The American Scripture

Chapter 1037: generous

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"His Royal Highness... You..." The old butler was surprised to find that Abu Khalid seemed to be several years younger, and couldn't help but get a little excited, "God, bless you, Your Highness is back to his best condition."

"Aha—I know, I have never felt this way." Abu Khalid laughed loudly, and then said to the old housekeeper, "Go and ask Mr. Zhen to come over, I want to thank him, Also... after Mr. Zhen's filming is over, I will treat them well and prepare a grand banquet!"

"Yes, my master!" The old steward left with an excited expression. After a while, a few servants came out and got out the two women who were lying on the bed. Everything seems perfect. Abu Khalid really wanted to treat Zhen Fan as his own brother. There is nothing more grateful than letting him restore his manhood.

In his team, there must be someone who knew his clinic and recommended it to him, and then he started investigating his clinic, and finally concluded that he could try it. No matter who recommended his clinic to him, Zhen Fan felt that it didn't matter, as long as the development of the matter was beneficial to him.

The crew received a banquet invitation from Prince Abu Khalid. Even Bit was a little surprised, so he went to Zhen Fan's suite to inquire. Zhen Fan had nothing to hide, except that he did the prince a favor. Then there was an invitation for this dinner. There is nothing to brag about.

But Bit was still very grateful. He didn't ask Zhen Fan what he helped the prince, because if Zhen Fan wanted to tell him, he would naturally tell him that there must be his own reasons for not telling him, so he nodded and said, "In short, this Thank you very much for one thing, not just for the banquet. There is also the free rental of the venue. I know... we are all in your light."

"It's okay, we are a group!" Zhen Fan patted Bit on the shoulder. "So... are you considering giving me an increase in salary? It saved you so much money!"

Suddenly, Bit stopped talking, and went out silently, and then turned around and said: "Goodbye, I can't tell you the truth!" He left quickly, for fear that Zhen Fan would chase out from behind.

The prince’s banquet was not held on a private jet this time. It was held in the most luxurious banquet hall of the building. He hosted a banquet for all the crew members, including those who did not. So the whole banquet hall seemed full and very lively. Although there is no loud voice. But everyone was full of joy.

The prince treats are not easy to come across, some people may not come across for a lifetime. The prince gave a speech on stage without saying anything, that is, this banquet was prepared for his brother Zhen Fan. At that time, Zhen Fan hosted a banquet. This favor, the prince was recorded in Zhen Fan's account.

"You don't have to be like that, Your Highness!" Waiting for the prince to get off the stage. Zhen Fan leaned into his ear and said, "Everyone is very happy to have dinner with the prince. And I would rather believe that this meal is a treat by the prince. Because this is a rare honor!"

Abu Khalid said to Zhen Fan: "No matter who asked it, do you care? Do I care? The answer is self-evident, so... Brother, we don't have to worry about this. Right. , I also prepared a gift for you! Come here... here!" He waved to Zhen Fan, and then walked towards the VIP room next to him.

Here is a new world, very spacious, just a long table, the same exquisite decoration and luxurious appliances, this is the consistent style of His Royal Highness. The prince asked Zhen Fan to sit next to him. He made an exception instead of sitting on the main seat, but sat opposite Zhen Fan, and then patted his palms a few times.

Not long afterwards, I saw beautiful maids coming in with guests. These incoming guests are all members of the crew. Bit, Emma, ​​Gary, Christina, Angelina and others. Then they all sat face to face, with plates of exquisite food served by the waiter.

Finally, roast the whole lamb and put it in the middle of the table. It seems that His Royal Highness likes roasting whole lamb very much, and it has appeared in these several banquets, and it also took the lead. But... who doesn't like it? The taste is really good. He invited the top masters in the world to cook.

"For friendship!" Abu Khalid raised his glass.

"For friendship!" Everyone raised their glass with the owner, and after taking a sip, they began to enjoy this exquisite meal. It’s not that they have never eaten such good things. All of you present here are stars and celebrity directors, who have seen a lot of the world, and they are also rich people, so they really don’t care what they eat, but they are all for the hospitality, generous, Generous and sincerely happy.

