The American Scripture

Chapter 1050: Trade barriers

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When the crew left Saudi Arabia, His Royal Highness Prince Khalid held a practical banquet for the crew. This further deepens the relationship with the crew members, especially the relationship with Zhen Fan. In general, from the information that Prince Khalid knows, Zhen Fan is definitely a person worthy of good friends, so the benefits given to Zhen Fan are actually a good opportunity to make friends with Zhen Fan.

After the banquet, the next day, Prince Khalid personally went to the airport to see the crew off, and whispered with Zhen Fan and Bit for about ten minutes, and was photographed by the reporters. This is undoubtedly a signal. Prince Khalid and Zhen Fan have a very good relationship, very close.

After the plane took off, in order to fully enjoy her rights, Emma kept hinting to Zhen Fan on the plane, blinked, and glanced at the restroom of the plane. The meaning is obvious, just like the last time she cheated on the plane, Emma wanted to repeat the same trick.

This way of entering back in the bathroom is really exciting. The movements of two people can even be seen directly through the mirror, just like playing their own **** films. This intuitive mode arouses them even more. His interest and emotions became more and more high.

For a full hour, two people disappeared for a full hour, which may not be felt to other people in economy class, but people who are sitting in first class and next to them will feel it. So after the two had a good time. Emma tidyed up her clothes and hair, and went out contentedly. Waited for a while. Zhen Fan only planned to go out and the door opened. I saw someone standing at the door looking at him with a smile.

Because Zhen Fan was really too involved just now, Zhen Fan didn't even notice it. He couldn't help but froze and said, "Anji? What a coincidence!" He said he was going to slip away from the door, but he still had to face the same choice as last time. It was to squat and squeeze past Angelina's towering chest.

"Do you mind?" Zhen Fan glanced at Angelina's chest, it was obvious that Angelina should understand what he meant.

So Angelina shrugged her shoulders and said, "Why do you mind? Hurry up, let's go. But... I really wanted to hear a little movement just now, your voices are really loud." When Angie smiled, she was still very cunning. He blinked at Zhen Fan. It looks both ambiguous and charming.

"Okay, I'm going back first, I'm very happy to meet you!" Zhen Fan really wiped from Angelina's chest with her body flat. Fortunately, she didn't run into it, but with that subtle feeling, The heartbeat was even worse than when I encountered it. But Zhen Fan is a veteran after all, so he pretended to be calm and waved to Angelina before leaving.

"It's nice to meet me in the bathroom?" Angelina looked at Zhen Fan's back and couldn't help but smile, and then she entered the bathroom calmly. In fact, she really likes Zhen Fan. This kind of feeling is not good. It is between men and women and it seems to be the kind between brother and sister. Both like to get ambiguous with Zhen Fan, and like the intimate chat between two people.

"I just met Anji!" Zhen Fan said to Emma beside him as soon as he sat down. "She must know our relationship, just like biting them."

"Then what shall we do? Kill her?" Emma smiled and said to Zhen Fan. "Leave them alone, I guess it's not just Bit and Angie who know. Even Christine knows the same, but... they didn't say it. So... you plan to prepare a room for me in your own villa. Are the rooms available? And... I still think your villa is a bit too small. Have you considered buying a bigger one? I can introduce you to some real estate agents."

Zhen Fan opened his mouth, and then smiled: "Do you want to move in? Of course... as you wish."

Emma couldn't help smiling, and then waved her hand: "Come on, I don't want to be with your women, I have to maintain my independence. Only independence can reflect my personality. By the way... I seem to know There is a Chinese famous saying, "Wife is worse than concubine, and concubine is worse than stealing, and stealing is worse than stealing, right?" The famous Chinese saying in her mouth was spoken in Chinese in a strange tone. It's really difficult for her to speak so accurately that Zhen Fan can understand it.

Zhen Fan opened her mouth and was stunned. What Chinese sayings did this woman ask? Obviously, this is not a random hearsay, but a real study. Listening to this Chinese pronunciation is quite standard. For a foreigner, although she can speak some Chinese now, there is no sentence like this one. The word is round.

"I'm good!" Emma smiled triumphantly at Zhen Fan.

