The American Scripture

Chapter 1019: Waterhole

ps: Watch the exclusive story behind "Tao Zang America", listen to your more suggestions on the novel, follow the official account (add friend on WeChat-add official account-enter dd), and let me know quietly!

There was a bird's call in the sky, but it seemed to be in the ear, a ray of sunlight shone a little bit, so Sigourney couldn't help but stretched out her hand to cover her eyes. ︾ Then she started to do it all of a sudden, and was surprised to find that she was lying on a soft hay bed, very stable and comfortable, but her surroundings were actually suspended. Only the bed was tied between the two thick branches of a huge tree.

"Oh-God!" She screamed, and did it suddenly, and then looked around, she saw Zhen Fan coming from another branch, still holding the baked goods in her hand. What kind of meat, I inserted it with a sharp branch and handed it over. It looked a bit like a rabbit and smelled very good.

She looked at her clothes, they were intact, and then remembered that she had fainted yesterday, she couldn't help but frowned and said, "Did I faint yesterday? How did you do it alone?" She reached out and took the barbecue that Zhen Fan handed over, sniffed it, and then took a bite.

"Can you still find the third person?" Zhen Fan sat down next to her, with barbecued meat stuck in his branches, and said with a bite, "It would be great if I had another bottle of beer. The class has a very good effect! I didn’t expect that I would come here on a yacht, and I would spend the night here. You know I booked a five-star hotel!"

Hearing this, Sigourney said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, I dragged you in. By the way...that Miles...they won't have any problems, right?"

"No. Don't worry, if they can't find it, they will go back!" Zhen Fan replied lazily, and then said. "We should also find your friends soon. I have an intuition that they are nearby!"

"If Cyrian and Aegris are here, I can still believe it, but... Peyton disappeared with me, he can't be here unless he also walks over here... God, he It must be here." Sigourney took a bite of the meat. "If what you said is credible. Has the green smoke dissipated?"

"No, not yet!" Zhen Fan smiled and suddenly stretched out his hand. The green smoke flew from not far away, and then fell over Zhen Fan's palm. Floating in blue, it didn't sway with the wind, just like something with life. But after Sigourney was surprised yesterday, she also had some immunity to this.

"Satisfied?" Zhen Fan said while looking at Signey, "When we are full, let's continue on the road. Find them as soon as possible, and then we will go back." As he said, he pulled a rope from next to the big branch and passed it. To Sigourney, "Tie it to my waist. Then I will hang you down and hold the rope tight."

The process went smoothly. After all, Sigourney was an explorer herself, possessing certain survivability and climbing ability in the wild. For her, this is a pediatric matter. Soon Zhen Fan slipped down from the tree, clapped his hands and said, "Let's go. Let's try our best to be as early as possible!"

The process is as dull as always. Zhen Fan used a machete to pave the way in front, and Sigoni followed Zhen Fan. In front of them was still the green smoke guiding them forward. After walking for about an hour, Zhen Fan suddenly stopped. After standing quietly for a few seconds, he smiled at Signey and said, "There is a river in front, I heard the sound of running water. Maybe they are over there. Let's go!"

Sigourney frowned in confusion. She listened carefully, but couldn't hear anything. She was a little suspicious of Zhen Fan's words, but she still followed Zhen Fan onward. After another half an hour, she dialed Opening the grass in front of me, my eyes suddenly opened up.

A river that was not too wide appeared in front of them, and there was also a very wide beach with some pebbles. Sigourney, who was already thirsty for a long time, cheered and rushed towards the river beach. The water there is so cool, you know it is very pure water at first glance.

She took out a water bottle and planned to fill it with water and fill it up happily, but Zhen Fan grabbed her hand and said, "You can't drink, you look at the bottle yourself!"

Sigourney looked at it and didn't know what kind of tiny creatures were squirming in the water. If you don't look carefully, it is easy to be overlooked. Seeing something like this, Sigourney couldn't help but shake her hand, and the bottles fell to the ground and broke. Then, with a look of fear, said to Zhen Fan, "Thank you, you saved me again!"

"Yes, remember it, when we go out, you can tell me one by one, I can remember, don't deny it!" Zhen Fan smiled and saw Qingyan slowly moving towards the mountain go with. So the two continued to follow. This seems to be an active volcano with thick smoke from the top of the mountain.

When Qingyan finally reached the top of the mountain, she stopped. Zhen Fan greeted Signey: "Hurry up, let's go over there, sure they are there, hurry up!" Zhen Fan said, walking there quickly, and the closer to the mountain, the temperature The lower, Signey was already shaking a little when she climbed up.

