The American Scripture

Chapter 1043: Dispose of

Obviously Hashimoto Garden has encountered that kind of rogue. After many single foreigners are entangled by these people, they will end up losing money. [[, the end was miserable, and most of these people targeted people from Asian countries, single Chinese women, Vietnamese, and Koreans and Japanese. This has a lot to do with the personalities of people in these countries. Chinese and Vietnamese people often choose to calm down, while Koreans and Japanese usually ask the local police for help. Being a Westerner may cause local government departments. So these people are not easy to attack Europeans and Americans.

"I have a lot of Chinese friends, they will definitely help you, let's go, let's go, I will take you to the hotel, very good hotel, cheap and comfortable, just follow me!" The guy was laughing in his heart , And then went directly to pull the handle on the box in Hashimoto Park, "Hurry up, hurry up!" He said he was going to pull the handle on Hashimoto Park.

"No, no, someone has already come here to pick me up, wait a minute, sorry, please wait a minute!" Hashimoto Garden was a little anxious, bowed and waved his hand at the man, and ran a few steps along with it. Own box, don't let that person drag the box away. The two people pulled and pulled in the hall, which attracted the attention of passersby.

"My girlfriend, who flew over to see me from China, now... I have some contradictions, but I can solve it!" The guy said in the local language to two or three tourists who stopped watching, and then pretended to be relaxed. Shrugged, "Everything will calm down, you are welcome to bring Riyadh, this is a warm and friendly city!"

"Let go, let go!" Hashimoto Garden held the box with one hand, and beat the bastard's hand weakly. "My friend is coming soon, let go. Otherwise I will call the police!"

"My dear, don't do that. Shall we go home and fight again? It affects all the guests here. We will think that we Saudis are inhospitable and will affect our image. Let's go, follow me!" The hand grabbed Hashimoto Garden and slapped his hand, and dragged it out of the hall.

"Hashimotoen? Who is Hashimotoen?" At this time, several brawny men in black suits appeared in the hall. As soon as they appeared, they blocked the door and looked at the people in the hall. Speaking loudly in English, there is another person wearing a shirt, who appears to be an Asian who was brought in temporarily, speaking in Japanese, "Who is Hashimoto Garden? We are sent by Zhen to pick you up."

"It's me, I'm here!" Hashimoto Garden suddenly waved at the people and shouted loudly. Her voice was loud enough to have attracted the attention of the men in suits, so she moved towards Hashimoto Garden. Walked over. Because it is Japanese. The **** didn't hear it, he was still pulling Hashimotoen and preparing to go out.

"He... he wants to grab my box!" Hashimoto Soon pointed to the **** and said.

"No... it's not like that, she's my girlfriend. It's not Hashimoto Garden, sorry, you...may be wrong!" The **** saw these people appear in front of him. Some are inaccurate, so I am ready to get through. "This is my girlfriend... I flew over from China to see me! We have a little problem, a little dispute... Yes. It's a dispute."

The man in the lead took out his mobile phone and opened it. There was a photo of Hashimoto Garden on it. Then he compared it carefully and confirmed it. He shook his head to the people around him, and immediately two big men in black suits. The bastard's hands were cut back, and the man knelt down immediately.

"I'm sorry, Ms. Hashimoto Yuan. This is our negligence, and you are frightened here." At this time, an old man with a local face appeared behind the black suit, and they automatically gave way to let the old man go. Come over, "I am Prince Khalid's housekeeper, don't care what my name is, the prince asked me to invite you to the banquet, Mr. Zhen is at the banquet, and is a distinguished guest of His Royal Highness!"

"Yes... Zhen asked you to pick me up?" Hashimoto Garden was a little hesitant at this time, because when I was last time, there was some vigilance in my heart. Just now it was just a stopgap measure, so let those black suits come over , Now it seems that these people are also a bit... fierce.

"If you are not sure, you can call Mr. Zhen yourself and let him make sure!" The old butler respectfully said to Hashimoto Garden, then took out a mobile phone and handed it over.

Hashimoto Garden hesitated for a while, but still took it, and then dialed Zhen Fan’s number. After the phone rang two or three times, it was connected. There was Zhen Fan’s very familiar voice: "Hashimoto Garden? I have asked the old butler of the prince to pick you up. You can trust him. He will take you to the banquet, so be it. Hang up!"

