The American Scripture

Chapter 1060: breakfast time

"I have to choose, Maria, you are still young, you don't understand what I am thinking now, when you reach my age, you will know. ※%※%, alas...I don’t even remember my father. What does it look like." Claire sighed at Maria like a small adult in the room. She sneaked into Maria’s room and talked to Maria. Now she can only find Maria. Come to express my heart.

"Isn't my father your father?" Maria looked at Claire and asked in a puzzled way.

"I knew you didn't understand." Claire was a little disappointed, but still continued to speak to Maria, "My father was Thomas originally, but one day he left us, I haven't seen him for a long time. I The trouble lies in... Why did he show up when I called Uncle Zhen’s father? I love him, even though he has been away from my mother and me for so long, but... he is my father before, but... I too I want to call Uncle Zhen’s father, I don’t know how to choose. It would be nice if you can choose both!"

"Anyway, you have to call someone a dad. Why don't you call my dad a dad just like me? In this case, I can call your sister, right?" Maria looked at Claire expectantly. "Please... listen to me... well, don’t look at me like this, you should ask Aunt Anne, she is your mother, her opinion is very important, if it’s me, which one should I choose as my mother? I will definitely ask my father’s opinion when I am going to do so, because in my heart, father is more important than mother.” Maria looked at Claire and couldn't help holding out a biscuit.

"Okay, don't eat, I'm almost annoying. I don't know how to be annoying when I grow up! I'm still a child, no...maybe I'm already an adult. They just threw away this annoying problem Give it to me." Claire muttered to himself, suddenly raised his head to look at Maria and said. "My God, did you just give me the answer?"

"What? What's the answer?" Maria stuffed a biscuit in her mouth, looking at Claire in a little surprise, she felt so cute, if Zhen Fan was here, she would definitely be tempted to kiss her. Maria is very mature in many times. There are really not many cute pets like this, but it is really cute!

"You are right, Maria. You are such a lovely angel, yes, who is more important in my heart? It's mother, yes, mother, not Thomas, so I can't just think about my own decisions. , I also want to ask my mother’s opinion, whether she can accept it is the most important thing. Thank you, Maria, I think I have the answer, goodbye. You are such a lovely angel, and... don’t go tonight Eat cookies, you're already fat enough." Claire said, digging out the biscuit that Maria had bitten in half. Then he stuffed it in his mouth while walking.

Maria opened her round mouth in amazement and watched Claire leave. Then she grabbed her hair again, she still hasn't figured it out yet. Why did Claire eat half of the biscuits?

When the whole family had breakfast the next day, Claire suddenly said to Annie: "Mom, call Thomas. Let's go see him together."

"What?" Annie was taken aback, and then quickly said to Claire, "Well, after breakfast first, shall we talk about this matter?" She doesn't want troublesome things to be told to everyone here. .

"No, mom, everyone here is family, why can't you tell me now? Will you take me to see Thomas after school today?" Claire said to Annie very seriously, then turned to look at Zhen Fan." Dad-will you accompany my mother and me to see Thomas?"

father? Everyone on the table was taken aback by Claire’s name. Kristen looked at Anne, then at Zhen Fan, and suddenly couldn’t help laughing: "Well, it seems that last night really Something happened, okay, this is not a great thing, I'm going to the clinic, hey... Zoe, when will your research institute come out? We need to go further."

"Go to your clinic!" Zoe raised his **** at Christine with a grin. Then she stood up and shrugged to Zhen Fan, "Look at your current fiancée, everything is changing..." He walked out, and soon he was carrying a small bag to leave.

"So... are you ready?" Mia also smiled and looked at Zhen Fan, "Why don't you go with them? There is nothing to worry about, Thomas is in the past tense, so what do you care about?" She knew very well the story between Zhen Fan, Thomas and Anne and Claire.

"Okay, no problem!" Zhen Fan turned to look at Claire and nodded and said, "Of course, why not go? I will go with you and mother, is it okay?" This sentence was for Annie of.

