The American Scripture

Chapter 1042: Liar at the airport

"Yes, it's good to live comfortably!" Zhen Fan nodded, "I used to think about opening a clinic in Temecula, Los Angeles, but I didn't expect...I actually became like this. It's a gain and a loss. ."

After talking and chatting, it took more than two hours. Zhen Fan wanted to settle the bill first, but Ma Zhanshan wanted to pay. When they were about to argue, the Korean couple came over and bowed to Zhen Fan and said, "No money. No money. !"

Zhen Fan was taken aback: "No money, what do you want?"

"Just let us hang the photo with you in the shop." The Korean man said, smiling.

So a barbecue is settled in this way, and Zhen Fan is not reluctant. Even if he pays the money, it is estimated that the Korean will hang the photo on the wall. It is better to save the money for the barbecue. So everyone broke up happily. In the end, the five Chinese tourists deliberately took photos with Zhen Fan in the distinctive street scenery of Saudi Arabia. The feelings are that the characteristics of Saudi Arabia are not reflected in the Korean barbecue restaurant.

The two girls held Zhen Fan's arm affectionately, while the other girl saw her head resting on Zhen Fan's shoulder. As for the two boys, they were poorly treated. They stood directly behind Zhen Fan, following everyone else; half of their faces were exposed in the scattered gaps, and then they took a group photo. The photo was taken by Ma Zhanshan.

After the five Chinese youths left, Ma Zhanshan couldn't help but laughed: "It seems that I have to take a photo with you, otherwise, if I talk to others about knowing you, I thought I was bragging." Out of the phone, I plan to find someone to co-shoot with Zhen Fan.

Without saying a word, Zhen Fan took his mobile phone and hugged Ma Zhanshan. Both of them are so tall, so their faces are close together. "Kacha" took a group photo, and Ma Zhanshan picked it up and took a look. I couldn't help but laugh, and said, "If this picture is seen by others, it won't work if we don't think we have a passion."

It was really ambiguous, but Zhen Fan laughed: "That's good, it saves the hostess of the local Los Angeles TV station from harassing me all day."

The two joked and laughed, and went back to their respective hotels. The next day is still training. According to Bit, training must be maintained for at least three or four days to give people the feeling that they are not superhuman. It is achieved by rigorous, bold, scientific arrangements and Zhen Fan's outstanding personal ability.

Thus. It can indeed block many unprovoked guesses for Zhen Fan. And Zhen Fan also cooperated very well, still running on the top of the tower, and then after finishing running, training jumps on the platform built by Bit. So many people were onlookers in the past two days. After such a desperate training, Zhen Fan officially started filming after three days of training.

Because running from the top of the smashing tower to sliding down from the top of the tower, jumping up in the middle, and leaping towards the helicopter, the whole process must be filmed with a long lens. So the requirement for Zhen Fan is a one-time success. And in order to shoot this shot, Bit also rented several helicopters to shoot in the air, and also arranged a lens to shoot on the tower. In this way, the whole process of Zhen Fan can be shown from multiple angles.

The day before the shooting, Bit and Zhen Fan, who were all ready, were invited by the prince again. Had a very good dinner on his luxurious yacht. At the banquet, the prince asked Zhen Fan in surprise: "I heard that you are going to take the most dangerous shots of mankind so far. Why do you want to do that? You are so rich. Do you still need to work hard? Stay in history?"

These days, the prince was treated by Zhen Fan. I feel that my physique is indeed different from ordinary people, especially when I am with a woman. This kind of man's feeling is very strong, so he asked Zhen Fan kindly and gratefully. As him, I really don't understand.

Zhen Fan laughed: "This is bit forced, because he is my good friend, so I have no way to refuse, so... you know, I am totally reluctant!"

Said Bit very aggrieved and said: "Well, this is my fault, but the fault lies in it. You actually indulged me so much to shoot this kind of shots and made me addicted." The two were half-hearted to each other. The ridicule made the prince also very funny, and the atmosphere at the banquet was very friendly. However, neither Zhen Fan nor the prince mentioned the issue of this industry gift. It seemed to be a trivial business between the two.

This is all rich. The Saudi prince is also a rich lord, and Zhen Fan is not short of money, so both people feel that this little money is not worth the same. However, in the middle of the banquet, Zhen Fan suddenly received a call, said sorry, and wanted to step aside to answer it.

