The American Scripture

Chapter 1062: Gave a check

Zhen Fan sat quietly and watched. This was Anne and Thomas's own business. Anne said that she would solve it by herself, so he could not intervene and could only listen. ↗ But Zhen Fan felt faintly ill-intentioned. If Claire was all of him, then he would not have abandoned her family and followed other women.

"Thomas... listen to me, if you just want to see Claire, this is totally feasible. The law grants me custody and visitation rights. You can go to see your daughter. We now... live in Zhen’s villa. Here, this is the address." Annie said as she handed over a business card, "Here is the address and my phone number."

Thomas took a look, and even nodded and smiled: "Are you working now? You work in Zhen's clinic? The salary must be very high, right? Zhen will not treat you badly, I know... Zhen's clinic is in Billy. Foshan Village is very famous. Many wealthy people are treating illnesses there. I know, they are very lucky..."

"Yes, Thomas." Seeing that Thomas hadn't raised the issue of Claire's custody, Annie was relieved. She was unwilling to face the choice in the last court or Claire again, which hurt the child. It's too big, so she would rather make some concessions.

It’s just that when Zhen Fan was listening to Thomas and Annie talking, he was watching Thomas on the sidelines, because now Thomas’s image is really terrible, he is not a successful person at all, and he looks like a beggar. He couldn't help but frown, because he also couldn't see Thomas' luck. After all, after the last change of luck, Thomas' luck has become a little fuzzy. After all, the changed fate will not follow his original trajectory, so it will be very difficult to predict his fate again.

Zhen Fan did not predict his fate again. Thomas is no longer worthy to change anything for him, because the change of fate may bring many additional consequences. For example, after Thomas changed his fate for the first time, he also indirectly affected the fate of Anne and Claire. This mutual correlation has brought a lot of uncertainty, so once it changes again, God knows what will happen.

"Can I take Claire to play?" Thomas said to Annie, "I mean... At an appropriate time, such as a rest day, I want to take Claire around. It's just... You have to send her over, you know, I'm bankrupt now, and that **** **** took all my assets..."

"Thomas, you shouldn't say this in front of your children!" Annie gave Thomas a dissatisfied look. "You have to pay attention to your image. If you can't control your emotions, I won't let Claire follow you." of."

"Sorry, sorry!" Thomas quickly apologized to Annie. He took Claire's hand again and said, "I'm sorry, dear, I will pay attention to this. Have you missed Dad all these years?"

Claire looked at Annie, then at Zhen Fan, and then at Thomas. Then he said: "Then...Dad, these years. Have you missed Claire? If you miss Claire, then Claire will feel it. But... why can't I feel you thinking? Me?" Claire looked up at Thomas innocently.

This is too embarrassing. Zhen Fan couldn't help but laugh secretly, Claire is really not a fuel-efficient lamp, so tricky at a young age. The look on Thomas's face changed, and then he coughed twice to hide himself, and smiled reluctantly: "Well, of course Dad misses my baby, but... we are too far apart, so you can't feel it. ."

"No, you lie. When my mother leaves me, I can feel my mother thinking about me, no matter how far she is away from me, I can feel it. Mom, don't you? You can also feel that I am thinking of you Is it?" Claire turned her head to Annie again, looking innocent.

"Yes, Claire, Mom can feel it!" Annie could only follow Claire's words.

"Damn it!" Thomas cursed secretly, then turned to Claire and smiled, "I missed you, but... just because you didn't feel it for some special reason, then... now you are willing to be with me Shall we go to play together? We can go to the barbecue and play in the national park as before."

"Thomas!" Annie said suddenly, "Where do you live now?"

"Me?" Thomas rubbed his hands embarrassedly, "I just borrowed to live in a friend's house temporarily, so... don't worry, it's near Billy Foshan Village, very close to here, as long as you can Claire can send it here, my car has been mortgaged... God knows, I'm bankrupt, Annie!"

"Looking at what you are now, I'm a bit prepared." Annie nodded, then took out the checkbook, quickly signed it, then tore it off, handed it to Thomas and said, "This is a little bit of my heart. It’s enough for you to rent a house and start looking for a job again, and start over again, okay?" Annie's heart is still kind, and she once again gave Thomas a cash check for $50,000.

