The American Scripture

Chapter 1061: Goodbye Thomas

Bit's studio. 【【, Zhen came out of the dubbing room, it was already afternoon, he was going home, ready to go to the appointment with Annie and Claire. Emma also walked out of the dubbing room.

"Hey, Zhen, wait!" Emma yelled to Zhen Fan, and then hurried over a few steps quickly, stepping her arm into Zhen Fan's arm naturally, and smiling, "How rushed today? Uh, you can’t have dinner with me? Anyway, your women will have the opportunity to have dinner with you every day."

This is a bit resentful, and Zhen Fan couldn't help but laugh: "Come on, Emma, ​​just say something directly, don't play tricks, and... when you are insincere, your eyes will always flicker."

"Really?" Emma hurriedly blinked a few times, which made Zhen Fan laugh completely, and then reached out and patted her head with a smile: "You are really a naive girl, okay, don't tease you Come on, let’s talk, I know you must have something, but we can’t say it during dinner together, because there is a very important thing to accomplish today.

"Well, I didn't have any hope of reporting!" Emma didn't ask Zhen Fan what's wrong, "Well, let me talk about my business first, uh, that's it, Scarlett Johansson, do you remember?"

"Of course, I know, a very **** woman!" Zhen Fan smiled, "Why mention her? Is it related to her?"

"Yes, but it’s not something I’m soliciting. I’m just passing on words from generation to generation. It’s Scarlett. She plans to invite you to her birthday party. Thirty-three years old, the best time for a woman. But it’s also the best time. People feel sad, because it means you are getting older day by day." Emma looked at Zhen Fan and smiled. "If you want, I will formally invite you on her behalf. She told me this."

"Well, what time?" Zhen Fan asked.

"Uh, it's not in a hurry. After Thanksgiving, I will call you. No, she will call you in person. Remember... Don't let your little secretary answer. Goodbye. Zhen!" Emma blinked at Zhen Fan and left.

Zhen Fan looked at her back and smiled. This news is not surprising, because Zhen Fan and Scarlett Johansson have met several times, and they also made this movie together. Acquaintances, being invited is expected. So Zhen Fan didn't think too much, just waited for the call.

When I returned to the villa. Annie had already returned. She was sitting in the hall alone, looking outside through the transparent glass, as if in a daze. When Zhen Fan walked in. She didn't even notice. It wasn't until Zhen Fan walked in front of her and put a hand on her shoulder that she woke up.

"Are you back?" Annie looked at Zhen Fan.

"Yes. I'm back, but you don't look right. Is there any problem?" Zhen Fan said, looking at his watch. "In half an hour, Claire will be back from school. You came back early today, don't you need to pick her up?"

"Mia asked me to come back earlier. And... Helena will help me pick Claire, I want to come back and prepare first!" Annie said, and then looked at Zhen Fan, "I'm really worried, not just Ke Laier, you know, and Thomas, although he...but I still don't want him to have any problems."

"I know, you are a kind-hearted woman!" Zhen Fan kissed her forehead, "Don't worry, everything will be fine. And... I helped him change his luck, so he should be very rich now. Okay, feel better, be happy, don't let Claire see the emotions that affect her."

"I know, I know!" Annie nodded, then stood up and said to Zhen Fan, "I'll help you make a cup of coffee!" Then she went to the kitchen and started making coffee for Zhen Fan. Actually, She has to use these things to stabilize her mixed emotions, so as to adjust her bad mood.

When Anne Wei Zhenfan brought out the coffee, her mood improved, but Claire went home before finishing a cup of coffee. It seemed that Claire's mood was much better than that of Annie. Once the little girl decided something, she would persevere with it, so she did not have any mental burden.

"Mom, I'm back!" Claire rushed towards Annie as soon as she entered the door, and then tightly hugged Annie with open arms. She said, "Don't worry, don't worry, everything will be fine. I'm ready, let's go together!"

Annie couldn’t help but laughed, feeling a lot lighter, stood up, touched Claire’s head and smiled: “Well, let’s get ready to go. I’ve made an appointment with him at Gibbs’ cafe. Wilshire Boulevard. I'll go clean up, Claire, go get your stuff!"