"It's okay, it's okay, just pick it up here, anyway, we won't overhear your conversation!" The prince smiled and talked to Zhen Fan. It was originally a very rude thing. For the host, answering the phone at the banquet . But considering that the prince said so, and Bit is his own. And... the phone number displayed on the phone was actually Hashimotoen's number, so he hesitated and got connected.

"Are you at the airport now? Oh, my God, didn’t I tell you not to come here? Nothing, I will be fine, I’m attending a banquet now, stay there, if you don’t know anyone, I Let Christina pick you up, okay, okay, remember to stay there!" Zhen Fan hung up the phone.

"Do you need my help?" the prince asked Zhen Fan.

"No, a friend of mine, came here from Japan, now at the airport, I don't know where to find me." Zhen Fan couldn't help but smiled, "I plan to let my friend pick her up."

"Hashimoto Garden?" Bit was very sensitive and knew who that person was. Because Zhen Fan said "she" in her words, which means the woman's "she", he laughed ambiguously, "She really has something to do with you, you little Japanese lover. Do you want to pick her up in person?"

"Little Japanese lover?" The prince couldn't help laughing. "It seems she doesn't worry about you. Let's take her here. I also want to see if your girlfriend is very beautiful. According to my guess , She should be very beautiful to be worthy of you. This makes me very curious, please... Zhen?" When the prince said this, he actually bowed to Zhen Fan, like a young man begging The pitiful kind of something about a friend.

Zhen Fan was amused by the prince and said, "Well, I don't care." She shrugged.

The prince slapped his palms immediately, and the old butler appeared beside him like a ghost, and then the prince whispered something to him, and the old butler bowed out. The prince smiled: "Zhen, my friend, don't worry about picking up the airport anymore. It won't take twenty minutes, I promise, you can see your little lover."

The atmosphere is very relaxed, and the banquet is here, just like chatting between old friends, so it is not as serious as the usual prince entertaining guests. But such a relaxed atmosphere fits Zhen Fan's appetite very well. He doesn't like things like serious, boring palace banquets.

Hashimoto Garden has indeed arrived in Saudi Arabia. She was wandering around at the King Carred International Airport. She was really worried about Zhen Fan shooting such dangerous shots, so she hurried over by plane from Japan. But when I arrived in Japan, I learned that I didn't know anything about Zhen Fan's activities in Saudi Arabia.

There is no address of the hotel where Zhen Fan is staying, I don't know what he is doing now, or even if Zhen Fan will welcome him here. So after I got there, I thought of these problems. The original anxious mind became nervous again. There was really no way to do it, so I took the courage to call Zhen Fan.

Zhen Fan’s answer was not salty, not indifferent, and could not hear the emotions of joy and anger. This made Hashimoto Garden even more uneasy. She felt that her coming here seemed to cause Zhen Fan to trouble. So after arriving at the airport, she was in the lobby. Wandering in, don't know what to do.

For Zhen Fan, her feelings are very simple. The two people seem to have never mentioned what kind of love it is, because Zhen Fan never mentions it, and she also knows that there are many women in Zhen Fan. But she just thinks about this man all the time, this man is defined as an exchange of benefits from the beginning.

Obviously, such feelings have gone beyond the exchange of interests. Hashimoto-en thought about for a while, pursing his mouth and laughing, and then looking upset again. Such an expression naturally fell into the eyes of some caring people. So a tall man who looked like a local came over and greeted Hashimoto Garden.

"Hey, you are Chinese? I know a lot of Chinese people, do you need my help?" the man said to Hashimoto Garden. Because there are many Chinese tourists here, it is not surprising that he asks this way.

"Uh, no, I am Japanese. Of course... it may be Chinese..." Hashimoto Garden doesn't know why he said that. Anyway, Zhen Fan is a Chinese and he is his woman. There is nothing wrong.

"Are you lost? I can help you with whom you are looking for. And... I have a car here, and you can follow me. If you say you want to find someone, you can find someone. I am familiar here." The man said to Hashimoto Garden, with a big smile on his face.

Hashimoto Garden also wanted to find Zhen Fan right away, but she still remembered that Zhen Fan let her stay here, so she shook her head and said, "No, no, my friend came back to pick me up, I won't go anywhere. Thank you Up!"

"Don't be like that, I'll see you off. We can also make friends!" The man went to drag Hashimoto's luggage as he said. (To be continued...) R1292

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