The American Scripture

Chapter 1033: Romantic lost

But no matter who they were, they wanted to take a photo with Zhen Fan, and Zhen Fan was satisfied one by one, but it took twenty minutes to take the photo, because even the beautiful local tourist guide took a photo with Zhen Fan and smiled. ⊥Fiction, although Saudi Arabia's restrictions on women are still relatively strict, in the tourism industry, some women have begun to enter, but they are generally not shown in their true colors, they are all covered with veils!

"This is our plan, a perfect shopping plan!" After watching Zhen Fan bid farewell to the Chinese, she put on her sunglasses and walked towards herself, Angelina smiled helplessly at Zhen Fan. "Put this on and never take it off again. God knows you are so popular in Asia. I'm a bit jealous of you!"

"Well, let's go, my goddess!" Zhen Fan also joked.

Angelina’s playfulness has not diminished because of this incident. Not only did she buy things in such middle-class malls, but she also went to those labor malls, where things were cheaper, usually tens of dollars. , There are no more than hundreds of dollars, and the selection range is very large.

Zhen Fan saw a lot of products from China, which accounted for almost 70% of the entire business district. Others are products from Korea, Thailand, Vietnam and other places in some Asian countries. The quality is not very high, but fortunately The price is cheap, so many people buy it.

There are also several types of people who come to shop here. The largest number is some laborers working here, mainly from China, Vietnam, the Philippines and other countries, followed by some tourists. Some tourists also like to choose cheaper products here and take them back as souvenirs.

Angelina chose a lot of necklaces supported by shells and some bracelets. These things are cheap and easy to obtain. Most are sold by the families of some workers. They take care of the men who work here, and they can also sell these handicrafts to supplement some households. They are usually made by themselves. Because these things are relatively simple to do. It does not contain any technical content or high cost.

Angela, you have a good time, and Zhen Fan is happy to be with her. The two of them played until it was dark, walking on the beach by the sea, watching the sunset, and remembering that there was nothing to eat, Angelina was a little hungry, and took Zhen Fan to a snack shop on the beach. sit down.

There were still some fast food restaurants nearby such as McDonald's and KFC, but Angelina didn't want to go there at all, but the Chinese restaurants by the beach were basically invisible. There are very few even on the street. The steak house here is very expensive, probably because the beef here has to be shipped by air.

There are several steakhouses nearby, but Angelina’s family is relatively quiet, and looks quite comfortable, just like those beautifully decorated steakhouses in Billy Foshan. There is no difference. The two chose a secluded place to sit down.

Ordered two steaks, as well as table wine and red wine. While eating and drinking, there is an elegant violin in my ears. There seemed to be no noisy sounds all around, just like in a romantic restaurant in France.

"It's a bit like being in Paris!" Angelina took a sip of red wine and smiled and said to Zhen Fan, but her lips were matched with the plump lips of a light sip of red wine, full of charm.

"Do you know what is most impressive about Paris?" Zhen Fan looked at Angelina with a slight smile. "You must have a deeper experience."

"Romance? I like the romance in Paris. But you asked me to tell me where romance is embodied in those places, but I can't tell, really. It just feels like it should be like this by nature." Angelina said with a smile, "I I have been to Paris several times. But every time it feels good, but it's a almost something. Nothing makes me feel the romantic atmosphere of a romantic city. How? How do you feel ? Or... the most romantic thing in Paris, have you experienced? Tell me about it!"

"Well, in Paris, the most romantic thing is to get lost!" Zhen Fan held a wine glass, then pondered, and said to Angelina with a slight smile, "This is the most profound experience in Paris! A romantic experience!"

"Lost?" Angelina was stunned, then put a hand on the table with interest, resting her chin with her palm, and watching Zhen Fan smile, like a little girl looking at her beloved With the appearance of a boy, Zhen Fan's innocence was slightly moved. Is this a goddess? No, no, this is like a little girl who has just started to love you! What a **** temptation, what a fatal temptation!

Zhen Fan quickly settled down and coughed dryly. Then he nodded and smiled: "Yes, it's getting lost. This is the most romantic thing. Just imagine...when you wake up, pick a direction and set off... I’ll get lost. I’ve been walking on the street until I’m exhausted and hungry... I can only find the nearest restaurant, eat a delicious meal with a glass or two of red wine... Then continue on the road... Let yourself get lost again... But , This approach can only be done with special people!"

"Sounds great, you lost your way in Paris?" Angelina's eyes were shining with blurred light, "Perhaps you have already had a similar experience in Paris?"