There was a beeping sound in his ears. Hashimoto Garden was sure that it was Zhen Fan. He nodded with great joy and said: "Sorry, just... I was disturbed by this person. I'm sorry, please take me there. I I really want to see Mr. Zhen now."

"Of course, this is our responsibility!" The old butler said, making a sign of please. Outside the hall, an extended Rolls Royce was waiting there.

When Hashimoto Park got on the car, the old butler made a slightly hacking gesture to the two men in black who followed. The black bodyguard walked into the hall again. The **** in the hall was cut back by the two of them, begging for mercy. Obviously, he also realized that he might have regarded some distinguished person as his prey.

"You're dead, buddy, you shouldn't hit the prince's distinguished guest. Prepare to spend your disabled life in prison!" A black-clothed bodyguard patted the man lightly with his hand. face.

"His Royal Highness... No, no, I don't know... Please, let me go, and I will confess before God." The man suddenly seemed to be struck by lightning, and he was trembling all over, he was almost creeping On the ground, he begged the black bodyguard for mercy. At this time, two policemen rushed over after hearing the news.

"Don't move, don't move, raise your hand, let the man go, hurry up!" The two police officers raised their pistols and approached the black bodyguards very cautiously.

"Help me, hurry up and save me, God, hurry up, I'm being kidnapped!" The man shouted to the police for help, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was punched by a black-clothed bodyguard. I immediately heard the sound of a hard object rolling on the floor-this bastard's teeth fell out.

"Get down, hurry up, or you'll shoot!" One of the policemen saw that they were still beating, he couldn't help but yelled loudly, raised his gun again to signal, "I'll say it again, let go of the man quickly, and then go down. On the ground, don't move anyone, or let him take a gun!"

At this time, a black bodyguard stood up slowly and said to the two policemen: "Don't point your gun at us, or you will regret it." As he said, he opened his suit and walked out of the inside. Badges, this is a sign that only the royal guards have. Everyone who owns these badges has great power.

The two policemen saw it and immediately stood up straight, raised their hands, then put the gun into the holster, and said to the black bodyguard, "Sorry, sir, I don't know you are handling the case. So... we apologize, if... you need help, please feel free to contact us."

As a policeman said, he took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to the bodyguard in black: "Sir, you can make this call and we will be there on call."

The black bodyguard took the business card, then nodded and said, "Take out the surveillance camera at the airport. This man robbed an Asian woman's video. If you get it, congratulations, you can be promoted! Good luck, work hard!"

"Yes, sir!" The two police officers hurriedly saluted, and then left dingy. When the two police officers left, the man was completely desperate, crying and shaking all over. But the bodyguards took it away like a dog, and then threw it into the back of a Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle outside the lobby.

The car left in the dust and left the airport. Then the black-clothed bodyguard sitting in the passenger cabin said to the headset: "The mission is completed, we will handle it cleanly, everything is under control, very smooth!" When the voice of approval came over there, he hung up. Phone.

In the banquet hall of His Royal Highness, Hashimoto Garden has arrived, and the old butler carefully arranged her place next to Zhen Fan, and also served delicious food. Hashimoto Garden said, "I'm sorry, I caused you trouble!"

"It's okay, just eat it well, let's talk when we are full, okay?" Zhen Fan nodded slightly, without any expression, but he still turned his head and smiled at His Royal Highness, "I am very grateful to the Prince. Your Highness, you have resolved a problem for my am very grateful!"

"No, no, brother, don't be grateful to me, this is what I should do. I can't protect my friends on my own territory. This is my negligence. I should ask for your forgiveness!" Prince Khalid The performance is very respectful, "It seems that the police at these airports have received a lot of benefits. The occurrence of such a serious incident must be the result of internal and external collusion. I am embarrassed to let you see the side of Riyadh. !"

"His Royal Highness..." Hashimoto Garden suddenly said weakly, "I... I was like asking a question, what kind of punishment would that person... be punished? This matter happened because of me, but ...He may have a family, as well as a wife and children. Can we give him a chance?"

Zhen Fan looked at this woman incredulously. Then he shrugged helplessly at Prince Khalid.

"What happened to that bastard?" Prince Khalid turned his head and asked the old butler.

The old butler respectfully said: "After he broke his arm, he will spend ten years in prison, maybe twenty years. Who knows, they have been dealing with them." Obviously, they are those royal families. The guards, Prince Khalid’s black bodyguards. (To be continued...) u

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