The American Scripture

Chapter 1038: Have ulterior motives

When Zhen Fan returned to his room, he opened the door and saw that the reception room of the suite was full of people. ~Fiction, Bit, Gary, Emma, ​​Angelina, and Christina are all here. They seem to be discussing something, and when Zhen Fan opens the door, they all stop. Then he fixedly looked at Zhen Fan.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" Zhen Fan grinned and stroked his chin, face and nose, "I shouldn't have anything special on my face!"

"Well, Zhen, let's tell you frankly that all of you sitting here today are your friends, but... we all feel that today's things are more incomprehensible. Why did the prince spend so much money? It’s because you did him a favor? It’s incredible!” Bit said first, and he coughed, “Have you ever thought about it, such a big industry, for you, really Is it necessary?"

"I know, I know, you must be afraid that I will be scammed by the prince." Zhen Fan smiled, "But I can guarantee, absolutely not, I have a sense of measure, Christina has read the document, you just ask her I know. Of may involve some confidential things, I can't tell you all, but you can rest assured, I will never do stupid things, when have you seen me do stupid things? ?"

"If this thing is not stupid, then... Up to now, you really haven't done anything stupid!" Bi Tong nodded, "But we still don't understand, because Christina doesn't say anything, although she I have read the file, so. We are still here waiting for you."

"This is just a deal, and it's worthless to say it. You should have seen the news. Prince Khalid used to be the head of the national security intelligence department, and now... he is not anymore. He was fired by the new king. This is A political signal to him. Considering that the industry under his name is very large, he must separate these things and transfer them to others, especially Americans like me, and they are very famous. Americans." Zhen Fan felt that he should tell them a little bit, otherwise, they might really feel uneasy and suspect that there is a bad conspiracy. So in order to make his friends not worry about himself, he only had to reveal part of the news.

"He is in charge of the security intelligence department? No wonder..." Gary sighed.

"So he wanted to inquire about some of my things. In fact, it is not very difficult, and... You also know that I have some ties with government departments, and there are some friends from government departments, so he used this to send oil fields to I, in fact, are transferring assets, and I also want the new king to have no way to check his assets, and I cannot do anything with them. Because they are now in my name." Zhen Fan nodded and smiled. "So... do you understand now?"

"I understand." Emma also smiled, "I really thought there was such a good thing in the world. Someone gave you two billion dollars for no reason. It turns out that there is indeed a lot of inside information. This matter does not Not very simple!"

"So... what is your agreement?" Angelina asked.

Zhen Fan looked at Angelina and smiled, nodded and said: "It's very simple, if the king really wants to do something on him, then...I will transfer these assets to the United States. Then he will flee to the United States for political asylum. , And then I will return 60% of the assets to him. If he will not be laundered, then... the assets here. I will get 20%, of course... the assets appraisal and resale will be I will finish it. And... Obviously I am not his only choice. I am just one of them, and there will be people involved. It is estimated that most powerful Americans will be involved."

"It's really a good way. In this case, although he has a loss, but the assets are liquidated to be stronger, I don't know how many times. He is really smart, no wonder he is such a high-profile. It turns out to be this thing." Bit sigh He sighed, then shook his head, "Actually, I just want to film the film honestly. I didn't expect to get involved in a scene. It seems... after the filming of this film, I can change my career to run for Congress. ."

"No, Bit, the only one involved is me. It has nothing to do with you. Of course... I'm not sure, I won't be in this muddy water, because this revenge is at least 40 million US dollars. Who would refuse such a generous reward? Would you?" Zhen Fan asked the people in the room with a grin.

No one nodded, so everyone could not refuse this transaction, but they did not have such a good level of political communication as Zhen Fan and his huge commercial organization. After all, Zhen Fan is a rich man, and his business empire is still expanding. If anyone wants to use his assets, he must weigh whether his muscles are enough. Otherwise, the result may be tragic.

"Of course, I don't need to talk about some details. You also understand the true feelings of this matter. I can keep it secret for me, don't tell it." Zhen Fan said, very Looking at them expectantly, "You are my friends, I don't want you to worry about me!"