After eating for a while, His Royal Highness stopped, then coughed twice, and said: "My friends, I have a few words to say, I'm sorry, I will interrupt you for a while. I know it's rude, but I still have to Say, because if I don’t say it, it will make me feel sad...sleeping and eating."

Hearing what the prince said, everyone stopped. They also wanted to hear why the prince felt this way. Only Bit knew why. Although he didn’t know the specific reason, the prince must be thanking Zhen Fan for treating him. help.

"I have sworn before God, and I will treat Zhen as my brother in the rest of my life." Abu Khalid said, "Of course, since he is a brother, then use a Chinese saying Said, I have to share the blessings. I have some properties in Saudi Arabia, so... I decided to transfer some of my shares in Riyadh to Zhen, my brother!” He slapped his palms twice. It was a ghost flashing out from the side, he was holding a tray, and inside it was a stack of documents and a statement.

"His Royal Highness..." Although Zhen Fan thought that the prince might give some more valuable things to thank him, he did not expect that he would say that he would give away a part of his property. If this is the case, it would be really too much. I was surprised to know that the scale of Prince Khalid's industry can be very large.

"No... don't... don't refuse, my brother!" Abu Khalid saw Zhen Fan want to speak, and quickly shook his finger and said, "Don't refuse my kindness, we are brothers. And... …The properties I transferred out are but very common here, one or two oil fields! If the total value is estimated, it is only more than two billion US dollars.

Almost everyone took a breath. Just one or two oil fields? Such a big handwriting? You know that in Saudi oil fields, if you want to lose money, it is basically impossible. Zhen Fan picked up the file and looked at it, and then frowned. Looking at the file, the oilfield's current profitability is very good.

"Okay... everything is okay." Zhen Fan looked at the file, as if he understood something, smiled slightly, and then signed the name on the statement without hesitation and signed the name on the file. The file was slowly given to the old housekeeper.

"These have already produced legal effects. After the banquet is over, I will send it to your room." The old butler bowed to Zhen Fan and said, then slowly retreated.

His Royal Highness's move greatly shocked all the people present. Only Bit and Gary were thoughtful. Although the banquet afterwards was still warm, it was obvious that everyone had lost their interest in eating and drinking. Without the interest in chatting, any topic is eclipsed in front of such a luxurious gift.

So after the banquet finally ended, many people seemed to have experienced a dream, is it really wayward with money? Even if it's self-willed, it's not like throwing money out? How much help did Zhen Fan help the prince to spend hundreds of millions of dollars like this? Although there were a lot of questions, the banquet was over. They will leave with all kinds of envy and confusion.

"Did Zhen use magic for that foolish prince? It's really **** to hand over 2 billion dollars of property to Zhen so easily? What's the matter with this world?" Emma whispered to Angelina as soon as she left. Speaking But... I really like his wealthy approach! "

"Of course you like it. Zhen got it, didn't you get it?" Angelina said to Emma with a faint smile, " much money, I really don't know how he will deal with it. He is completely No experience in this area... who knows!"

Regardless of the discussion, as Zhen Fan's assistant, Christina was completely shocked. Is there such a profit? But in fact, it is true, because when she was in Zhen Fan's suite, the old housekeeper personally delivered the documents. And handed it to Christina in person.

Christina took the document and looked at it over and over again. Although the inside line was still a bit shocked, she gradually understood that it was just an exchange of interests. Abu Khalid is not so generous. It is estimated that Zhen Fan and Abu Khalid have reached a deal to some extent.

This was indeed a deal. After the banquet, Zhen Fan continued to stay in the prince's room, not knowing what he was talking about. But Bit and Gali analyzed some possibilities in the room, and they found a piece of news on the Internet, that is, Saudi Arabia's new king Salman is preparing to reorganize the government on a large scale to consolidate his power, some princes and princes Faced with the danger of being dismissed and demoted to the people. (To be continued...) R1071

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