"It's amazing, even better than me!" Zhen Fan nodded, "So... which level do you belong to?" He laughed and blinked at Emma.

"I should be the one who was stolen by you. Uh... Angie is the one you haven't stolen. It seems that you are still interested in her..." Emma said nonsense seriously. Make Zhen Fan laugh. This woman is really sensitive. Although she didn't see the ambiguous expressions of Angelina and Zhen Fan, she could actually imagine what the relationship between them should look like.

"You must have guessed wrong this time!" Zhen Fan said solemnly, "My relationship with Angelina is actually very simple, not complicated, let alone a situation that you can't steal."

"Well, you have the final say." Emma said lazily.

When the plane landed in Los Angeles, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and Bit announced a week of rest, and then completed a few closing shots, the film was even finished. However, the more arduous editing, dubbing and other tasks are the big ones. It is estimated that it is impossible for the movie to be released on the Christmas schedule, and it may be delayed until the New Year. But this movie should be the shortest filming cycle of Bit. But it is also the most difficult one to shoot. It is estimated that there is no time to play behind the bit. Even in this week, Bit needs work.

Zhen Fan returned home. Emma did not follow Zhen Fan. Instead, she also returned to her home in Los Angeles. She said that she wanted to be a special one. Otherwise, she would be locked in a villa and eventually become It's the same as Christine and others, at least she thinks Christine has changed.

Mia and the others have also returned to Los Angeles and have started to work in the clinic normally. All work is being restored to its original state in an orderly manner, and the effects of the previous martial law have been almost eliminated.

It seems that Zhen Fan can never be idle. As soon as he got home, he saw Shanpusen hurried over. As soon as he entered the door, he walked quickly towards Zhen Fan, and said as he walked: "I must come and go personally You reported that our plan was blocked when we were in Europe. We encountered trade barriers and were boycotted by the European Union. This is a complete narrow geographical protection and does not conform to the good trade relations between the United States and the European Union."

Looking at the emotional Sampson, Zhen Fan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I'm really not a safe life. I just came back from Saudi Arabia. Can't I let me rest for two days? Christina... Two cups of coffee, one cup with sugar, and one cup with nothing!"

"Okay, sir!" Christina nodded, and then went to the kitchen to make coffee. Only Zhen Fan and Sampson were left in the house. The tutor and nanny at home are outside, and Yi Fei is not at home either. She is busy with her own affairs. Restore your figure, and then work hard to prepare a movie.

Zhen Fan agreed to this movie, and was filmed with Fei Bingbing and her. Although Christine asked to join in, the investment was huge. It was a typical commercial film, and it was not Fei Bingbing's original film only for herself or herself. And because I want to shoot a movie with three heroines as the protagonists, of course I have to restore my body to a state where I can shoot those good-looking martial arts actions.

So everyone has their own business busy. When the coffee arrived, Christina stood by, took out the iPad, and prepared to record. But Zhen Fan gestured to her and said that she would not take notes. She stood by, ready to listen to Zhen Fan's call at any time.

“That’s the case. Recently the European Union launched an investigation into luxury wine that our wine may have a destructive effect on the local wine industry in Europe, so they intend to initiate protective measures, and Claiming that it is in line with the European and American trade agreement, we were hindered, and those people finally launched the final offensive!" Shanpusen took a sip of coffee and looked at Zhen Fan, "What shall we do?"

"Aren't you supposed to ask a lawyer about this?" Zhen Fan shrugged, "We have spent the money to support them, so it's time to make some achievements. By the way, have you contacted Melissa?"

"Of course, we think your attitude is the most important now. If we are determined to enter the European market, then this time we must win, so... Boss, you tell us what your final attitude is, and then we can let go It’s been implemented.” Sampson looked at Zhen Fan expectantly.

"Who do you think is the person who promoted this plan?" Zhen Fan suddenly asked Sampson, "You just said, they finally started, do you think of the guys who want to steal our formula? Now? The French gang leader in New York, Diego? Farrell, is just an enforcer. Is there an alliance of European wine merchants behind it?".

"Yes, I think so too." Sampson looked at Zhen Fan, "Do I need to use some unconventional means?". (To be continued...) R1071

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