The American Scripture

Chapter 1051: You got promoted

Unconventional methods are easy things for Zhen Fan, and it is not impossible to achieve these. "≤"≤, but since the opponent uses a legitimate way to compete with himself, and he uses unconventional means to crush people, this is very addictive, and it may be impossible to stop.

Since you use the loopholes in the trade agreement between the EU and the United States to fight yourself, Zhen Fan intends to use this legitimate way to engage with them, hiring the best team of lawyers to resolve such economic disputes and forcing the EU to give up Such a plan does not show that Zhen Fan is showing weakness, but a sign that he is more and more mature in handling things.

"Invite the best lawyers and government officials to come forward. We must work within the EU-US trade framework. If they surpass this framework, we will use unconventional methods." Zhen Fan sneered, "They It's best to pray that you don't use some side-by-side methods to make trouble with us!"

"Of course, I agree with what you said. If we want to become the largest wine company in the world and become a wine empire, then...we must learn to do things within these frameworks. Zhen...have to say, yours The decision is very wise, at least better than I thought. If you are used to being a robber, you will not be used to being a good citizen. Once you become a robber, no matter how good your usual reputation is, our empire will be exposed. Break down. They will only see your mistakes, not what you have done for it."

"Stop flattering, I know why you want to have an interview with me, are you just testing me? In fact, you have a mental plan, but you are afraid that I will violate the rules?" Zhen Fan couldn't help laughing and cursing. "Go and do things seriously. You have handled this matter. You decide the European agency power. This is the power I give you."

"No. I don't need it, Zhen, I only do what I should do. The European agent should find someone else instead of me. I just want to concentrate on handling American affairs. You can let Melissa go. If you find a headhunting company, you can also ask Melissa to recommend it to you. Of course, I can also recommend it, but the final decision is yours." Sampson smiled, "Here...Temecula in Los Angeles is our foundation. . I have to stay here personally. I don’t have the time and energy to manage a European company anymore. Sorry, this is my real idea!"

It seems that Sampson has his own ideas. It is not that he does not want to expand his power, but power and ability complement each other. If he does not have that ability, he has taken too much power. Once something bad happens. It is very easy to be attacked by people, and I am afraid that even the current position will be unstable.

Because of the current h?c?d, this huge wine planting, brewing, and sales company that symbolizes American luxury brands has slowly taken the form of some international companies. Management is also being further regulated. Of course... Thanks to Melissa for all this. Her management team has played an irreplaceable role in the h?c?d standard.

Since it is an international company, it is no longer one person who has the final say in personnel matters. Even if it is Zhen Fan, who will he appoint or remove? It also has to be discussed at the company’s head meeting, and finally passed to Melissa’s management team for evaluation. Finally, Zhen Fan made the final decision.

Melissa has already implemented this plan and achieved very good results. Zhen Fan also acquiesced in Melissa’s transformation of h?c?d. He knew that if he wanted h?c?d in the future For greater development, it is necessary to ensure the management model of the scientific system of h?c?d instead of making a statement.

"Well, I agree with your opinion. I will think about it. Now...all you have to do is hire a better lawyer. Let Melissa take this matter. You can discuss it with her!" Zhen Fan points Nodded, "By the way... how is Lance now? I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Captain Security!" Simpson smiled, "The position has not changed, but the power is much greater, because the security company has to split it separately. Why? Didn't Melissa tell you?"

Zhen Fan shrugged his shoulders and shook his head with a smile: "I am a polished commander, and I will care about my opinions when I sleep!" This complaint was more like a joke, so Simpson smiled and said goodbye to Zhen Fan. The matter has been resolved, which is very good, and he has also seen that Zhen Fan is more and more mature in handling things, which also makes him feel relieved. To be honest, what he was worried recently was that Zhen Fan would use his special abilities to bully the weak, which would ruin the h?c?d. To be honest, he and Zhen Fan founded h?c?d together, so he treats h?c?d like his own children, not to mention his stake in it has ensured that he can become a super rich man. He must keep h?c?d from developing on the path of deformity.