Thomas took the check with a trembling hand, then nodded vigorously and said, "You are right, Annie, this is what I owe you. I will give it back to you. I can start over again, right? I know, you. Now that I have a good home, working in Zhen’s clinic, this is the best thing. cohabiting, right? I know that Zhen will help you. Isn’t it, Zhen?" She smiled flatteringly at Zhen Fan, "You are now a famous rich man in Los Angeles. I am happy for Anne and Claire. When we were neighbors, we didn't expect to be like this. Really, this It’s my blessing. It’s not easy to change from a neighbor to a couple. Cherish it, Annie!"

Zhen Fan is a bit speechless, what kind of person is this. But out of politeness he nodded. Annie also flushed flush, and gave Thomas a fierce look, trying to say something, but she endured it and still didn't say it.

Thomas had already taken a sip of the coffee quickly and with high sex. Then he stood up and said to Zhen Fan and Annie: "Okay, I know you are my lucky stars. That's it. Today, I'm very happy, really See you guys!" As he said, he stood up hurriedly, "Goodbye, I have to go, I still have something urgent!" He hurriedly left the table and walked towards the door. As he walked, he said to the waiter: "Zhen will pay me the bill!"

Watching Thomas leave quickly, Annie was stunned. She was wondering why Thomas left like this. Didn't he say he wanted to see Claire? Claire was by his side now, but Thomas had spoken to Claire a total of two or three sentences before leaving in a hurry.

"Claire... Claire..." Annie suddenly turned around and saw that Claire's eyes were filled with tears, she couldn't help but yelled a little impatiently, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Claire, Mom shouldn't let you come. It's my fault, I'm sorry, Claire!" Annie turned around and hugged Claire gently.

Claire's tears flowed down the skirt of Annie's clothes, and choked, "It's not your fault, Mom, it's Dad's fault. He...he doesn't miss me at all. I can feel it. He doesn't miss me, he is Claire's father, but... why did he leave like this?"

Zhen Fan saw someone in the cafe looking over here, and hurriedly greeted the waiter: "Bring the bill here." The waiter quickly handed over the bill. Zhen Fan paid the bill in cash, and then took out twenty. U.S. dollars, gave the waiter a tip, which made the waiter a little overjoyed, and respectfully sent Zhen Fan, Annie and Claire out the door.

Without getting in the car immediately, Zhen Fan wanted to walk with Annie and the others, which was a relief. Annie put her hand in Zhen Fan’s arms and walked slowly, Claire was gently picked up by Zhen Fan, Claire leaned her head on Zhen Fan’s shoulder, and her little shoulder shrugged. Shrugging.

"After all... he is Claire's father. This kind of emotion cannot be cut off by a child who swears. Claire was injured by him. I don't know what to do... Maybe I really shouldn't give him that one. Check." Annie leaned her head gently on Zhen Fan's shoulder, and now the three of them were standing facing the sea. In the horizontal chain money, quietly let the sea breeze blow.

"You're doing your part." Zhen Fan smiled and looked at Annie. "But...I don't think you are really rich and you are so generous. Actually... I think ten thousand dollars is enough!"

"You... still have the mind to discuss this!" Annie gave Zhen Fan a soft punch, and couldn't help but laugh. The emotions of the two also infected Claire, but she still hugged Zhen with both hands tightly. Fan's neck leaned his small head on Zhen Fan's shoulder, not wanting to move, because it was so comfortable.

" If... Thomas comes to pick you up, will you go with you?" Zhen Fan suddenly asked Claire.

"I don't know, maybe he will, he is my dad. He used to be!" Claire shook his head, and said with some uncertainty, "Maybe I can discuss it with Maria, and she will sometimes give I have some ideas." Zhen Fan and Annie were speechless.

Ask Maria's opinion? These two little girls really have their own opinions, and you can discuss this kind of things by yourself. But fortunately, the two sisters should be like this, Zhen Fan and Annie smiled at each other, and were not going to interfere with their affairs.

"Why did you ask?" Annie looked at Zhen Fan and asked with some worry.

"I don't know, it's just... it's just a hunch." Zhen Fan looked at Annie and said, "You know, I used to change Thomas for Thomas. According to reason, he shouldn't be so downhearted. But now he is like this. Obviously... his fate has changed again, that is, he has met someone who can change his fate, so I have to be cautious."

Hearing what Zhen Fan said, Annie couldn't help but grasped Zhen Fan's arm tightly, her face turned pale. (To be continued...) u

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