The American Scripture

Chapter 1034: leap

Emma didn't say anything to Zhen Fan, the two were just lingering together, there was no extra words. △Fiction, anyway, the two of them also care about the time of filming together in Saudi Arabia. Especially Emma, ​​because she will not be with Zhen Fan for a long time, so she cherishes every time she spends together.

The next day, basically shooting can start. But this time, I first filmed the chase and gun battle in the building, which involved several floors. And in the chase gun battle, Zhen Fan will have several dangerous shots. When evading bullets, he rushed out of the elevator on a motorcycle, then jumped over the outer railings and fell into the swimming pool. Or from one stairwell to the opposite stairwell with the lamps in the middle.

In this process, there will be continuous shooting of bullets, and Zhen Fan will have to fight back. Not only do you have to fight back, but the action of the fight back must be beautifully shot. Only in this way can we meet the requirements of an old perverted bit like Bit. Because as long as he started making movies, he became very strict, and no one would buy it.

The next morning was filmed when Zhen Fan met the heroine in the building and participated in a very luxurious ball. During the ball, he was spotted by the enemy. So Zhen Fan began to take the heroine-of course, the role played by Emma, ​​and flee in the building together.

Bullets continued to fly around the two of them, and hit the stigma or the wall to make a "puff" sound, and stone **** splashed everywhere. This scene is easy to shoot. In order not to damage some things on the scene, Bit applied a layer of special wall mud on the walls and pillars, which looks the same as the real wall. It's just that rubber bullets hit these wall mud, and the wall mud will be broken. Make some bullet holes. Achieved the desired effect of shooting without damaging the original wall of the building.

After avoiding the pursuit of many people. Zhen Fan pulled Emma into a room, then put a makeup on Emma in the room. She instantly turned her into an old woman, hid her in this room, and then went out to lead away those who were chasing and killing them. When they went out, the two kissed fiercely.

"I booked a good foie gras at the restaurant downstairs tonight, and I will definitely enjoy it!" When Zhen Fan opened the door, she loosened and kissed Emma's lips, ready to turn around and leave.

"If I really become so old, would you still protect me like me like this?" Emma pulled Zhen Fan. Raising his face, although this face has become a bit old due to makeup, his eyes are very sincere and longing. Emma showed some true feelings, her eyes were firm and tender, and she fixedly looked at Zhen Fan.

"Of course, baby. If there is such a day, I will kiss you like this. Of course, we have to take off the dentures first!" Zhen Fan kissed Emma's forehead. Then he opened the door gently, pressed his body against the wall of the door, looked around, and turned his head to look at Emma. This look contains perseverance and gratification, as well as determination and determination. The fish slipped out.

"Cut!" Bit said loudly. Then he took the lead in applauding and said loudly. "Very good, very good!" He gave Emma and Zhen Fan a thumbs up. This scene. Both of them seem to be showing their true feelings, so they are still very touching, and they also have a certain sense of humor from the role of Zhen Fan in the movie.

"Very good!" Even Gary gave Zhen Fan a thumbs up. Obviously they also appreciated Zhen Fan's scene very much. Emma secretly blinked her eyes at Zhen Fan. Obviously, she felt She reveals her true feelings, and Zhen Fan should be, so she is very satisfied.

The afternoon scene was the scene of Zhen Fan rushing out of the elevator room while driving a motorcycle. There were multiple protections on the scene. These protections were made by Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan had clearly said that he did not need it, but Bit insisted on making arrangements, even if it was a reporter who cheated on the scene Or the cameraman of the live broadcast of LATV!

Speaking of Los Angeles TV station, it's just enough. After they learned that Bit was going to Saudi Arabia to film, especially after knowing that Zhen Fan was going to take a very dangerous shot on the Kingdom Center Building in Saudi Arabia, they immediately felt that this was an opportunity, so they immediately contacted Bit.

After a lot of bargaining, the Los Angeles TV station paid a large fee and obtained the exclusive live broadcast rights. Obviously, they want to regain the brilliance of ratings. After having the previous experience, they did better this time. And this time the host is Roman Gibson, the **** blonde.

However, this time Roman Gibson was not so gossip and babble as the first time. The whole process was quite normal. After interviewing a few colleagues of Zhen Fan in the crew, he began to focus on the live broadcast. The afternoon shots are focused on shooting live broadcasts. Riding a motorcycle didn't use a stand-in, but Zhen Fan did it himself, so he didn't wear a helmet. It was still done with a long lens. Ten sets of shots were shot simultaneously. Strive to shoot without blind spots.