But fortunately she brought some clothes over, as an explorer, these are all necessary. Adding a thick coat, Sigourney said to Zhen Fan: "There is also a blanket, you can try to wrap it, but... it doesn't seem to be cold at all from your look!"

"Look there!" Zhen Fan did not answer her words, but pointed to the place where Qingyan stayed. It was only a distance of ten or twenty meters from here, but at this distance, they actually saw a huge pool of water. , And the pool is a bit like a well, and the water in the pool is very clear.

"Are they here?" Sigourney walked towards the side of the water hole, because there were some rocks beside the water hole, and there was no tree cover. It looked like a huge rock pool formed naturally. Standing on the edge of the pool, Sigourney held the water inside with her hands again, this time she looked carefully. There weren't any disgusting bugs, so I held it to my lips. Take a sip, just take a sip of water. I couldn't help but spit it out with a "bah", and looked at Zhen Fan and said in surprise, "This is sea water, heaven, how did the sea water here come from?"

Upon hearing Signey's words, Zhen Fan suddenly remembered the words that the old man of the guide had said when he came here yesterday: In the deep forest behind the temple, there is a pool with spring water. The water here is not drinkable because it leads directly to the sea. The water is salty.

"The water here is straight to the sea. So that means that you can dive directly into the sea from this pool. I really want to hear people say that. It's just... the height of the sea from here, how could it make the sea possible? The water poured into such a high place?"

"God knows!" Sigoni said, and she couldn't answer. She was just an explorer, not a scientist, so she couldn't analyze the reason. But since Qingyan's instructions are here. Then start searching nearby. There is no one in the woods around the pool.

So the two turned their attention to the edge of the pool again, but obviously they were disappointed again. Sigourney was a little annoyed to insert a stick into the pool and stir it desperately, hoping to find something. After stirring until she had no strength, she stopped.

With a sound of bubbles emerging from the bottom of the water, a dark shadow emerged from the bottom of the water. Sigourney screamed when she waited for the black shadow to surface. Waving desperately at Zhen Fan, he said, "Zhen, Zhen. This is Xilian's backpack. God, how could it appear in the pool?"

"There will always be a reason for it!" Zhen Fan also walked over and lifted up the backpack. There was nothing in it. It seemed to have been taken out before being thrown into the water. But this also shows that Cillian and Aegris are nearby.

Sigourney suddenly had a bad feeling. The backpack fell into the water, what about people? Will people also fall into the pool? Maybe... God, she didn't dare to think about it anymore, but she still had to think about it, so she looked at Zhen Fan hesitantly and said, "Will it be..."

"It's possible!" Zhen Fan knew what she wanted to express, so she bluntly said it, "The two of them may have fallen into this pool, and then... if the body is there, it must be in the pool. Should I go down and look for it?" I started to undress as I said.

"I'll go... they are my friends!" Sigourney seemed to want to enter the water instead of Zhen Fan.

"Forget it, look at my clothes, don't let me go back wearing leaves!" Zhen Fan's words made Sigourney laugh, so she stopped insisting. Seeing that Zhen Fan took off only a pair of briefs, he plunged into the waterhole.

In the pool, Zhen Fan doesn’t have to worry about anything at all. He can swim freely in the and see clearly. There are no creatures around the pool, and there are very few plants. All can see very transparently, and nothing is found. So he continued to dive down.

While Zhen Fan was diving down, Sigourney also looked nervously at Zhen Fan's shadow in the pool, but as Zhen Fan dived deeper and deeper, she finally couldn't see Zhen Fan's shadow, and she couldn't help but feel a little worried. stand up. A person's breath is limited, and diving into such deep water is not only unbearable under pressure, but even the breath will be squeezed, and eventually may suffocate to death.

"God, help me!" Sigourney couldn't help but sit down on the ground, covering her mouth with one hand. She wanted to cry, but she didn't know the use of crying, so she went crazy and took out her phone. , When I raised it up, there was still no signal.

There seemed to be a powerful attraction in the depths of the pool, which Zhen Fan felt when she was just near the bottom of the pool. This attraction will attract people to the depths of the pool without consciously, and thus cannot get up! It's just that the place is under the dark water, as if revealing a hint of light. (A great event for pie in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Follow it~ Click/Official Account (Add friends on WeChat-add official account-enter dd), participate now! Everyone has a prize, now follow dd immediately WeChat public account!) (To be continued..)

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