open it. And... you haven't reached the realm where you can make charms, don't let your curiosity ruin your mood."

"Okay. I get it!" Miles shrugged his shoulders, then looked at Johnny, "Come on, star, don't stare at my **** like this, I have no interest in men!" Si walked in front, patted his hip, waved to Johnny.

"Really? I didn't stare at the ass, but at a scorpion on your ass. God knows there are scorpions in this place, where is this? Is it the desert or the cursed pharaoh's tomb?" Johnny chuckled. "But... it wants to use its own meal..."

With a "swish", a sharp machete chopped the scorpion lying on Miles' vest into two pieces. Johnny jumped in shock at once, and stepped back several steps, because the scorpion almost fell on his shoes, looking very sick.

"Damn it, you should say hello, like I was reminding you!" Johnny cursed.

"Okay. Attention! I hacked that **** scorpion!" Miles smiled and said, "I have already said hello, follow up, star. You have played Pirates of the Caribbean and are familiar with this area. Really? Why can't you find out where the three guys are hiding?"

"Genius, you are a genius. Tell me why you have eaten beef. You can't know what cows are thinking? It's a genius thinking!" Johnny replied, not to be outdone. The two people just bickered without a word, and then walked deep into the forest.

"They have lost their tracks here!" Zhen Fan stopped. Then he said to Sigourney, "Do you have Payton or Cyrion...Aigris's are also okay, their next to the body or any part of the body, including hair. If so, give me !"

"What's this...what's the use?" Although the request of Zhen Fan was strange, she nodded, "Yes, I have Peyton's, but his body hair. On the comb in my backpack , I don't know which one is his...maybe it is this one?" Sigourney put down her backpack, and then found a comb from it. There were still a few hairs on the comb. The slender one is Sigourney's, and the curly, short one is Peyton's. There were three or four. Zhen Fan took down two and wrapped them with a piece of yellow talisman paper.

"This is... what is this going to do?" Sigourney looked at Zhen Fan with some surprise.

"An ancient method of tracing people, we Chinese all like to use it!" In order to dispel Signey's doubts, Zhen Fan deliberately said as if everyone would be the same.

"Okay!" Signey also thought this was a bit mysterious, but what could she say? Now she is relying on Zhen Fan to find someone, because she wants him. But just after she saw the piece of paper in Zhen Fan's hand suddenly spontaneously ignited, she couldn't help but be surprised, and she was a little bit expectant.

The yellow paper wrapped the hair and burned, and then the blue smoke drifted in one direction. As soon as Zhen Fan saw it, he said to Signey: "We will follow the direction of the blue smoke, and there will be no mistake." After saying that, he took the lead and walked in the direction of the blue smoke.

"This... well, let's go!" Sigourney wanted to say that this was incredible, but she still followed Zhen Fan and walked over there. It was a place where no one had walked, and there was no way. . But what made her strange was that the blue smoke didn't mean to dissipate, and it had been floating above Zhen Fan's head, as if it was really guiding the direction. This made her feel some magic.

"It's... it's amazing!" Sigourney talked to Zhen Fan as she walked, "I never thought that there is such a magical way to find people. It's a pity... If I had Xilian and Agri We can find them if we use Si's hair, but...I think they might be together!"

"I don't know, but...I can guarantee that Payton and them are not together!" Zhen Fan said as he walked. He kept separating the deep grass on both sides, watching around, and suddenly stopped. Standing motionless, he lowered his voice to Sigourney and said, "Don't move...Don't move!"

Sigourney looked at Zhen Fan's serious look when she turned around, and her heart trembled, almost crying on her face. Because she suddenly saw a white snake on a horizontal branch next to her, very close to her face, spitting snake letters directly at her.

This is not the most frightening thing. The desperate thing is that this snake is actually double-headed. One snake head stretched out and went around behind her head, while the other snake head looked in front of her. . Although the snake is not too big, only the arm is as strong, but it is scary enough.

"I... what am I going to do?" Sigourney's voice was trembling like a lute in the wind and was blown into a mess, trembling with a sorrowful plea, "Please help me, please. , God... this is terrible!"

"Don't say anything, listen, you just have to stay still and close your eyes. Don't look at anything." Zhen Fan said to Signey, "Close your eyes, okay?"

Sigoni closed her eyes, but she was still a little scared, her body trembled slightly, and her eyelashes quivered faster, as if she wanted to avoid something at any time, as if she wanted to avoid Snake Xinzi.

A gust of wind blew across his face, and then I heard Zhen Fan's voice: "Open your eyes, it's okay."

Sigourney opened her eyes, her face still afraid to move, but she glanced at her side. The snake was gone, and Zhen Fan was looking at her with a smile: "The danger has been lifted, we can continue." The smoke began to drift towards the front again, as if he could understand people's words.

"It's amazing!" Sigourney wanted to ask where the snake went, but when she thought about it, there was no need to say it, she looked at Qingyan, and said without words, "It seems to be able to understand you. Same. You Chinese are really amazing."

"Let's go, maybe they are nearby!" Zhen Fan said and took the lead to explore the way ahead. Sigourney also hurriedly followed, chatting with Zhen Fan along the way, and also talked about some of the adventure experiences of herself and Peyton and the others. It's just that this time Zhen Fan's judgment seems a bit wrong.

The green smoke has not stopped and moved forward, and slowly the sky is getting darker and darker. Looking at the sky through the sparse space between the jungle leaves and branches, it is already late. It seems that we are going to spend the night in the forest today. It was getting late, Zhen Fan stopped, and the blue smoke also stopped.

"This is possible, this is impossible!" Sigourney looked at Zhen Fan, and once again questioned this green smoke as a guide ~ We must have missed the location. I remember that when Payton and I were separated, it was at the previous location, but we have missed so much time, I am afraid we are all lost. "

Sigoni said, took out the phone and held it up to see that there was no signal on the phone, but the time could be seen. It was already past six in the afternoon. In a quarter of an hour, the sky here will be completely dark. But the two of them don't even have a place to live, because it is full of waist-high weeds and towering trees.

"What should we do?" Sigourney complained to Zhen Fan for the first time. Yes, if it weren't for his self-righteous use of a cigarette as a guide, how could he be in such a dilemma, "This **** place, there is no place to put up a tent... Of course, if we have a tent. "

"There will be, everything will be there. Look at the big trees here, we can live on them!" Zhen Fan smiled, "But... now you have to do one thing first."

"What's the matter?" Signey asked subconsciously.

"Sleep first!" Zhen Fan's voice came over, and Sigourney suddenly felt that her eyelids were heavy, then her head tilted and her body fell softly and was caught by Zhen Fan. (To be continued...) u

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