Annie looked at Zhen Fan in embarrassment. To be honest, it was her own business, but now Zhen Fan was also caught in it. She was a little sorry, but looking at Claire's eyes, her heart softened. Yes, Claire looked at herself as if begging her.

"Have you decided on your own?" Annie turned to look at Claire. "If you decide to go, you must tell him your decision, so that it will be fair to him, to you and to us all, Claire. , I know it is difficult for you to make this decision, have to make a decision!"

"I see, mom, goodbye. The better you are, Thomas, I'll go together after school!" Claire put down the cutlery, blinked at Maria, smiled, and said , "I'm done, mother...send me to school later. I really want to get school time right away."

Annie shook her head at Zhen Fan helplessly and smiled, and then slowly walked to Zhen Fan's side, put a hand on his shoulder and said: "Sorry, Zhen, I... I don't know she... She has her own Pay attention to the child. I feel like she has grown up, thank you!"

"Why do you want to thank me?" Zhen Fan smiled, "This is your credit. To be honest, I did not take care of her as much as you. You are her mother, who always paid the most. I even paid back I remember when we met for the first time, you and her showed up at my door. Although she was terrible, she could tell. You were her only support."

Listening to Zhen Fan talking about the past, Annie smiled knowingly, and then she was deeply touched. Yeah, at the beginning, she never thought that she would develop like this with Zhen Fan. It turned out to be a deep feeling. Attachment. Not only Claire is attached to Zhen Fan, but even herself, it seems that she can't get rid of this attachment anymore.

"Okay, get ready. Let's send Claire to school. No matter what the final result is, I believe it will be good. Claire will make the right choice, okay?" Zhen Fan gently stroked Annie's hair, "Go, I'll be here waiting for you when Claire is out of school."

"I see, goodbye, Zhen!" Annie said, and took her body, kissed Zhen Fan on the cheek, and then quickly got up and left. Like a frightened deer, the shy mentality of this young girl made Zhen Fan feel a very comfortable satisfaction.

"It's... very warm!" Mia smiled, stood up, and began to clean up the table, "I like this atmosphere, by the way, Helena, can you also formally join Zhen's circle? ?" Mia turned her head and laughed at Helena who was helping her clean up.

"Oh, please, this way, this family is bad enough, I'm better as a marginal role, so I won't get involved, and... Zhen is still my master, and teacher-student love is the most shameful!" Helena chuckled, "Why... you want it?"

"Damn, don't come around me, have to teach your apprentice..." Mia laughed, walked around Zhen Fan's body, and slapped Helena's hand. Then the two began to circle around Zhen Fan, with a young girl's mentality, as if all the women in Zhen Fan's family became young girls overnight.

"Okay, okay, both of you are my apprentices, so don't mix up here, it's messy enough!" Zhen Fan raised his hands and smiled at both of them, "Now... I'm going to bite My studio is and I'm still dubbing that **** movie. Why do everyone in the family think I'm idle, but I'm actually very busy?" He walked out and took it. Walked toward the hall with his coat.

"Hey, Zhen, don't forget, it will be Thanksgiving in two days." Mia yelled from behind Zhen Fan, "Do we need to arrange any show? You know, we are all child……"

"Just arrange it. To be honest, I really didn't spend a Thanksgiving in the United States in a down-to-earth and serious manner. Prepare well. You always do your best!" Pointed to Mia, then smiled and gave an American military salute, then whistled at Maria who was running towards him, picked her up and turned around, put it down and said, "Good girl, afternoon see!"

"See you in the afternoon, Dad!" Maria said to Zhen Fan, and then waved to Zhen Fan again and again with her little hand. When Zhen Fan bent down and was about to listen to her, she stood on tiptoe and said to Zhen Fan: "Dad, Don't let that Thomas take Claire, she promised me to be my real sister."

Zhen Fan was taken aback, and then laughed, and Maria said: "Of course, she is your sister and my daughter. Just like you, you are sisters and Xiaopeng. You can love each other forever. To be continued.) u

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