"No problem, let's keep it secret, there is no problem at all, but... you make so much money, if you make our lives a little richer every day, I don't think there is any problem!" Bit hehe smiled, he No longer entangled in this matter, at least he knew that Zhen Fan was able to deal with this matter, and he would not do anything unsure.

In fact, it doesn't matter if this matter is leaked out. As long as the interests involved here know what Prince Khalid's purpose is, but they can't find a suitable way to stop this matter now. Because it is a done deal, if you forcibly interfere, you will offend Zhen Fan.

The king is not afraid of offending Bit, nor is he afraid of offending stars like Angelina, but for Zhen, he is indeed cautious. When this Prince Khalid gave Zhen Fan a gift, he would know. And immediately got Zhen Fan's information, and these information, Prince Khalid can find, then the king can easily get it.

He has a close relationship with the executive chairman of the California Senate, has close contacts with Lieutenant General von Kaser of the US military, and has also received a special interview from the US President. It single-handedly promoted the reform of California traditional Chinese medicine to include medical insurance, and it was almost impossible to come back. He is also a member of Hollywood’s Necktie Club and became one of the most powerful people in Hollywood. As for the rapid rise of the wine empire he established, it is jaw-dropping. And his Chinese medicine clinic has made the Los Angeles Public Hospital cooperate with him at all costs and jointly establish the hospital...

Well, such an energetic person who can call the wind and rain in the United States, as a small country in the Middle East protected by the United States, can you easily deal with him? The answer is no, so Prince Khalid’s gift of Zhen Fan’s assets will not stop with the king.

After enjoying this dinner. Zhen Fan still has time to rest. This is for the outside world to see, to make people realize that Zhen Fan is just an ordinary person. Like everyone, although he can do some extreme things, he also needs rest and needs to adjust his state. .

So Roman Gibson of the Los Angeles TV station took the photographers to the gym to watch Zhen Fan exercise and shoot short videos, and planned to make an album before Zhen Fan’s last thrilling performance, to increase The visibility of this broadcast.

"Mr. Zhen, how are you feeling today?" After Zhen Fan finished exercising, Roman Gibson kept scanning Zhen Fan's upper body. After seeing Zhen Fan's toned body, any woman would have a reluctant taste. Even male photographers are a little jealous.

"If you can look away from my chest, I will be happy to tell you!" Zhen Fan smiled happily, "I think my physical condition is very good. If I shoot today, I think I will Enough for it, but...Bit won't allow me to do this. Because he wants me to shoot in the best condition."

"We also really want to see you in the best condition. Of course... I have looked away from just now, although this process is very difficult, to be honest, Zhen, your body is really very good! I saw the photographer I'm drooling!" Roman Gibson grinned, and then changed the subject, "But... Zhen, the main content of my topic today is probably not your figure, because we all know that yesterday... , Prince Khalid really gave you an oilfield industry worth two billion dollars. God, I get excited when you think about it. It’s two billion are you feeling now? Did you fall asleep last night? ?"

"Of course, who doesn't like two billion dollars? But if you can't sleep because of this, it's really not my style. If two billion dollars make me unable to sleep, don't I have insomnia every day? Because... …You know, my net worth must have exceeded two billion dollars. This is a fact!" Zhen Fan gave a thumbs up to Roman Gibson.

"Well, you hit me. I used to think what would happen to me if I had two billion dollars? But... I thought about it all night and didn't have a clue at all. Of course, the most important thing is that I didn't have this. How much money!" Roman Gibson shook his head and smiled, "It makes me stupid enough to ask this question, because you are a rich man, this is something that all Americans know, no, the whole world knows it. Up."

"Do you want to continue shooting? I'm going to take a shower!" Zhen Fan had already walked to the bathroom door, and then blinked at Roman Gibson and laughed, "If you want, I can be interviewed in the bathroom. Yes." As he said, he retracted his head into the bathroom.

Roman Gibson turned his head grinning and said to the camera: "Although I want to go in, but...the photographer is here, so...I'll stay outside honestly, really want to see the full body of Zhen , It's a pity!" He said he laughed. (To be continued...) u

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