"I have nothing to prepare." Claire said nonchalantly. Then she took Zhen Fan's hand and said, "Why are women so troublesome to travel?" She actually said Annie.

"Because you haven't grown up, it will be very troublesome when you grow up!" Zhen Fan held back a smile, and said to the old-fashioned Claire, " will also become more beautiful. Prettier than mom. !"

Just as she was talking, Annie came out. Indeed, she just dressed up and put on makeup to make herself more beautiful, and she also appeared more confident and mature, which is really very different from the hesitant and quiet personality of the past. Is different. Obviously, she wants to show another side of herself in front of Thomas, a more confident and more beautiful side of herself, to make Thomas realize that apart from him, she lives very well.

When Zhen Fan saw this beautiful and confident Annie, she couldn't help but whistle, so she smiled: "It's really beautiful, ma'am...can you go to the banquet with me for the reward?" An old European-style gentleman's gift made a gesture of please.

"Of course, why not?" Annie slapped her hand on the back of Zhen Fan's hand, then she was led by Zhen Fan to the front yard. Zhen Fan looked at her and smiled: "Wait here for a while, I'll go Drive!" He acted as courteous and polite as a driver of a car. Obviously, this was also an expression of joy for Zhen Fan to Anne. Zhen Fan appreciates this kind of Annie. In fact, after releasing her heart, Annie is still very confident.

In Gibbs Café, Thomas has ordered two glasses of water. He was half an hour ahead of the agreed time. His expression was a little uneasy, and his suit was a little dirty, and he looked a little desolate. The waiter has asked him for the third time, what kind of coffee he needs, whether he has friends, etc.

"Wait, wait, they will be here soon, my friend, a rich person, who won't owe you money, he is a famous Hollywood person, do you know Zhen? If you do, then You should rest assured that he is the person I made an appointment today, waiting for a while.

The waiter looked at him coldly and said, “It’s better to be like you said, five minutes, and then give you five minutes. If your friend hasn’t come yet, then... please go out by yourself instead of calling me. The security is here, okay?" The waiter already despised Thomas ten thousand times. This kind of person is Zhen Fan's friend? You foolishly talk about dreams, right?

"Okay, okay... he's here, look, I'm not wrong, he's here!" Suddenly Thomas pointed to the door in surprise and said to the waiter, "I was right, he is here."

The waiter looked towards the door and saw that Zhen Fan had a beautiful woman and a little girl coming in. He couldn't help but looked at Thomas again. He still didn't want to believe that this man's friend was Zhen Fan. Maybe Is it a coincidence of this guy? However, in his puzzled eyes, Zhen Fan walked towards him.

"Thomas!" Zhen Fan yelled to Thomas, and then said to the waiter, "Give my friend a cup of coffee, and...we have two more. Give this girl a cup of ice cream, chocolate flavor!" Pulling away the chairs, Anne and Claire sit down separately.

"Yes, sir, I'll be ready soon!" The waiter believed Thomas and gave him an incredible look, and then hurriedly prepared for Zhen Fan.

"These snobbish, dog-eyed guys, one day, I will let them know..." Thomas looked at the waiter's back and said harshly but was interrupted by Annie. .

"Thomas, don't do that. We are here today to talk about Claire, okay?" Annie said, shook her head to Thomas, "Thomas, you are very different from before, I don't know. What's the reason, but now we are sitting here, letting go of all the past and talk about Claire."

"Of course, of course, Claire, hey, why don't you call me? I'm Dad!" Thomas immediately turned his gaze to Claire, and he extended his hand to Claire eagerly, "Come on, we Would you like to give a high-five? Remember that we celebrated like this a few years ago. Today is the day we met, so let’s celebrate this way too!” He stretched out his palm, looking forward to Lair.

"A long time ago, I forgot it!" Claire looked at Thomas. Claire did not reach out to celebrate with him as Thomas expected. So Thomas withdrew his hand in a little embarrassment and looked at Claire with a smile, "It's really a big girl, thinking like a big girl."

"Okay, let's put it this way, Annie, I hope I can visit Claire often. I know Claire's custody is not with me. But I really want to see her. She is my daughter. , Is all of me, and... and now I am the only one left with her!" (to be continued...) u

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