The American Scripture

Chapter 1262: Delicate heart

Leidel Dumaz was not so easy to be spotted. Christina wanted to follow Zhen Fan to Africa, but Miles did not do it, so in the end, Christina did not follow, but continued to follow Miles in Loch Ness. Investigate Leidel Dumaz and find out if there are energy meteorites here. ↖↖,

"Look at what you did!" Christina put down the phone and snorted to Leder Dumaz, "I said you are a bastard. I know I caused this thing, but... Can’t I do more important things first? Do you know the value of which ancient creatures found in Africa? Their value far exceeds these so-called energy meteorites. The discovery of these fossils may rewrite the history of earth’s civilization. My God, what have you done?" Christina waved her hands, and then took two steps forward.

"In one sentence, Christina was taken aback. The steps she had just taken couldn't stop, she stepped on a piece of soft you, and this piece of slime fell down immediately, and her whole body was out of balance. The next moment Her body disappeared. Below is the cliff.

Christina's whole heart sank, thinking that she was in disaster this time, but she didn't expect her body to soften just now. When she fell to the cliff, she suddenly grabbed her arm with one hand, and then she felt that her body was like clouds and mist. The same was torn up and landed on the ground. Before standing still, I saw Miles looking at her with a smirk.

"You owe me another life!" Miles laughed happily, let go, and took out the kettle from his backpack. Then he took a few mouthfuls and threw them to Christina. Walked a few steps forward and stood on the edge of the cliff. Looking at the entire Loch Ness from a high mountain, I couldn't help but say with emotion, "The range here is too big, and it is difficult for us to find the **** Dumaz. Even the water monster, I think it is rare to meet. The key is to find Where is the energy point. It’s strange that we have been walking for a day, but I can’t find the energy source at all, because I don’t seem to sense the energy point here."

"There is no mountain, not necessarily underwater." Christina also walked over. Standing on the edge of the cliff and looking at the entire Loch Ness, "the deepest place here is 975 feet, so with the thickness of such a deep water, is it not easy to detect energy?" She looked at it. Look at Miles, "Don't you check the information when you come?"

Nine hundred and seventy-five feet is almost three hundred meters deep. Such a depth of water is not comparable to that of Tianchi, even Tianchi can hide those energy. So the reason Christina guessed is very likely.

Miles smiled wryly. Looked at Christina: "At least we have to see the water monster first, otherwise...Who knows if there are any monsters here, but...we must at least get some food now. This is too far from the mountain, Get the materials on the spot. I'll get some game!" He said to Christina, "it's not early, set up the tent. Let's spend the night here!"

Christina didn't say anything, when she used to do archeology. They often set up tents in the wild. Miles went out for a while, and instead came two rabbits. There are also two pheasants. But when Miles returned, Christina's tent was still complete. So Miles helped set up another tent.

Then it started to make dinner. Miles is very good at this. He skillfully removes the hair and internal organs of the hare and pheasant, skins the rabbit, and then the rabbit meat is grilled. The pheasant is actually learning from Zhen Fan to make a chicken. This guy learned to pick up girls with Zhen Fan, and also learned to eat with Zhen Fan. He is learning how to enjoy everything.

Watching Miles pull out the seasoning bottles from her backpack, Christina was a little dumbfounded. She just couldn't get her hands in, but after hesitating for a long time, she tentatively said: "You... still bring these things? Is this a big bag for carrying this?"

"No, I won’t take something with me when I’m out. I bought it when I arrived in the UK, but it’s hard to buy all the spices here. If you add some spices, I promise you tonight I’ll enjoy a meal I’ve never enjoyed before. It’s worth your lifetime!” Miles was willing to show off his craft in front of Christina, and while talking, he took a knife and marked the grilled bunny meat. Button, and then constantly brush the seasoning, brush and oil on it, just like kebabs.

Here is already full of fragrance. Smelling the smell is pretty good, Christina nodded in a rare nod, and said in approval: "It seems that you are not worthless with the boss. At least there is still a great future in this cooking. Don't be a doctor and switch to the catering industry?"