"No, what I complain most is why I don't get lost, why I will always stay awake, awake where I have gone, and what I will do, so... this has to be a pity. Maybe one day I would be like this, but then I have to meet the right person and do the right thing!" Zhen Fan leaned back, then raised the wine glass and gently raised it to Angelina, "For us Get lost in Riyadh!"

"Of course, I also want to get lost, maybe it's a very good experience." Angelina said with a smile, "In the right place, meet the right person, and do a wrong thing!" The wine glass was touched lightly, making a crisp sound.

Zhen Fan looked at his watch, and then said to Angelina: "However, today we seem to be unable to get lost. I still have a date. The person I met during the day, I asked him for dinner. But Can't miss the appointment. Now... Let's go back, I'll see you off!" Zhen Fan stood up.

"Well, I'll let you go tonight!" Angelina gave him a charming white, then got up, the two of them came out, greeted a taxi, and Zhen Fan sent Angelina to the car. I told the driver the address, paid the fare, and turned to Angelina and said, "See you tomorrow, beautiful goddess."

"See you tomorrow, lovely boy!" Angelina smiled and waved to Zhen Fan through the car window, and the two said goodbye. Zhen Fan watched the taxi disappear on the street, then waved again, greeted a taxi, and headed towards the hotel where Ma Zhanshan lived.

Arrived at the hotel soon. When Zhen Fan got off the bus, he saw Ma Zhanshan standing at the door of the hotel, and there was a girl in her 20s who stood with Ma Zhanshan. She was not particularly beautiful, but she was very clean, that is, she was very pure. Yes, let people know it is a simple girl at first glance.

"My friend's daughter, Lin Xintong. This time I came with me because I wanted to come out and have fun before graduating from university. My friend is usually busy with business, so I left it to me!" Ma Zhanshan said with a smile, "She wants to take a photo with you During the day, she went shopping alone and missed the opportunity to take a photo with you. Now I have to make it up!"

"It doesn't matter, come on, come to Uncle here!" Zhen Fan joked.

Lin Xintong jumped over immediately, and then handed the camera to Ma Zhanshan: "Uncle Ma, thank you!" As he said, he gestured with a scissors hand. She is a very cheerful and lively girl.

After taking a few photos and posing for several poses, Zhen Fan was spared. Lin Xintong looked very happy, and finally had to hug Zhen Fan and kissed his face to take a photo. With Ma Zhanshan's urging, she went to the hotel room.

The two did not go far at all. I found a western restaurant nearby to sit down and ordered red wine and steak the same. This meal was probably expensive because the red wine was ordered from Zhen Fan’s h?c?d, which is in Saudi Arabia. Not much, the price is naturally more expensive.

"Later, after Zheng Yiping came home, she never heard that she had traveled abroad. Of course, she still went to China frequently. I saw it twice. She was in good spirits. Maybe it was because after an unforgettable experience, she became more mature. Right!" Ma Zhanshan said of the past, "And...she still wants to see you. But...there is always no chance. Your time in the country is usually relatively busy, rarely free, and she wants to see or see you. Here!"

"It’s and you don’t have to see it. They are all compatriots. Of course you can help if you have something. It’s you, really a warmhearted person. In China, I rarely see it anyway. Zhen Fan said with a smile, "Why? Still go abroad often? If you have time to go to Los Angeles, I invite you to go to my villa to play, stay a few more days, have fun! Don’t go on this tour group. Not to mention the cost, I still go to some shopping places. On the contrary, I am not very interested in the scenery and humanities. It is not so much a tourist group as a shopping group!"

"Okay, I have time!" Ma Zhanshan also agreed. He is also a cheerful person. It is not because Zhen Fan is a celebrity and a wealthy person that he speaks carefully and seems to be separated. This is very appetite for Zhen Fan. The two people talked about some more topics, talked about some things in China, some things about the United States, and talked about some of Ma Zhanshan's own housework, etc. They kept talking about Duo Zhenfan and had already settled the bill. Ma Zhanshan laughed, and said to Zhen Fan, "It was good for me to ask, but now you are settled, forget it, anyway, you are also a rich man, let me check out, maybe it will take two more days. Waiting for home Let me have hot pot again, it is cheap and affordable!"

"Haha, I'm sure, maybe I will really go back after filming the movie, and contact you at that time!" Zhen Fan laughed, he just likes this, not hypocritical. The two separated and Zhen Fan returned to his hotel. When he came back, he saw Emma leaning on the sofa, looking at him with a smile. (To be continued...) u

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