When Simpson left with satisfaction, Zhen Fan called Melissa to set up a security company. He had his own plan, because now he opened a private detective agency for Sarah. Pull is solely responsible for things. If you open another security company, it will appear to overlap.

"Hey, boss, it's been a long time since I heard your call. I thought you didn't care about your company at all. It are still resurrected. I'm very happy about that!" Melissa answered the phone. I couldn’t wait to express my opinion about Zhen Fan, “We gave you a code name in private, called zombie. Don’t blame me, this is a private discussion among employees.”

"Well, I am a zombie, now I am resurrected, so... can I go and see you?" Zhen Fan said to Melissa, "Come and see my employees, I have to give this code name Get rid of it, and the zombie is resurrected, so you should no longer bear the zombie code name."

"That... just a joke!" Melissa heard Zhen Fan's tone a little cold, she couldn't help but stammered, and quickly explained, "Boss...I don't care about the employees, it's me...just now. A joke. Sorry...really, I was rude to just now..."

"Aha-scared you, I was joking with you too, are you in the office now? Well, waiting for me, I'm here, remember... the zombie is coming, and Zhen Fan hung up the phone .

As the phone hung up, Melissa couldn't help but stared at her phone, then patted her chest lightly with her hand, and couldn't help cursing: "Damn bastard, you scared me to death. This is What the **** is this kidding?" Then he smiled again, and it seems that Zhen Fan has not changed, at least he does to himself.

It didn't take long for Zhen Fan to appear in the office building. The entire floor of this building is Zhen Fan. Zhen Fan's team has very good office conditions here and everything is modern. So when Melissa came out to greet Zhen Fan, he was passing the security gate, but he was in trouble here.

"Sorry, sir, you didn't pass the palmprint verification. I can't let you in." A **** security guard said to Zhen Fan, "I know...I know it's you, but...I have to comply. According to the company's regulations, I am not sure if you will fire me immediately after I let you in, so...I can only ask you to wait a while, unless Director Melissa personally comes to bring you in. This is the system."

"Okay, I understand you, did you call Director Melissa for me? Just say I'm down there." Zhen Fan asked the black security guard, "And...what's your name?"

"Sir... I need this job, don't do that... I know you will fire me, but... I didn't do anything wrong, sir, please!" The **** man was a little worried and said to Zhen Fan. But watching Zhen Fan shrugged his shoulders, still smiled at him persistently, and some of them wiped cold sweat, "Pooh...Pooh Fabras."

"Well, Pooh, I like you very much, so... what position do you hold now... the general security staff? Very good, from now on, you are promoted, man, I’m serious, don’t look at me like that ...Yes, I like you, that's it, you are a principled person, and such a person should be rewarded!" Zhen Fan patted his shoulder.

"But... sir, are you... aren't you kidding me?" Pooh Fabras looked at Zhen Fan, somewhat inconceivable, and stammered, "Mr... you know... I don't even know what to do. How to say... Okay, let me call Director Melissa again..."

"It's okay, she's here!" Zhen Fan smiled, patted his shoulder and then saw Melissa walk out, she smiled at Zhen Fan, "I didn't expect Right, the boss is locked at the door of his company, you are the first one!" He walked over, opened his arms and gave Zhen Fan a hug.

"I haven't seen you for so long. I really miss you. Generally... I just saw it on TV!" Melissa said with a smile, "I heard that you have been in the limelight recently, even the local Los Angeles TV station. The beautiful hostess desperately proposed to you. If there were no scandals afterwards, I believe this would be a good choice!"

"Aha--you actually like such gossip news. Okay... I'll make a suggestion to you, the security guard just now... what is the name..." Zhen Fan said, pointing to the **** security guard , He was looking at Zhen Fan expectantly.

"Pooh? Fabras! Why? Did he stop you? can't just fire him..." Melissa said to Zhen Fan, "He is protected by the Union Act, unless... He made a big mistake, but as far as I know, he is still a pretty good guy..."

"No, you are wrong. I just promised him privately and promoted him. I don't know if this is any difficulty for you?" Zhen Fan looked at Melissa, "Of course... you are still in charge here. , If you think you can’t, just assume that I haven’t said anything, okay?” (To be continued...) u

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