"Haha, you just switched to catering. Tell you, Master has already told me that I will open a Chinese medicine clinic in Miami in the future, and I will be in Miami, and there will be a villa the same as Master, not too far away. , My future is great, envy you?" Miles said triumphantly.

"Envy? Hey, don't you know that I recently made a small fortune? Oh... By the way, someone didn't get the money and was a little bit lost, right?" Christina also laughed and joked, she won Zhen Fan I divided 100 million dollars, and now I'm laughing at Miles.

"Okay, okay, you won!" Miles raised his hands, then tore off a piece of rabbit hind leg meat and handed it to Christina, took out a tissue from his backpack, handed it over, and threw a plastic sheet On the floor, "Let’s enjoy our dinner, hurry up, yes... I know you didn’t prepare these, although you prepared the materials." He said, handed Christina a can of mosquito spray, and took out I took the anti-mosquito plaster and handed it over.

"You don't need it?" Christina couldn't help but ask when he saw him hand over the item, "Do you have any more?"

"I don’t need it. I brought it specifically for you. Take it. I still use this? Then I learned it for nothing from Master in the past few years, so take it. Just put it in your backpack!" Miles laughed blankly, as if he had heard something funny.

Christina looked at Miles, then took it, and asked seriously: "What did you learn from the boss? Why is it so amazing? I think your battle with those people... is not a level at all, like It's like Superman. It has the same ability as the superhero in the comics, and no bullet can shoot you.

Miles smiled: "Daoshu, what Master gave me is an ancient method of training in China, which can improve people's abilities. Even without the energy of meteorites, they can learn from Taoshu. Energy is generated in the body, so these things you see me are not magical, my master is the most magical person... how to say? Like the God you believe in, almost omnipotent, as long as he If you want."

"It's the same as a Hollywood science fiction movie?" Christina tilted her head and looked at Miles. "Will he come back to life? Or will it be overwhelmed? I can hardly imagine what kind of situation this is. It just feels like the movie "Super Like "Body", after a person’s energy is infinitely amplified, he will become God, omnipresent and omnipotent."

"Perhaps, the legend of God is true, but the God we see is someone like my master!" Miles casually threw a branch into the fire. "Why are you interested in talking about this? This is not your style. I think scientists like you will only be interested in science, and ours is pseudo-science in your opinion."

Christina stopped speaking and put the meat of the rabbit leg into her mouth, and it tasted good. This guy really learned a lot from Zhen Fan. Lust, gluttonous, particular about life, etc. Thinking of this, Christina suddenly felt that she didn't need to be true to Miles, so she ate, couldn't help but laugh with a "pounce".

Miles watched Christina smile for no reason, and couldn't help but shook his head: "The biggest problem with a woman like you is inexplicable and self-righteous. I don't know how you can be a good assistant with a character like you. I really don't know that my master has taken it What's your point. But... Since we are partners now, we have to tolerate and cooperate with each other!"

Christina nodded and said: "You are right, I know what you mean. Although we have been unable to get together, we have a common goal, so we must tolerate each other and get things done together. I agree, for this, it’s worth having a drink with you, but there is no wine here... No, since you inherited your master’s character, since you can do so much food, you will definitely not bring wine without it. Yes, take it out, and I will take a bite too!"

"Okay, okay, I admit that you are really amazing!" Myers muttered, and had to admit that he didn't have the delicate thoughts of Christina, and then he took out a wine bottle from his backpack. Is it h?c? d Wine, Christina's eyes lit up when she saw it, then she took it, opened the bottle, and took a sip as soon as she raised her head.

Both rabbit meat and chicken are delicious, but Christina obviously doesn't eat much. After eating a chicken, I can no longer eat anything else. I watched with envy as Miles dealt with the rest one by one. Except for a rabbit leg, the rest of the rabbit meat and a chicken were wiped out by him alone. After the two ate them, they collected the bones, dug a small hole, and buried them.

After eating, the two sat on the edge of the cliff, looking at Loch Ness and chatting. Christina looked at Miles, still with a casual, lazy smile, and she couldn't help but smile when she looked at Loch Ness. She didn't mean to fight him or argue with him, but through the past few days, she also slowly realized that there was actually a delicate heart under the lazy appearance. (To be continued...) u

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