After Roman Gibson introduced the basic knowledge of these leaps at this time, he began to interview Zhen Fan. These interviews will be synchronized to the Los Angeles TV station via satellite, and at this time, it is already night in Los Angeles. But at this time, it is impossible to set off ratings, but the data transmitted via satellite makes Roman Gibson very excited. Since the leap has not yet begun, the ratings have reached the live broadcast of Zhen Fan’s previous flight jumping.

"Hey, hey, Zhen, can I interview you for a while before you take the leap? I promise you won't delay you too long!" Roman Gibson must interview Zhen Fan at this time.

"Well, two minutes, I'll give you two minutes!" Zhen Fan looked at Roman Gibson, raised two fingers, and smiled, "Ask, beauties, just like my role in the movie , I’m a very gentleman for beautiful women."

Roman Gibson laughed immediately, but she didn't dare to delay the time, so she immediately started to ask: "What I want to say is that the dangerous shots this time may be even more dangerous than the last time jumping off the plane. After all... Last time, as long as the time is right and the ocean is below, there should be no problem. But this long as there is a little mistake, it will cause car damage. Why insist on not using a substitute?"

"Use a stand-in?" Zhen Fan laughed, "This is not my style. I never give dangerous shots to a stand-in. Remember this sentence, I never need a stand-in to complete it. The audience bought tickets just to watch How did I die, so... I think I should satisfy their wishes, but not how to die, but how to break through one limit after another. That's it, because I am Zhen Fan!" This is a big talk. But fortunately, the target was not directed at the stars who used doubles. It may not arouse their public outrage.

"Well, in fact, we all admire a person with great courage like you very much, but I heard that the distance of the leap is more than 40 meters. Although the pool is below, the motorcycle will fly over and people will fall. This Another limit that will challenge you. The dangerous shots of this movie are more dangerous than the other. What I want to ask is, are there any shots more dangerous than this?" Roman Gibson looked at Zhen Fan and asked.

She didn't get any dry goods from Bit, because Bit said that if you want to know, you should ask Zhen Fan yourself. So now she has raised her own question, which of course may be a question from many viewers. Where do the dangerous scenes of this movie end? What is Zhen Fan's limit?

"Of course...Compared with the subsequent dangerous shots, this shot is actually nothing!" Zhen Fan looked at Roman Gibson and smiled, "We still have more exciting shots than this one that we haven't taken. So... the challenge is not the end. So far. Of course...I have to wait until I finish this shot before I can survive!" Zhen Fan finished speaking and gave a thumbs up to the Los Angeles TV cameraman. Then began to prepare.

"How do you feel?" Emma sorted out Zhen Fan's clothes. It was a somewhat rotten suit. This was a piece of clothing that was torn apart during the chase. It had to maintain a rather embarrassed image. It should not be changed just because of being handsome A straight suit or leather jacket or something like that is not allowed by Bit.

"Very good, don't worry. Do you know me, what can stump me?" Zhen Fan chuckled, patted Emma's face twice, then walked to the elevator and stepped on The motorcycle, without a helmet, just looked straight ahead. Just waiting for Bit's order to start shooting.

Bit didn't seem to be at ease, walked over in person, and said to Zhen Fan, "Is it all right?"

"I'm fine, I only worry that you will miss the wonderful place." Zhen Fan smiled, and then gave a thumbs up to and nodded to the main mirror of Gary.

Bit also nodded, and then walked away, picked up the director tube, everything was ready, and some shooting photographers, prop artists, lighting engineers, etc. continued to pass through the headphones. The sound of ready to come. The scene here is very large, so everyone is equipped with headphones.

"Start shooting!" Bit said loudly, and suddenly the lights turned on, aiming at the slowly moving elevator, Zhen Fan's motorcycle increased the throttle, suddenly banged a few, suddenly released the brake, the motorcycle He galloped out, and then hit the killer rushing towards him on the outer passage.

But because I’m not familiar with the road, the passage in front comes to the end immediately. There is a railing in front, and the end of the railing is separated by a distance of 38 meters. It is not enough just to reach this distance, and you have to cross the railing. The distance must be at least 40 meters, and there is no height difference between the two sides, which brings great risks to the driver.

After the motorcycle hit a few people in a row, she was in desperation. Zhen Fan gritted her teeth and suddenly turned the motorcycle around. He ran into the two assassins who were catching up. Finally, he turned around, facing the passage, and then suddenly refueled. Rushing towards the railing over there, with a "boom", the motorcycle flew up at the end of the corridor and crossed the first railing. (To be continued...) u

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